19 research outputs found

    Point-curve incidences in the complex plane

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    We prove an incidence theorem for points and curves in the complex plane. Given a set of mm points in R2{\mathbb R}^2 and a set of nn curves with kk degrees of freedom, Pach and Sharir proved that the number of point-curve incidences is O(mk2kβˆ’1n2kβˆ’22kβˆ’1+m+n)O\big(m^{\frac{k}{2k-1}}n^{\frac{2k-2}{2k-1}}+m+n\big). We establish the slightly weaker bound OΞ΅(mk2kβˆ’1+Ξ΅n2kβˆ’22kβˆ’1+m+n)O_\varepsilon\big(m^{\frac{k}{2k-1}+\varepsilon}n^{\frac{2k-2}{2k-1}}+m+n\big) on the number of incidences between mm points and nn (complex) algebraic curves in C2{\mathbb C}^2 with kk degrees of freedom. We combine tools from algebraic geometry and differential geometry to prove a key technical lemma that controls the number of complex curves that can be contained inside a real hypersurface. This lemma may be of independent interest to other researchers proving incidence theorems over C{\mathbb C}.Comment: The proof was significantly simplified, and now relies on the Picard-Lindelof theorem, rather than on foliation

    Improved estimates on the number of unit perimeter triangles

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    We obtain new upper and lower bounds on the number of unit perimeter triangles spanned by points in the plane. We also establish improved bounds in the special case where the point set is a section of the integer grid.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    VC-Dimension of Hyperplanes over Finite Fields

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    Let Fqd\mathbb{F}_q^d be the dd-dimensional vector space over the finite field with qq elements. For a subset EβŠ†FqdE\subseteq \mathbb{F}_q^d and a fixed nonzero t∈Fqt\in \mathbb{F}_q, let Ht(E)={hy:y∈E}\mathcal{H}_t(E)=\{h_y: y\in E\}, where hyh_y is the indicator function of the set {x∈E:xβ‹…y=t}\{x\in E: x\cdot y=t\}. Two of the authors, with Maxwell Sun, showed in the case d=3d=3 that if ∣E∣β‰₯Cq114|E|\geq Cq^{\frac{11}{4}} and qq is sufficiently large, then the VC-dimension of Ht(E)\mathcal{H}_t(E) is 3. In this paper, we generalize the result to arbitrary dimension and improve the exponent in the case d=3d=3.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Higher Distance Energies and Expanders with Structure

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    We adapt the idea of higher moment energies, originally used in Additive Combinatorics, so that it would apply to problems in Discrete Geometry. This new approach leads to a variety of new results, such as (i) Improved bounds for the problem of distinct distances with local properties. (ii) Improved bounds for problems involving expanding polynomials in R[x,y]{\mathbb R}[x,y] (Elekes-Ronyai type bounds) when one or two of the sets have structure. Higher moment energies seem to be related to additional problems in Discrete Geometry, to lead to new elegant theory, and to raise new questions