4 research outputs found

    Cycle Stealing under Immediate Dispatch Task Assignment

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    We consider the practical problem of task assignment in a server farm, where each arriving job is immediately dispatched to a server in the farm. We look at the benefit of cycle stealing at the point of the dispatcher, where jobs normally destined for one machine may be routed to a di#erent machine if it is idle. The analysis uses a technique which we refer to as dimensionality reduction via busy period transitions. Our analysis is approximate, but can be made as close to exact as desired, and is validated via simulation. Results show that the beneficiaries of the idle cycles can benefit unboundedly, due to an increase in their stability region, while the donors are only slightly penalized. These results still hold even when there is only one donor server and 20 beneficiary servers stealing its idle cycles

    Service Boosters: Library Operating Systems For The Datacenter

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    Cloud applications are taking an increasingly important place our technology and economic landscape. Consequently, they are subject to stringent performance requirements. High tail latency — percentiles at the tail of the response time distribution — is a threat to these requirements. As little as 0.01% slow requests in one microservice can significantly degrade performance for the entire application. The conventional wisdom is that application-awareness is crucial to design optimized performance management systems, but comes at the cost of maneuverability. Consequently, existing execution environments are often general-purpose and ignore important application features such as the architecture of request processing pipelines or the type of requests being served. These one-size-fits-all solutions are missing crucial information to identify and remove sources of high tail latency. This thesis aims to develop a lightweight execution environment exploiting application semantics to optimize tail performance for cloud services. This system, dubbed Service Boosters, is a library operating system exposing application structure and semantics to the underlying resource management stack. Using Service Boosters, programmers use a generic programming model to build, declare and an-notate their request processing pipeline, while performance engineers can program advanced management strategies. Using Service Boosters, I present three systems, FineLame, Perséphone, and DeDoS, that exploit application awareness to provide real time anomaly detection; tail-tolerant RPC scheduling; and resource harvesting. FineLame leverages awareness of the request processing pipeline to deploy monitoring and anomaly detection probes. Using these, FineLame can detect abnormal requests in-flight whenever they depart from the expected behavior and alerts other resource management modules. Pers ́ephone exploits an understanding of request types to dynamically allocate resources to each type and forbid pathological head-of-line blocking from heavy-tailed workloads, without the need for interrupts. Pers ́ephone is a low overhead solution well suited for microsecond scale workloads. Finally, DeDoS can identify overloaded components and dynamically scale them, harvesting only the resources needed to quench the overload. Service Boosters is a powerful framework to handle tail latency in the datacenter. Service Boosters clearly separates the roles of application development and performance engineering, proposing a general purpose application programming model while enabling the development of specialized resource management modules such as Perséphone and DeDoS

    Effective task assignment strategies for distributed systems under highly variable workloads

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    Heavy-tailed workload distributions are commonly experienced in many areas of distributed computing. Such workloads are highly variable, where a small number of very large tasks make up a large proportion of the workload, making the load very hard to distribute effectively. Traditional task assignment policies are ineffective under these conditions as they were formulated based on the assumption of an exponentially distributed workload. Size-based task assignment policies have been proposed to handle heavy-tailed workloads, but their applications are limited by their static nature and assumption of prior knowledge of a task's service requirement. This thesis analyses existing approaches to load distribution under heavy-tailed workloads, and presents a new generalised task assignment policy that significantly improves performance for many distributed applications, by intelligently addressing the negative effects on performance that highly variable workloads cause. Many problems associated with the modelling and optimisations of systems under highly variable workloads were then addressed by a novel technique that approximated these workloads with simpler mathematical representations, without losing any of their pertinent original properties. Finally, we obtain advance queuing metrics (such as the variance of key measurements like waiting time and slowdown that are difficult to obtain analytically) through rigorous simulation