16,464 research outputs found

    The predatory feeding of Acanthocyclops viridis (Jur.) (Copepoda, Cyclopoida). [Translation from: Trudy Inst.Biol.Vodokhranil. 2(5) 117-127, 1959. ]

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    The feeding of freshwater copepods, especially cyclopoida, has been poorly covered in research so far. The majority of existing special works on the feeding of cyclopoida illustrate this question only from the qualitative side. The food content of the nauplius of freshwater cyclops has not been studied at all, as also the feeding of adult entomostracans on bacteria. Moreover the question of the suitability of vegetable food for Cyclops is not clear enough. This article aims to elucidate as fully as possible the nutrition of Acanthocyclops viridis (Jur.) - a large cyclops, inhabiting the mass of demersal layers of the open parts of the Rybinsk reservoir and its foreshore. The present work is devoted only to the predatory feeding of A. viridis, and includes data from the content of the intestines of cyclops, collected in natural conditions, and also the results of experimental observations carried out in a laboratory during 1958

    The transcription factor NIN mediates a dynamic balance between gene activation and repression in L. japonicus

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    The Nodule inception (NIN) gene encodes a transcription factor positioned at the top level of the transcriptional regulatory cascade indispensable for the establishment of root nodule symbiosis (RNS), an intimate relationship between legumes and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Gaining insights into regulation and activity of this transcription factor, is pivotal for the mechanistic understanding of RNS development. A previous model suggested that NIN regulates its own expression via a negative feedback loop by binding to the NIN promoter and through protein-protein interaction between NIN and Cyclops (Doctoral thesis, Lambert, 2017). In this study, I confirmed that NIN is involved in the regulation of its own expression by comparing the NIN expression between wild type and the nin-2 mutant. In a transient transactivation assay in Nicotiana leaves, NIN inhibited the transactivation of all known CCaMK/Cyclops targets, namely NIN, ERN1 and RAM1. To elucidate the mechanism by which NIN interferes with the CCaMK/Cyclops activity, I tested whether NIN recognizes a specific sequence in the promoter of NIN. Such sequence was not detected; moreover, NIN was able to inhibit Cyclops transactivation activity independently of the Cyclops DNA binding sequence. These results suggest that the inhibition of Cyclops by NIN is not mediated at the level of DNA binding (for example by competition). The interaction between NIN and Cyclops was confirmed and the interaction domain was delimited to their N-terminal regions. However, the delimited interaction domain of Cyclops was dispensable for the NIN-mediated inhibition. In addition, the presence of autoactive CCaMK versions disrupted the Cyclops/NIN interaction in vivo, although NIN was able to inhibit NIN expression mediated by this complex. My data suggest that the Cyclops/NIN interaction and the NIN-mediated inhibition of the CCaMK/Cyclops complex are two independent processes. I tested the impact of amino and carboxy-terminal domains of NIN on the local inhibition of nodulation and in the transcriptional repression of NIN, and observed that both processes require the carboxyterminal domain, specifically the PB1 protein-protein interaction domain. The following model is suggested: NIN is present at basal levels and interacts with Cyclops; thus, repressing it. When calcium spiking occurs, CCaMK phosphorylates Cyclops and the Cyclops/NIN interaction is disrupted. Cyclops binds to the NIN promoter and transactivates its expression (Singh et al., 2014). Once the NIN protein concentration increases, NIN inhibits the transactivation of Cyclops by possibly recruiting other PB1-containing protein. This could be a mechanism that allows a rapid response against further infection by rhizobia in an autoregulation of nodulation (AON)-independent manner

    Cloud-based Content Distribution on a Budget

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    To leverage the elastic nature of cloud computing, a solution provider must be able to accurately gauge demand for its offering. For applications that involve swarm-to-cloud interactions, gauging such demand is not straightforward. In this paper, we propose a general framework, analyze a mathematical model, and present a prototype implementation of a canonical swarm-to-cloud application, namely peer-assisted content delivery. Our system – called Cyclops – dynamically adjusts the off-cloud bandwidth consumed by content servers (which represents the bulk of the provider's cost) to feed a set of swarming clients, based on a feedback signal that gauges the real-time health of the swarm. Our extensive evaluation of Cyclops in a variety of settings – including controlled PlanetLab and live Internet experiments involving thousands of users – show significant reduction in content distribution costs (by as much as two orders of magnitude) when compared to non-feedback-based swarming solutions, with minor impact on content delivery times

    Mit cyklopa w antyku i literaturze hiszpańskiej złotych wieków

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    W literaturze starożytnej obecne są dwa, biegunowo odmienne, motywy podania o Cyklopie: epicki, znany z IX ks. Odysei, przywołany później i poddany modyfikacji przez Eurypidesa w dramacie satyrowym Cyklop oraz liryczno-erotyczny spopularyzowany przez Teokryta w XI sielance, Skargi Cyklopa. Wersję Teokryta rozbudował Owidiusz w XIII ks. Metamorfoz. Pomostem między obydwoma wariantami mitycznymi jest tzw. dytyramb Filoksenosa z Kytery. Mit Polifema, głównie w postaci, jaką nadał mu Owidiusz, przewija się przez hiszpański wiek XVI aż do początku kolejnego stulecia, znajdując wielu naśladowców i tłumaczy. Pod koniec XVI wieku sięga do niego również Lope de Vega w powieści pasterskiej La Arcadia (1598), nadając mu formę tradycyjnej hiszpańskiej strofy romance. Mit stanowi odbicie historii będącej przedmiotem narracji, wzbogacając powieść o elementy perspektywy autobiograficznej. W Fábula de Polifemo (1612) Luisa de Góngory mit ulega całkowitej transformacji. W jego interpretacji przeważają barokowe kontrasty i hiperbola. Struktura dzieła oparta jest na zbieżności przeciwieństw: potworności Polifema i piękna Galatei. Mit staje się też okazją do transpozycji koncepcji piękna, wywodzącej się od petrarkizmu: obserwować można dominantę planu metaforycznego, zastępującego elementy rzeczywistości

    Cyclops singularis Einsle (1996) in Oxford, a new British record

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    The authors report the record of Cyclops singularis collected from Peasemoor Piece, a seasonal pond on the outskirts of Oxford. This preliminary note is to alert others to the possibility that C singularis may occur in collections from seasonal ponds in the UK. The recent record of this species in Belgium (Alekseev et al. 2002) indicates that this species is not restricted to its type locality

    Simplifying microfluidic separation devices towards field-detection of blood parasites

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    With our sights set on a simple and inexpensive diagnostics device based on extraction and enrichment of parasites from human blood, we present a device design that relies on a combination of multiple different deterministic lateral displacement arrays. Our end goal is a microfluidic device that will be easy to use in the rural, resource-deprived areas where simple-to-use medical tools are crucially needed for rapid and accurate diagnosis. Here, we exemplify this in the application of blood parasite enrichment from a sample of blood. With trypanosomes as a model system we show a combination of functionalities designed into a single device based on several deterministic lateral displacement arrays of different depths arranged in series. With only one inlet and no expensive or complicated pumping mechanisms to run separations we ensure the level of simplicity necessary for field use