4,981 research outputs found

    Landscapes of Non-gradient Dynamics Without Detailed Balance: Stable Limit Cycles and Multiple Attractors

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    Landscape is one of the key notions in literature on biological processes and physics of complex systems with both deterministic and stochastic dynamics. The large deviation theory (LDT) provides a possible mathematical basis for the scientists' intuition. In terms of Freidlin-Wentzell's LDT, we discuss explicitly two issues in singularly perturbed stationary diffusion processes arisen from nonlinear differential equations: (1) For a process whose corresponding ordinary differential equation has a stable limit cycle, the stationary solution exhibits a clear separation of time scales: an exponential terms and an algebraic prefactor. The large deviation rate function attains its minimum zero on the entire stable limit cycle, while the leading term of the prefactor is inversely proportional to the velocity of the non-uniform periodic oscillation on the cycle. (2) For dynamics with multiple stable fixed points and saddles, there is in general a breakdown of detailed balance among the corresponding attractors. Two landscapes, a local and a global, arise in LDT, and a Markov jumping process with cycle flux emerges in the low-noise limit. A local landscape is pertinent to the transition rates between neighboring stable fixed points; and the global landscape defines a nonequilibrium steady state. There would be nondifferentiable points in the latter for a stationary dynamics with cycle flux. LDT serving as the mathematical foundation for emergent landscapes deserves further investigations.Comment: 4 figur

    Global stability analysis of birhythmicity in a self-sustained oscillator

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    We analyze global stability properties of birhythmicity in a self-sustained system with random excitations. The model is a multi-limit cycles variation of the van der Pol oscillatorintroduced to analyze enzymatic substrate reactions in brain waves. We show that the two frequencies are strongly influenced by the nonlinear coefficients α\alpha and β\beta. With a random excitation, such as a Gaussian white noise, the attractor's global stability is measured by the mean escape time τ\tau from one limit-cycle. An effective activation energy barrier is obtained by the slope of the linear part of the variation of the escape time τ\tau versus the inverse noise-intensity 1/D. We find that the trapping barriers of the two frequencies can be very different, thus leaving the system on the same attractor for an overwhelming time. However, we also find that the system is nearly symmetric in a narrow range of the parameters.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, to appear on Choas, 201

    Global attractors and extinction dynamics of cyclically competing species

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    Transitions to absorbing states are of fundamental importance in nonequilibrium physics as well as ecology. In ecology, absorbing states correspond to the extinction of species. We here study the spatial population dynamics of three cyclically interacting species. The interaction scheme comprises both direct competition between species as in the cyclic Lotka-Volterra model, and separated selection and reproduction processes as in the May-Leonard model. We show that the dynamic processes leading to the transient maintenance of biodiversity are closely linked to attractors of the nonlinear dynamics for the overall species' concentrations. The characteristics of these global attractors change qualitatively at certain threshold values of the mobility and depend on the relative strength of the different types of competition between species. They give information about the scaling of extinction times with the system size and thereby the stability of biodiversity. We define an effective free energy as the negative logarithm of the probability to find the system in a specific global state before reaching one of the absorbing states. The global attractors then correspond to minima of this effective energy landscape and determine the most probable values for the species' global concentrations. As in equilibrium thermodynamics, qualitative changes in the effective free energy landscape indicate and characterize the underlying nonequilibrium phase transitions. We provide the complete phase diagrams for the population dynamics and give a comprehensive analysis of the spatio-temporal dynamics and routes to extinction in the respective phases

    A 'bull and bear' model of interacting Â…financial markets. Part I: dynamics in one and two dimensions

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    We develop a three-dimensional nonlinear dynamic model in which the stock markets of two countries are linked through the foreign exchange market. Connections are due to the trading activity of heterogeneous speculators. Using analytical and numerical tools, we seek to explore how the coupling of the markets may affect the emergence of 'bull and bear' market dynamics. The dimension of the model can be reduced by restricting investors' trading activity, which enables the dynamic analysis to be performed stepwise, from low-dimensional cases up to the full three-dimensional model. In Part I of our paper, we focus on the one and two-dimensional case.Heterogeneous speculators, bull and bear markets, nonlinear dynamics, homoclinic bifurcations.

    How to test for partially predictable chaos

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    For a chaotic system pairs of initially close-by trajectories become eventually fully uncorrelated on the attracting set. This process of decorrelation may split into an initial exponential decrease, characterized by the maximal Lyapunov exponent, and a subsequent diffusive process on the chaotic attractor causing the final loss of predictability. The time scales of both processes can be either of the same or of very different orders of magnitude. In the latter case the two trajectories linger within a finite but small distance (with respect to the overall extent of the attractor) for exceedingly long times and therefore remain partially predictable. Tests for distinguishing chaos from laminar flow widely use the time evolution of inter-orbital correlations as an indicator. Standard tests however yield mostly ambiguous results when it comes to distinguish partially predictable chaos and laminar flow, which are characterized respectively by attractors of fractally broadened braids and limit cycles. For a resolution we introduce a novel 0-1 indicator for chaos based on the cross-distance scaling of pairs of initially close trajectories, showing that this test robustly discriminates chaos, including partially predictable chaos, from laminar flow. One can use furthermore the finite time cross-correlation of pairs of initially close trajectories to distinguish, for a complete classification, also between strong and partially predictable chaos. We are thus able to identify laminar flow as well as strong and partially predictable chaos in a 0-1 manner solely from the properties of pairs of trajectories.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure
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