13 research outputs found

    DCU search runs at MediaEval 2014 search and hyperlinking

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    We described Dublin City University (DCU)'s participation in the Search sub-task of the Search and Hyperlinking Task at MediaEval 2014. Exploratory experiments were carried out to investigate the utility of prosodic prominence features in the task of retrieving relevant video segments from a collection of BBC videos. Normalised acoustic correlates of loudness, pitch, and duration were incorporated in a standard TF-IDF weighting scheme to increase weights for terms that were prominent in speech. Prosodic models outperformed a text-based TF-IDF baseline on the training set but failed to surpass the baseline on the test set

    SAVA at MediaEval 2015: search and anchoring in video archives

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    The Search and Anchoring in Video Archives (SAVA) task at MediaEval 2015 consists of two sub-tasks: (i) search for multimedia content within a video archive using multimodal queries referring to information contained in the audio and visual streams/content, and (ii) automatic selection of video segments within a list of videos that can be used as anchors for further hyperlinking within the archive. The task used a collection of roughly 2700 hours of the BBC broadcast TV material for the former sub-task, and about 70 les taken from this collection for the latter sub-task. The search sub-task is based on an ad-hoc retrieval scenario, and is evaluated using a pooling procedure across participants submissions with crowdsourcing relevance assessment using Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). The evaluation used metrics that are variations of MAP adjusted for this task. For the anchor selection sub-task overlapping regions of interest across participants submissions were assessed using MTurk workers, and mean reciprocal rank (MRR), precision and recall were calculated for evaluation

    The search and hyperlinking task at MediaEval 2014

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    The Search and Hyperlinking Task at MediaEval 2014 is the third edition of this task. As in previous versions, it consisted of two sub-tasks: (i) answering search queries from a collection of roughly 2700 hours of BBC broadcast TV material, and (ii) linking anchor segments from within the videos to other target segments within the video collection. For MediaEval 2014, both sub-tasks were based on an ad-hoc retrieval scenario, and were evaluated using a pooling procedure across participants submissions with crowdsourcing relevance assessment using Amazon Mechanical Turk

    SAVA at MediaEval 2015: Search and Anchoring in Video Archives

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    ABSTRACT The Search and Anchoring in Video Archives (SAVA) task at MediaEval 2015 consists of two sub-tasks: (i) search for multimedia content within a video archive using multimodal queries referring to information contained in the audio and visual streams/content, and (ii) automatic selection of video segments within a list of videos that can be used as anchors for further hyperlinking within the archive. The task used a collection of roughly 2700 hours of the BBC broadcast TV material for the former sub-task, and about 70 files taken from this collection for the latter sub-task. The search subtask is based on an ad-hoc retrieval scenario, and is evaluated using a pooling procedure across participants submissions with crowdsourcing relevance assessment using Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk). The evaluation used metrics that are variations of MAP adjusted for this task. For the anchor selection sub-task overlapping regions of interest across participants submissions were assessed using MTurk workers, and mean reciprocal rank (MRR), precision and recall were calculated for evaluation

    DCU at the NTCIR-11 SpokenQuery&Doc task

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    We describe DCU's participation in the NTCIR-11 Spoken-Query&Document task. We participated in the spoken query spoken content retrieval (SQ-SCR) subtask by using the slide group segments as basic indexing and retrieval units. Our approach integrates normalised prosodic features into a standard BM25 weighting function to increase weights for terms that are prominent in speech. Text queries and relevance assessment data from the NTCIR-10 SpokenDoc-2 passage retrieval task were used to train the prosodic-based models. Evaluation results indicate that our prosodic-based retrieval models do not provide significant improvements over a text-based BM25 model, but suggest that they can be useful for certain queries

    Deliverable D1.6 Intelligent hypervideo analysis evaluation, final results

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    This deliverable describes the conducted evaluation activities for assessing the performance of a number of developed methods for intelligent hypervideo analysis and the usability of the implemented Editor Tool for supporting video annotation and enrichment. Based on the performance evaluations reported in D1.4 regarding a set of LinkedTV analysis components, we extended our experiments for assessing the effectiveness of newer versions of these methods as well as of entirely new techniques, concerning the accuracy and the time efficiency of the analysis. For this purpose, in-house experiments and participations at international benchmarking activities were made, and the outcomes are reported in this deliverable. Moreover, we present the results of user trials regarding the developed Editor Tool, where groups of experts assessed its usability and the supported functionalities, and evaluated the usefulness and the accuracy of the implemented video segmentation approaches based on the analysis requirements of the LinkedTV scenarios. By this deliverable we complete the reporting of WP1 evaluations that aimed to assess the efficiency of the developed multimedia analysis methods throughout the project, according to the analysis requirements of the LinkedTV scenarios

    Deliverable D2.7 Final Linked Media Layer and Evaluation

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    This deliverable presents the evaluation of content annotation and content enrichment systems that are part of the final tool set developed within the LinkedTV consortium. The evaluations were performed on both the Linked News and Linked Culture trial content, as well as on other content annotated for this purpose. The evaluation spans three languages: German (Linked News), Dutch (Linked Culture) and English. Selected algorithms and tools were also subject to benchmarking in two international contests: MediaEval 2014 and TAC’14. Additionally, the Microposts 2015 NEEL Challenge is being organized with the support of LinkedTV

    Augmenting automatic speech recognition and search models for spoken content retrieval

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    Spoken content retrieval (SCR) is a process to provide a user with spoken documents in which the user is potentially interested. Unlike textual documents, searching through speech is not trivial due to its representation. Generally, automatic speech recognition (ASR) is used to transcribe spoken content such as user-generated videos and podcast episodes into transcripts before search operations are performed. Despite recent improvements in ASR, transcription errors can still be present in automatic transcripts. This is in particular when ASR is applied to out-of-domain data or speech with background noise. This thesis explores improvement of ASR systems and search models for enhanced SCR on user-generated spoken content. There are three topics explored in this thesis. Firstly, the use of multimodal signals for ASR is investigated. This is motivated to integrate background contexts of spoken content into ASR. Integration of visual signals and document metadata into ASR is hypothesised to produce transcripts more aligned to background contexts of speech. Secondly, the use of semi-supervised training and content genre information from metadata are exploited for ASR. This approach is motivated to mitigate the transcription errors caused by recognition of out-of-domain speech. Thirdly, the use of neural models and the model extension using N-best ASR transcripts are investigated. Using ASR N-best transcripts instead of 1-best for search models is motivated because "key terms" missed in 1-best can be present in the N-best transcripts. A series of experiments are conducted to examine those approaches to improvement of ASR systems and search models. The findings suggest that semi-supervised training bring practical improvement of ASR systems for SCR and the use of neural ranking models in particular with N-best transcripts improve the result of known-item search over the baseline BM25 model

    Spoken content retrieval beyond pipeline integration of automatic speech recognition and information retrieval

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    The dramatic increase in the creation of multimedia content is leading to the development of large archives in which a substantial amount of the information is in spoken form. Efficient access to this information requires effective spoken content retrieval (SCR) methods. Traditionally, SCR systems have focused on a pipeline integration of two fundamental technologies: transcription using automatic speech recognition (ASR) and search supported using text-based information retrieval (IR). Existing SCR approaches estimate the relevance of a spoken retrieval item based on the lexical overlap between a user’s query and the textual transcriptions of the items. However, the speech signal contains other potentially valuable non-lexical information that remains largely unexploited by SCR approaches. Particularly, acoustic correlates of speech prosody, that have been shown useful to identify salient words and determine topic changes, have not been exploited by existing SCR approaches. In addition, the temporal nature of multimedia content means that accessing content is a user intensive, time consuming process. In order to minimise user effort in locating relevant content, SCR systems could suggest playback points in retrieved content indicating the locations where the system believes relevant information may be found. This typically requires adopting a segmentation mechanism for splitting documents into smaller “elements” to be ranked and from which suitable playback points could be selected. Existing segmentation approaches do not generalise well to every possible information need or provide robustness to ASR errors. This thesis extends SCR beyond the standard ASR and IR pipeline approach by: (i) exploring the utilisation of prosodic information as complementary evidence of topical relevance to enhance current SCR approaches; (ii) determining elements of content that, when retrieved, minimise user search effort and provide increased robustness to ASR errors; and (iii) developing enhanced evaluation measures that could better capture the factors that affect user satisfaction in SCR