10,087 research outputs found

    Exploring single-sample SNP and INDEL calling with whole-genome de novo assembly

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    Motivation: Eugene Myers in his string graph paper (Myers, 2005) suggested that in a string graph or equivalently a unitig graph, any path spells a valid assembly. As a string/unitig graph also encodes every valid assembly of reads, such a graph, provided that it can be constructed correctly, is in fact a lossless representation of reads. In principle, every analysis based on whole-genome shotgun sequencing (WGS) data, such as SNP and insertion/deletion (INDEL) calling, can also be achieved with unitigs. Results: To explore the feasibility of using de novo assembly in the context of resequencing, we developed a de novo assembler, fermi, that assembles Illumina short reads into unitigs while preserving most of information of the input reads. SNPs and INDELs can be called by mapping the unitigs against a reference genome. By applying the method on 35-fold human resequencing data, we showed that in comparison to the standard pipeline, our approach yields similar accuracy for SNP calling and better results for INDEL calling. It has higher sensitivity than other de novo assembly based methods for variant calling. Our work suggests that variant calling with de novo assembly be a beneficial complement to the standard variant calling pipeline for whole-genome resequencing. In the methodological aspects, we proposed FMD-index for forward-backward extension of DNA sequences, a fast algorithm for finding all super-maximal exact matches and one-pass construction of unitigs from an FMD-index. Availability: http://github.com/lh3/fermi Contact: [email protected]: Rev2: submitted version with minor improvements; 7 page

    Cerulean: A hybrid assembly using high throughput short and long reads

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    Genome assembly using high throughput data with short reads, arguably, remains an unresolvable task in repetitive genomes, since when the length of a repeat exceeds the read length, it becomes difficult to unambiguously connect the flanking regions. The emergence of third generation sequencing (Pacific Biosciences) with long reads enables the opportunity to resolve complicated repeats that could not be resolved by the short read data. However, these long reads have high error rate and it is an uphill task to assemble the genome without using additional high quality short reads. Recently, Koren et al. 2012 proposed an approach to use high quality short reads data to correct these long reads and, thus, make the assembly from long reads possible. However, due to the large size of both dataset (short and long reads), error-correction of these long reads requires excessively high computational resources, even on small bacterial genomes. In this work, instead of error correction of long reads, we first assemble the short reads and later map these long reads on the assembly graph to resolve repeats. Contribution: We present a hybrid assembly approach that is both computationally effective and produces high quality assemblies. Our algorithm first operates with a simplified version of the assembly graph consisting only of long contigs and gradually improves the assembly by adding smaller contigs in each iteration. In contrast to the state-of-the-art long reads error correction technique, which requires high computational resources and long running time on a supercomputer even for bacterial genome datasets, our software can produce comparable assembly using only a standard desktop in a short running time.Comment: Peer-reviewed and presented as part of the 13th Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI2013

    Linking de novo assembly results with long DNA reads by dnaasm-link application

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    Currently, third-generation sequencing techniques, which allow to obtain much longer DNA reads compared to the next-generation sequencing technologies, are becoming more and more popular. There are many possibilities to combine data from next-generation and third-generation sequencing. Herein, we present a new application called dnaasm-link for linking contigs, a result of \textit{de novo} assembly of second-generation sequencing data, with long DNA reads. Our tool includes an integrated module to fill gaps with a suitable fragment of appropriate long DNA read, which improves the consistency of the resulting DNA sequences. This feature is very important, in particular for complex DNA regions, as presented in the paper. Finally, our implementation outperforms other state-of-the-art tools in terms of speed and memory requirements, which may enable the usage of the presented application for organisms with a large genome, which is not possible in~existing applications. The presented application has many advantages as (i) significant memory optimization and reduction of computation time (ii) filling the gaps through the appropriate fragment of a specified long DNA read (iii) reducing number of spanned and unspanned gaps in the existing genome drafts. The application is freely available to all users under GNU Library or Lesser General Public License version 3.0 (LGPLv3). The demo application, docker image and source code are available at http://dnaasm.sourceforge.net.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    Haplotype Assembly: An Information Theoretic View

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    This paper studies the haplotype assembly problem from an information theoretic perspective. A haplotype is a sequence of nucleotide bases on a chromosome, often conveniently represented by a binary string, that differ from the bases in the corresponding positions on the other chromosome in a homologous pair. Information about the order of bases in a genome is readily inferred using short reads provided by high-throughput DNA sequencing technologies. In this paper, the recovery of the target pair of haplotype sequences using short reads is rephrased as a joint source-channel coding problem. Two messages, representing haplotypes and chromosome memberships of reads, are encoded and transmitted over a channel with erasures and errors, where the channel model reflects salient features of high-throughput sequencing. The focus of this paper is on the required number of reads for reliable haplotype reconstruction, and both the necessary and sufficient conditions are presented with order-wise optimal bounds.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, 1 tabel, journa

    Extreme Scale De Novo Metagenome Assembly

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    Metagenome assembly is the process of transforming a set of short, overlapping, and potentially erroneous DNA segments from environmental samples into the accurate representation of the underlying microbiomes's genomes. State-of-the-art tools require big shared memory machines and cannot handle contemporary metagenome datasets that exceed Terabytes in size. In this paper, we introduce the MetaHipMer pipeline, a high-quality and high-performance metagenome assembler that employs an iterative de Bruijn graph approach. MetaHipMer leverages a specialized scaffolding algorithm that produces long scaffolds and accommodates the idiosyncrasies of metagenomes. MetaHipMer is end-to-end parallelized using the Unified Parallel C language and therefore can run seamlessly on shared and distributed-memory systems. Experimental results show that MetaHipMer matches or outperforms the state-of-the-art tools in terms of accuracy. Moreover, MetaHipMer scales efficiently to large concurrencies and is able to assemble previously intractable grand challenge metagenomes. We demonstrate the unprecedented capability of MetaHipMer by computing the first full assembly of the Twitchell Wetlands dataset, consisting of 7.5 billion reads - size 2.6 TBytes.Comment: Accepted to SC1

    Minimum error correction-based haplotype assembly: considerations for long read data

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    The single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) is the most widely studied type of genetic variation. A haplotype is defined as the sequence of alleles at SNP sites on each haploid chromosome. Haplotype information is essential in unravelling the genome-phenotype association. Haplotype assembly is a well-known approach for reconstructing haplotypes, exploiting reads generated by DNA sequencing devices. The Minimum Error Correction (MEC) metric is often used for reconstruction of haplotypes from reads. However, problems with the MEC metric have been reported. Here, we investigate the MEC approach to demonstrate that it may result in incorrectly reconstructed haplotypes for devices that produce error-prone long reads. Specifically, we evaluate this approach for devices developed by Illumina, Pacific BioSciences and Oxford Nanopore Technologies. We show that imprecise haplotypes may be reconstructed with a lower MEC than that of the exact haplotype. The performance of MEC is explored for different coverage levels and error rates of data. Our simulation results reveal that in order to avoid incorrect MEC-based haplotypes, a coverage of 25 is needed for reads generated by Pacific BioSciences RS systems.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Optimal Assembly for High Throughput Shotgun Sequencing

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    We present a framework for the design of optimal assembly algorithms for shotgun sequencing under the criterion of complete reconstruction. We derive a lower bound on the read length and the coverage depth required for reconstruction in terms of the repeat statistics of the genome. Building on earlier works, we design a de Brujin graph based assembly algorithm which can achieve very close to the lower bound for repeat statistics of a wide range of sequenced genomes, including the GAGE datasets. The results are based on a set of necessary and sufficient conditions on the DNA sequence and the reads for reconstruction. The conditions can be viewed as the shotgun sequencing analogue of Ukkonen-Pevzner's necessary and sufficient conditions for Sequencing by Hybridization.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figure