31,040 research outputs found

    Context-aware LDA: Balancing Relevance and Diversity in TV Content Recommenders

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    In the vast and expanding ocean of digital content, users are hardly satisfied with recommended programs solely based on static user patterns and common statistics. Therefore, there is growing interest in recommendation approaches that aim to provide a certain level of diversity, besides precision and ranking. Context-awareness, which is an effective way to express dynamics and adaptivity, is widely used in recom-mender systems to set a proper balance between ranking and diversity. In light of these observations, we introduce a recommender with a context-aware probabilistic graphi-cal model and apply it to a campus-wide TV content de-livery system named “Vision”. Within this recommender, selection criteria of candidate fields and contextual factors are designed and users’ dependencies on their personal pref-erence or the aforementioned contextual influences can be distinguished. Most importantly, as to the role of balanc-ing relevance and diversity, final experiment results prove that context-aware LDA can evidently outperform other al-gorithms on both metrics. Thus this scalable model can be flexibly used for different recommendation purposes

    Customizing kernel functions for SVM-based hyperspectral image classification

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    Previous research applying kernel methods such as support vector machines (SVMs) to hyperspectral image classification has achieved performance competitive with the best available algorithms. However, few efforts have been made to extend SVMs to cover the specific requirements of hyperspectral image classification, for example, by building tailor-made kernels. Observation of real-life spectral imagery from the AVIRIS hyperspectral sensor shows that the useful information for classification is not equally distributed across bands, which provides potential to enhance the SVM's performance through exploring different kernel functions. Spectrally weighted kernels are, therefore, proposed, and a set of particular weights is chosen by either optimizing an estimate of generalization error or evaluating each band's utility level. To assess the effectiveness of the proposed method, experiments are carried out on the publicly available 92AV3C dataset collected from the 220-dimensional AVIRIS hyperspectral sensor. Results indicate that the method is generally effective in improving performance: spectral weighting based on learning weights by gradient descent is found to be slightly better than an alternative method based on estimating ";relevance"; between band information and ground trut

    A Classification Model for Sensing Human Trust in Machines Using EEG and GSR

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    Today, intelligent machines \emph{interact and collaborate} with humans in a way that demands a greater level of trust between human and machine. A first step towards building intelligent machines that are capable of building and maintaining trust with humans is the design of a sensor that will enable machines to estimate human trust level in real-time. In this paper, two approaches for developing classifier-based empirical trust sensor models are presented that specifically use electroencephalography (EEG) and galvanic skin response (GSR) measurements. Human subject data collected from 45 participants is used for feature extraction, feature selection, classifier training, and model validation. The first approach considers a general set of psychophysiological features across all participants as the input variables and trains a classifier-based model for each participant, resulting in a trust sensor model based on the general feature set (i.e., a "general trust sensor model"). The second approach considers a customized feature set for each individual and trains a classifier-based model using that feature set, resulting in improved mean accuracy but at the expense of an increase in training time. This work represents the first use of real-time psychophysiological measurements for the development of a human trust sensor. Implications of the work, in the context of trust management algorithm design for intelligent machines, are also discussed.Comment: 20 page

    SlicerAstro: a 3-D interactive visual analytics tool for HI data

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    SKA precursors are capable of detecting hundreds of galaxies in HI in a single 12 hours pointing. In deeper surveys one will probe more easily faint HI structures, typically located in the vicinity of galaxies, such as tails, filaments, and extraplanar gas. The importance of interactive visualization has proven to be fundamental for the exploration of such data as it helps users to receive immediate feedback when manipulating the data. We have developed SlicerAstro, a 3-D interactive viewer with new analysis capabilities, based on traditional 2-D input/output hardware. These capabilities enhance the data inspection, allowing faster analysis of complex sources than with traditional tools. SlicerAstro is an open-source extension of 3DSlicer, a multi-platform open source software package for visualization and medical image processing. We demonstrate the capabilities of the current stable binary release of SlicerAstro, which offers the following features: i) handling of FITS files and astronomical coordinate systems; ii) coupled 2-D/3-D visualization; iii) interactive filtering; iv) interactive 3-D masking; v) and interactive 3-D modeling. In addition, SlicerAstro has been designed with a strong, stable and modular C++ core, and its classes are also accessible via Python scripting, allowing great flexibility for user-customized visualization and analysis tasks.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, Accepted by Astronomy and Computing. SlicerAstro link: https://github.com/Punzo/SlicerAstro/wiki#get-slicerastr