865 research outputs found

    Induced minors and well-quasi-ordering

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    A graph HH is an induced minor of a graph GG if it can be obtained from an induced subgraph of GG by contracting edges. Otherwise, GG is said to be HH-induced minor-free. Robin Thomas showed that K4K_4-induced minor-free graphs are well-quasi-ordered by induced minors [Graphs without K4K_4 and well-quasi-ordering, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 38(3):240 -- 247, 1985]. We provide a dichotomy theorem for HH-induced minor-free graphs and show that the class of HH-induced minor-free graphs is well-quasi-ordered by the induced minor relation if and only if HH is an induced minor of the gem (the path on 4 vertices plus a dominating vertex) or of the graph obtained by adding a vertex of degree 2 to the complete graph on 4 vertices. To this end we proved two decomposition theorems which are of independent interest. Similar dichotomy results were previously given for subgraphs by Guoli Ding in [Subgraphs and well-quasi-ordering, Journal of Graph Theory, 16(5):489--502, 1992] and for induced subgraphs by Peter Damaschke in [Induced subgraphs and well-quasi-ordering, Journal of Graph Theory, 14(4):427--435, 1990]

    Simplicial decompositions of graphs: a survey of applications

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    AbstractWe survey applications of simplicial decompositions (decompositions by separating complete subgraphs) to problems in graph theory. Among the areas of application are excluded minor theorems, extremal graph theorems, chordal and interval graphs, infinite graph theory and algorithmic aspects

    Minor-Obstructions for Apex-Pseudoforests

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    A graph is called a pseudoforest if none of its connected components contains more than one cycle. A graph is an apex-pseudoforest if it can become a pseudoforest by removing one of its vertices. We identify 33 graphs that form the minor-obstruction set of the class of apex-pseudoforests, i.e., the set of all minor-minimal graphs that are not apex-pseudoforests

    Balanced-chromatic number and Hadwiger-like conjectures

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    Motivated by different characterizations of planar graphs and the 4-Color Theorem, several structural results concerning graphs of high chromatic number have been obtained. Toward strengthening some of these results, we consider the \emph{balanced chromatic number}, χb(G^)\chi_b(\hat{G}), of a signed graph G^\hat{G}. This is the minimum number of parts into which the vertices of a signed graph can be partitioned so that none of the parts induces a negative cycle. This extends the notion of the chromatic number of a graph since χ(G)=χb(G~)\chi(G)=\chi_b(\tilde{G}), where G~\tilde{G} denotes the signed graph obtained from~GG by replacing each edge with a pair of (parallel) positive and negative edges. We introduce a signed version of Hadwiger's conjecture as follows. Conjecture: If a signed graph G^\hat{G} has no negative loop and no Kt~\tilde{K_t}-minor, then its balanced chromatic number is at most t−1t-1. We prove that this conjecture is, in fact, equivalent to Hadwiger's conjecture and show its relation to the Odd Hadwiger Conjecture. Motivated by these results, we also consider the relation between subdivisions and balanced chromatic number. We prove that if (G,σ)(G, \sigma) has no negative loop and no Kt~\tilde{K_t}-subdivision, then it admits a balanced 792t2\frac{79}{2}t^2-coloring. This qualitatively generalizes a result of Kawarabayashi (2013) on totally odd subdivisions
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