4,379 research outputs found

    Busy period analysis of the level dependent PH/PH/1/K queue

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    In this paper, we study the transient behavior of a level dependent single server queuing system with a waiting room of finite size during the busy period. The focus is on the level dependent PH/PH/1/K queue. We derive in closed form the joint transform of the length of the busy period, the number of customers served during the busy period, and the number of losses during the busy period. We differentiate between two types of losses: the overflow losses that are due to a full queue and the losses due to an admission controller. For the M/PH/1/K, M/PH/1/K under a threshold policy, and PH/M/1/K queues, we determine simple expressions for their joint transforms

    Queues and risk processes with dependencies

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    We study the generalization of the G/G/1 queue obtained by relaxing the assumption of independence between inter-arrival times and service requirements. The analysis is carried out for the class of multivariate matrix exponential distributions introduced in [12]. In this setting, we obtain the steady state waiting time distribution and we show that the classical relation between the steady state waiting time and the workload distributions re- mains valid when the independence assumption is relaxed. We also prove duality results with the ruin functions in an ordinary and a delayed ruin process. These extend several known dualities between queueing and risk models in the independent case. Finally we show that there exist stochastic order relations between the waiting times under various instances of correlation

    Bayesian control of the number of servers in a GI/M/c queuing system

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    In this paper we consider the problem of designing a GI/M/c queueing system. Given arrival and service data, our objective is to choose the optimal number of servers so as to minimize an expected cost function which depends on quantities, such as the number of customers in the queue. A semiparametric approach based on Erlang mixture distributions is used to model the general interarrival time distribution. Given the sample data, Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are used to estimate the system parameters and the predictive distributions of the usual performance measures. We can then use these estimates to minimize the steady-state expected total cost rate as a function of the control parameter c. We provide a numerical example based on real data obtained from a bank in Madrid

    Backpressure-based control protocols: design and computational aspects

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    Congestion control in packet-based networks is often realized by feedback protocols. In this paper we assess their performance under a back-pressure mechanism that has been proposed and standardized for Ethernet metropolitan networks. In such a mechanism the service rate of an upstream queue is reduced when the downstream queue is congested, in order to protect the downstream queue. We study a Markovian model that captures the essentials of the protocol, but at the same time allows for numerical analysis. We first derive explicit results for the stability condition of the model (which turns out to be nontrivial). Then we present logarithmic estimates of the probability of buffer overflow in the second queue, which are subsequentially used when devising an efficient simulation procedure based on importance sampling. We conclude the paper by presenting a number of numerical results, and some general design guidelines


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    In this paper we consider the problem of designing a GI/M/c queueing system. Given arrival and service data, our objective is to choose the optimal number of servers so as to minimize an expected cost function which depends on quantities, such as the number of customers in the queue. A semiparametric approach based on Erlang mixture distributions is used to model the general interarrival time distribution. Given the sample data, Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are used to estimate the system parameters and the predictive distributions of the usual performance measures. We can then use these estimates to minimize the steady-state expected total cost rate as a function of the control parameter c. We provide a numerical example based on real data obtained from a bank in Madrid.

    Modeling Supply Networks and Business Cycles as Unstable Transport Phenomena

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    Physical concepts developed to describe instabilities in traffic flows can be generalized in a way that allows one to understand the well-known instability of supply chains (the so-called ``bullwhip effect''). That is, small variations in the consumption rate can cause large variations in the production rate of companies generating the requested product. Interestingly, the resulting oscillations have characteristic frequencies which are considerably lower than the variations in the consumption rate. This suggests that instabilities of supply chains may be the reason for the existence of business cycles. At the same time, we establish some link to queuing theory and between micro- and macroeconomics.Comment: For related work see http://www.helbing.or

    Generalized gap acceptance models for unsignalized intersections

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    This paper contributes to the modeling and analysis of unsignalized intersections. In classical gap acceptance models vehicles on the minor road accept any gap greater than the CRITICAL gap, and reject gaps below this threshold, where the gap is the time between two subsequent vehicles on the major road. The main contribution of this paper is to develop a series of generalizations of existing models, thus increasing the model's practical applicability significantly. First, we incorporate {driver impatience behavior} while allowing for a realistic merging behavior; we do so by distinguishing between the critical gap and the merging time, thus allowing MULTIPLE vehicles to use a sufficiently large gap. Incorporating this feature is particularly challenging in models with driver impatience. Secondly, we allow for multiple classes of gap acceptance behavior, enabling us to distinguish between different driver types and/or different vehicle types. Thirdly, we use the novel MX^X/SM2/1 queueing model, which has batch arrivals, dependent service times, and a different service-time distribution for vehicles arriving in an empty queue on the minor road (where `service time' refers to the time required to find a sufficiently large gap). This setup facilitates the analysis of the service-time distribution of an arbitrary vehicle on the minor road and of the queue length on the minor road. In particular, we can compute the MEAN service time, thus enabling the evaluation of the capacity for the minor road vehicles