3,632 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Cyber Terrorism Framework

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    Abstract—Many nations all over the world have increased their dependency on cyberspace by maximizing the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT). In this digital age, the concept of cyber terrorism or the use of cyberspace to carry out terrorist activities has emerged. Interestingly, there are many concepts of cyber terrorism provided by researchers, policy makers and individuals. This paper proposes a framework describing the core components of cyber terrorism. The authors have analyzed the data by using a grounded theory approach, in which the framework is drawn. The framework defines cyber terrorism from six perspectives: Target, motivation, method of attack, domain, action by perpetrator, and impact. In addition, the proposed framework provides a dynamic way in defining cyber terrorism as well as describing its influential considerations. Continued research in this area can be further conducted, which may lead to the development of strategic and technological framework to counter cyber terrorism


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaturan mengenai cyber terrorism sebagai kejahatan transnasional dan bagaimana merumuskan delik terhadap pelaku tindak pidana cyber terrorism menurut Undang – Undang Nomor 11 tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik serta bagaimana penerapan Undang – Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi Transaksi Elektronik terhadap pelaku tindak pidana cyber terrorism yang berkedudukan warga negara asing. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, disimpulkan: 1. Pengaturan mengenai cyber terrorism sebagai kejahatan transnasional   belum terdapat pengaturan secara khusus terkait cyber terrorism dalam hukum internasional. Dalam situasi kekosongan hukum ini, ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism dan International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings mulai dipergunakan sebagai dasar hukum untuk mempidanakan pelaku cyber terrorism. ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism telah diratifikasi oleh Indonesia melalui Undang-undang Nomor 5 tahun 2012 tentang Pengesahan ASEAN Convention on Counter Terrorism, sedangkan International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings diratifikasi melalui Undang-undang Nomor 5 tahun 2006 tentang Pengesahan International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings. Sedangkan dalam pengaturan menurut hukum nasional Indonesia, pengaturan yang terkait dengan cyber terrorism, yaitu Amandemen Undang-undang Nomor 11 tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik, amandemen Undang-undang Nomor 15 tahun 2003 Jo. Perpu No. 1 tahun 2002 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme, dan ketentuan penanggulangan terorisme dan pendanaan terorisme diintegrasikan dalam Rancangan Kitab Undang-undang Hukum Pidana yang baru. 2. Dalam Undang-undang Nomor 11 tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik terdapat ketentuan pasal-pasal, yaitu Bab 11 mengenai ketentuan pidana yang dapat di identifikasi perbuatan yang dilarang (unsur tindak pidana) yang erat kaitannya dengan tindak pidana cyber terrorism pada tiap-tiap pasalnya. Seperti pasal 30 terkait dengan aksi kejahatan cyber terrorism yang berbentuk cyber sabotage dan extortion (kejahatan sabotase atau pemerasan). Serta pasal 33 menyangkut aksi kejahatan cyber terrorism yang berbentuk unauthorized acces to computer system and service (kejahatan yang dilakukan dengan memasuki/ menyusup ke dalam suatu sistem jaringan komputer secara tidak sah.  3. Dalam penerapan Undang-undang Nomor 11 tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik dapat diberlakukan terhadap pelaku yang berkedudukan warga negara asing berdasarkan Pasal 2. Kata kunci: Kejahatan, transnasional, cyber terrorism

    The Need for Regulation of Cyber Terrorism Phenomena in Line With Principles of International Criminal Law

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    This paper scrutinizes and highlights imminent need to regulate cyber terrorism pheromone in line with principle of international law. In so doing, this paper intends to ascertain legal basis to regulate cyber terrorism at international level. It explains the normative conduct by drawing on adjustments of certain member states of European Union as well as from none-European member states. Particular attention will be given as to how Kosovo has addressed cyber terrorism within its legal framework of criminal acts. The paper also addresses practical consequences of cyber terrorism in context of cyber attacks events in attempt to establish legal basis for its prevention and punishment of cyber criminals wherever it happens. The author articulates its arguments by examining the presumed threats as a result of cyber terrorism activities, as well as based on well-known cyber terrorist behaviors and constant literature that insinuate that cyber attacks are imminent threats. Lastly, as there is neither a particular treaty nor State practices, the author considers of utmost importance to spell out different views and statistics alluding that the need to regulate cyber terrorism in line with principle of international criminal law is a necessity

    Perception on Cyber Terrorism: A Focus Group Discussion Approach

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    Focus group discussion is an exploratory research technique used to collect data through group interaction. This tech- nique provides the opportunity to observe interaction among participants on a topic under this study. This paper con- tributes to an understanding on the cyber terrorism conceptual framework through the analysis of focus group discus- sion. The proposed cyber terrorism conceptual framework which was obtained during the qualitative study by the au- thors has been used as a basis for discussion in the focus group discussion. Thirty (30) participants took part in the focus group discussion. The overall results suggest that the proposed cyber terrorism framework is acceptable by the partici- pants. The present study supports our initial research that the cyber terrorism conceptual framework constitutes the fol- lowing components: target, motivation, tools of attack, domain, methods of attack and impact

    Terrorism and Cyberspace: A Phenomenon of Cyber-Terrorism as Transnational Crimes

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    The advancement of information technology is changing the pattern of radical group propaganda from conventional methods to the ways they use today, namely using the media and cyberspace, or what is also called as cyber-terrorism. The purpose of this study is to discuss the emergence of the currently experienced cyber-terrorism phenomenon. It is normative research through a literature study method by approaching statutes. The results of this study indicate that cyber-terrorism is a part of cybercrime that is qualified as transnational crime which refers to Article 3 of the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. Currently,  there are several laws/regulations regarding terrorism at the national, regional and international levels. However, these rules do not specifically regulate new developments in acts of terrorism through cyberspace or what is known as cyber-terrorism

    Perception on Cyber Terrorism: A Focus Group Discussion Approach

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    Focus group discussion is an exploratory research technique used to collect data through group interaction. This tech-nique provides the opportunity to observe interaction among participants on a topic under this study. This paper con-tributes to an understanding on the cyber terrorism conceptual framework through the analysis of focus group discus-sion. The proposed cyber terrorism conceptual framework which was obtained during the qualitative study by the au-thors has been used as a basis for discussion in the focus group discussion. Thirty (30) participants took part in the focus group discussion. The overall results suggest that the proposed cyber terrorism framework is acceptable by the partici-pants. The present study supports our initial research that the cyber terrorism conceptual framework constitutes the fol-lowing components: target, motivation, tools of attack, domain, methods of attack and impac

    Cyber terrorism in Indonesia

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    Cyber terrorism is one of cybercrime. Cyber terrorism is an activity using computer technology and information to create an atmosphere of terror and fear on a large scale through good threats to the government and citizens with brings politics, religion or ideology objectives which can lead paralysis of important infrastructure. There are several reasons why the internet is considered as the right choice to do Cyber terrorism. Many methods are used to do Cyber terrorism. In Indonesia, people’s understanding about Cyber terrorism is very low. This creates ignorance in tackling Cyber terrorism crime in the future when people become victims of Cyber terrorism. The low knowledge about Cyber terrorism requires the government to make education about Cyber terrorism. The education provided will help people find solutions in the against Cyber terrorism. In avoiding Cyber terrorism crime the government is expected to cooperate with other developed countries that have a high level of security

    Cyber-Terrorism in The Context of Proselytizing, Coordination, Security, and Mobility

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    The simplicity and flexibility of information and technology have made human life much easier. Terrorist groups nowadays have been using these things to disseminate terror, recruit new members, fundraise, and mobilize their activities. Technology provides terrorist group a leverage to conduct its hideous activity. Globalization eventually gives the double-edge sword that needs to be addressed by state actor regarding terrorist issues. The author used James D. Kiras’ four concepts of cyber-terrorism such as proselytizing, coordination, security, and mobility. Those four concepts are harnessed by terrorist group in modern world to achieve their interest. On the other side, the author harnessed comprehensive security from the Copenhagen School of Security Studies to analyze the threat which came from cyber-terrorism activity. The aim of this article is to analyze terrorist groups in conducting their activity based on Kiras’ four concepts of cyber-terrorism. By using Kiras’ concept in Comprehensice Security from Copenhagen School, the author aims to analyze the impact of cyber terrorism both on state and society. The author also used qualitative method as analytical tools to analyze the research problem. The author concluded that the state had to establish a rigid counter-terrorism system holistically at the domestic level without neglecting international strategic cooperation among international actors to counter this threat. Keywords: Cyber-terrorism, proselytizing, coordination, security, mobility

    The creation of a national information policy combating cyber terrorism

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    The infrastructures of the United States are dependent upon computers. This creates a new threat to the national security of the United States in the form of cyber terrorism; Cyber terrorism is the new type of warfare. It can take a cyber terrorist seconds to break into a computer network, download information, and leave without a trace. There needs to be a comprehensive policy to combat the cyber terrorism threat; The National Information Policy is a set of ideas brought together to combat the threat of a cyber terrorist attack against the infrastructures of the United States. These ideas include: redefining the role of the military, cooperation between public and private sectors, creation of information conditions, and the establishment of a cyber court

    Cyber Terrorism Countermeasures in Indonesia

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    The crime of terrorism is classified as an extraordinary crime, along with various other forms of radicalism. Recent acts of terrorism are suspected to be the result of massive activism from cyberspace. The purpose of this study is to examine efforts to counter cyber terrorism. This research is descriptive with normative juridical research type, using literature studies through a theoretical approach, and then the data is analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study were coordinating actions by making agreements with other countries related to cyber terrorism crimes (including information exchange and creating data centres on Indonesia's servers to prevent cyber-terrorist operations), with efforts to prevent and eradicate cyber terrorism activities need a lot of cooperation, both with domestic and international stakeholders
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