17 research outputs found

    Wideband cyclostationary spectrum sensing and characterization for cognitive radios

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    Motivated by the spectrum scarcity problem, Cognitive Radios (CRs) have been proposed as a solution to opportunistically communicate over unused spectrum licensed to Primary users (PUs). In this context, the unlicensed Secondary users (SUs) sense the spectrum to detect the presence or absence of PUs, and use the unoccupied bands without causing interference to PUs. CRs are equipped with capabilities such as, learning, adaptability, and recongurability, and are spectrum aware. Spectrum awareness comes from spectrum sensing, and it can be performed using different techniques

    Interference mitigation in wideband radios using spectrum correlation and neural network

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    Technologies such as cognitive radio and dynamic spectrum access rely on spectrum sensing which provides wireless devices with information about the radio spectrum in the surrounding environment. One of the main challenges in wireless communications is the interference caused by malicious users on the shared spectrum. In this manuscript, an artificial intelligence enabled cognitive radio framework is proposed at system-level as part of a cyclic spectrum intelligence algorithm for interference mitigation in wideband radios. It exploits the cyclostationary feature of signals to differentiate users with different modulation schemes and an artificial neural network as classifier to detect potential malicious users. A dataset consisting of experimental modulated and dynamic signals is recorded by spectrum measurements with an in-house software defined radio testbed and then processed. Cyclostationary features are extracted for each detected signal and fed to a neural network classifier as training and testing data in a complex and dynamic scenario. Results highlight a classification rate of 3c1 3c1 1 in most of cases, even at low transmission power. A comparison with two previous works with hand-crafted features, which employ an energy detector-based classifier and a naive Bayes-based classifier, respectively, is discussed

    PHY-layer Security in Cognitive Radio Networks through Learning Deep Generative Models: an AI-based approach

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    PhD ThesisRecently, Cognitive Radio (CR) has been intended as an intelligent radio endowed with cognition which can be developed by implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. Specifically, data-driven Self-Awareness (SA) functionalities, such as detection of spectrum abnormalities, can be effectively implemented as shown by the proposed research. One important application is PHY-layer security since it is essential to establish secure wireless communications against external jamming attacks. In this framework, signals are non-stationary and features from such kind of dynamic spectrum, with multiple high sampling rate signals, are then extracted through the Stockwell Transform (ST) with dual-resolution which has been proposed and validated in this work as part of spectrum sensing techniques. Afterwards, analysis of the state-of-the-art about learning dynamic models from observed features describes theoretical aspects of Machine Learning (ML). In particular, following the recent advances of ML, learning deep generative models with several layers of non-linear processing has been selected as AI method for the proposed spectrum abnormality detection in CR for a brain-inspired, data-driven SA. In the proposed approach, the features extracted from the ST representation of the wideband spectrum are organized in a high-dimensional generalized state vector and, then, a generative model is learned and employed to detect any deviation from normal situations in the analysed spectrum (abnormal signals or behaviours). Specifically, conditional GAN (C-GAN), auxiliary classifier GAN (AC-GAN), and deep VAE have been considered as deep generative models. A dataset of a dynamic spectrum with multi-OFDM signals has been generated by using the National Instruments mm-Wave Transceiver which operates at 28 GHz (central carrier frequency) with 800 MHz frequency range. Training of the deep generative model is performed on the generalized state vector representing the mmWave spectrum with normality pattern without any malicious activity. Testing is based on new and independent data samples corresponding to abnormality pattern where the moving signal follows a different behaviour which has not been observed during training. An abnormality indicator is measured and used for the binary classification (normality hypothesis otherwise abnormality hypothesis), while the performance of the generative models is evaluated and compared through ROC curves and accuracy metrics

    Data-Driven Approach based on Deep Learning and Probabilistic Models for PHY-Layer Security in AI-enabled Cognitive Radio IoT.

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    PhD Theses.Cognitive Radio Internet of Things (CR-IoT) has revolutionized almost every eld of life and reshaped the technological world. Several tiny devices are seamlessly connected in a CR-IoT network to perform various tasks in many applications. Nevertheless, CR-IoT su ers from malicious attacks that pulverize communication and perturb network performance. Therefore, recently it is envisaged to introduce higher-level Arti cial Intelligence (AI) by incorporating Self-Awareness (SA) capabilities into CR-IoT objects to facilitate CR-IoT networks to establish secure transmission against vicious attacks autonomously. In this context, sub-band information from the Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) modulated transmission in the spectrum has been extracted from the radio device receiver terminal, and a generalized state vector (GS) is formed containing low dimension in-phase and quadrature components. Accordingly, a probabilistic method based on learning a switching Dynamic Bayesian Network (DBN) from OFDM transmission with no abnormalities has been proposed to statistically model signal behaviors inside the CR-IoT spectrum. A Bayesian lter, Markov Jump Particle Filter (MJPF), is implemented to perform state estimation and capture malicious attacks. Subsequently, GS containing a higher number of subcarriers has been investigated. In this connection, Variational autoencoders (VAE) is used as a deep learning technique to extract features from high dimension radio signals into low dimension latent space z, and DBN is learned based on GS containing latent space data. Afterward, to perform state estimation and capture abnormalities in a spectrum, Adapted-Markov Jump Particle Filter (A-MJPF) is deployed. The proposed method can capture anomaly that appears due to either jammer attacks in transmission or cognitive devices in a network experiencing di erent transmission sources that have not been observed previously. The performance is assessed using the receiver

    Cognitive radio networks : quality of service considerations and enhancements

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    The explosive growth of wireless and mobile networks, such as the Internet of Things and 5G, has led to a massive number of devices that primarily use wireless channels within a limited range of the radio frequency spectrum (RFS). The use of RFS is heavily regulated, both nationally and internationally, and is divided into licensed and unlicensed bands. While many of the licensed wireless bands are underutilised, useable unlicensed bands are usually overcrowded, making the efficient use of RFS one of the critical challenges faced by future wireless communication technologies. The cognitive radio (CR) concept is proposed as a promising solution for the underutilisation of useful RFS bands. Fundamentally, CR technology is based on determining the unoccupied licensed RFS bands, called spectrum white spaces or holes, and accessing them to achieve better RFS utilisation and transmission propagation. The holes are the frequencies unused by the licensed user, or primary user (PU). Based on spectrum sensing, a CR node, or secondary user (SU), senses the surrounding spectrum periodically to detect any potential PU transmission in the current channel and to identify the available spectrum holes. Under current RFS regulations, SUs may use spectrum holes as long as their transmissions do not interfere with those of the PU. However, effective spectrum sensing can introduce overheads to a CR node operation. Such overheads affect the quality of service (QoS) of the running applications. Reducing the sensing impact on the QoS is one of the key challenges to adopting CR technology, and more studies of QoS issues related to implementing CR features are needed. This thesis aims to address these QoS issues in CR while considered the enhancement of RFS utilisation. This study concentrates on the spectrum sensing function, among other CR functions, because of its major impact on QoS and spectrum utilisation. Several spectrum sensing methods are reviewed to identify potential research gaps in analysing and addressing related QoS implications. It has been found that none of the well-known sensing techniques is suitable for all the diverse QoS requirements and RFS conditions: in fact, higher accuracy sensing methods cause a significant QoS degradation, as illustrated by several simulations in this work. For instance, QoS degradation caused by high-accuracy sensing has not yet been addressed in the IEEE 802.11e QoS mechanism used in the proposed CR standard, IEEE 802.11af (or White-Fi). This study finds that most of the strategies proposed to conduct sensing are based on a fixed sensing method that is not adaptable to the changeable nature of QoS requirements. In contrast, this work confirms the necessity of using various sensing techniques and parameters during a CR node operation for better performance

    Spectrum sensing for cognitive radios: Algorithms, performance, and limitations

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    Inefficient use of radio spectrum is becoming a serious problem as more and more wireless systems are being developed to operate in crowded spectrum bands. Cognitive radio offers a novel solution to overcome the underutilization problem by allowing secondary usage of the spectrum resources along with high reliable communication. Spectrum sensing is a key enabler for cognitive radios. It identifies idle spectrum and provides awareness regarding the radio environment which are essential for the efficient secondary use of the spectrum and coexistence of different wireless systems. The focus of this thesis is on the local and cooperative spectrum sensing algorithms. Local sensing algorithms are proposed for detecting orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) based primary user (PU) transmissions using their autocorrelation property. The proposed autocorrelation detectors are simple and computationally efficient. Later, the algorithms are extended to the case of cooperative sensing where multiple secondary users (SUs) collaborate to detect a PU transmission. For cooperation, each SU sends a local decision statistic such as log-likelihood ratio (LLR) to the fusion center (FC) which makes a final decision. Cooperative sensing algorithms are also proposed using sequential and censoring methods. Sequential detection minimizes the average detection time while censoring scheme improves the energy efficiency. The performances of the proposed algorithms are studied through rigorous theoretical analyses and extensive simulations. The distributions of the decision statistics at the SU and the test statistic at the FC are established conditioned on either hypothesis. Later, the effects of quantization and reporting channel errors are considered. Main aim in studying the effects of quantization and channel errors on the cooperative sensing is to provide a framework for the designers to choose the operating values of the number of quantization bits and the target bit error probability (BEP) for the reporting channel such that the performance loss caused by these non-idealities is negligible. Later a performance limitation in the form of BEP wall is established for the cooperative sensing schemes in the presence of reporting channel errors. The BEP wall phenomenon is important as it provides the feasible values for the reporting channel BEP used for designing communication schemes between the SUs and the FC