4,382 research outputs found

    Does standardized procurement hinder PPPs

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    Modularity in Health and Social Services: Perspectives on Organization and Management

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    Organizations that provide health and social services operate in a complex and constantly changing environment. Changes occur, for example, in ageing, technology and biotechnology, and customers’ expectations, as well as the global economic situation. Organizations typically aim to adapt the changes by introducing new organizational structures and managerial practices, such as process and lean management. Only recently has there been an interest in evaluating whether organizations providing health and social services could apply modularity in order to respond to some of the changes. The concept of modularity originates from manufacturing, but is applied in many other disciplines, such as information technology and logistics. However, thus far, the literature concerning modularity in health and social services is scarce. Therefore the purpose of this thesis is to increase understanding concerning modularity and the possibilities to apply modularity in the health and social services context. In addition, the purpose is to shed light on the viewpoints that are worth taking into account when considering the application of modularity in the health and social services context. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the way in which the modular structures are applied in the health and social services context and to analyze what advantages and possible barriers, as well as managerial concerns, might occur if modularity is applied in the health and social services context. The thesis is conducted by using multiple methods in order to provide a broad aspect to the topic. A systematic literature review provided solid ground for pre-understanding the topic and supported the formulation of the research questions. Theoretical reasoning provided a general overview of the special characteristics of the health and social services context and their effect on application of modularity. Empirical studies concentrated on managerial concerns of modularity particularly from the perspective of health and social services for the elderly. Results of the thesis reveal that structures in products, services, processes, and organizations are rather modular in health and social services. They can be decomposed in small independent units, while the challenges seem to occur especially in the compatibility of the services. It seems that health and social services managers have recognized this problem and they are increasingly paying attention to this challenge in order to enhance the flexible compatibility of services. Advantages and possible barriers of modularity are explored in this thesis, and from the theoretical perspective it could be argued that modularity seems to be beneficial in the context of health and social services. In fact, it has the potential to alleviate several of the challenges that the health and social services context is confronting. For example, modular structures could support organizations in their challenging task to respond to customers’ increasing demand for heterogeneous services. However, special characteristics of the health and social services context create barriers and provide significant challenges in application of modularity. For example, asymmetry of information, negative externalities, uncertainty of demand, and rigid regulation prevent managers from extensively drawing benefits from modularity. Results also reveal that modularity has managerial implications in health and social service. Modularity has the potential to promote and support new service development and outsourcing. Results also provide insights into network management and increases managerial understanding of different network management strategies. Standardization in health and social services is extensive due to legislation and recommendations. Modularity provides alternative paths to take an advantage of standardization while still ensuring the quality of the services. Based on this thesis, it can be concluded, both from a theoretical perspective and from empirical results concerning modularity in health and social services, that modularity might fit well and be beneficial. However, the special characteristics of the health and social services context prevent some of the benefits of modularity and complicate its application. This thesis contributes to the academic literature on the organization and management of health and social services by describing modularity as an alternative way for organizing and managing health and social services. In addition, it contributes to the literature of modularity by exploring the applicability of modularity in the context of health and social services. It also provides practical contribution to health and social services managers by evaluating the pros and cons of modularity when applied to health and social services.Modulaarisuus sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa: Näkökulmia organisointiin ja johtamiseen Sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluita tuottavien organisaatioiden toimintaympäristö on kompleksinen ja alati muuttuva. Toimintaympäristön muutokset liittyvät muun muassa väestön ikääntymiseen, teknologisiin ja bioteknologisiin muutoksiin, asiakkaiden muuttuviin odotuksiin sekä maailman kokonaistaloudellisen tilanteen muutoksiin. Organisaatioilla on taipumusta sopeutua muutoksiin ottamalla käyttöön uusia organisointimalleja ja johtamistapoja, kuten esimerkiksi prosessijohtaminen tai lean-johtaminen. Viimeaikoina on herännyt kiinnostus arvioida, voisivatko sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon organisaatiot hyödyntää modulaarisuutta toimintaympäristön muutoksiin sopeutumisessa. Modulaarisuus käsitteenä on peräisin valmistavasta teollisuudesta, mutta sitä on sovellettu myös muilla aloilla, muun muassa tietotekniikassa ja logistiikassa. Modulaarisuuden hyödyntämisestä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoon on toistaiseksi vain vähän tietoa. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena onkin lisätä ymmärrystä modulaarisuudesta ja mahdollisuuksista soveltaa modulaarisuutta sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoon. Lisäksi tavoitteena on tuoda esille näkökulmia, joiden huomioon ottaminen on tärkeää pohdittaessa modulaarisuuden käyttöönottoa sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on analysoida, miten modulaariset rakenteet näyttäytyvät sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on analysoida, mitä etuja modulaarisuudella voidaan saavuttaa ja mitä mahdollisia esteitä sen käyttöönotolle voi olla. Lisäksi tarkastellaan, mitä johtamiseen liittyviä näkökulmia modulaarisuuden soveltamisessa tulisi huomioida. Näkökulmien monipuolisuuden turvaamiseksi, tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin useita erilaisia tutkimusmenetelmiä. Perehtyminen aiheeseen systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla auttoi muodostamaan esiymmärryksen aiheesta ja tarkentamaan tutkimuskysymyksiä. Teoreettisen päättelyn avulla tarkasteltiin sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon erityispiirteitä ja niiden vaikutuksia modulaarisuuden sovellettavuuteen. Empiirisissä tutkimuksissa tarkasteltiin modulaarisuutta johtamisen, erityisesti vanhuspalveluiden johtamisen, näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että tuotteiden, palveluiden, prosessien ja organisaatioiden rakenteet ovat varsin modulaarisia sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa. Rakenteiden pilkkominen pienempiin osakokonaisuuksiin on jokseenkin yksinkertaista. Sen sijaan haasteita ilmenee erityisesti osien yhteenliitettävyydessä. Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon johtajat ovat kuitenkin tunnistaneet ongelman ja kiinnittävät asiaan enenevässä määrin huomiota mahdollistaakseen osakokonaisuuksien joustavan yhdistelyn. Teoreettisen tarkastelun perusteella voidaan todeta, että sosiaali- ja terveydenhuolto voi hyötyä modulaarisuuden soveltamisesta. Modulaarisuus voi auttaa kohtaamaan joitakin sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoon kohdistuvista haasteista, esimerkiksi asiakkaiden heterogeenisiin tarpeisiin vastaamista voidaan tukea modulaaristen rakenteiden avulla. Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon erityispiirteet voivat kuitenkin aiheuttaa esteitä tai ainakin merkittäviä haasteita modulaarisuuden soveltamiselle. Esimerkiksi, tiedon epäsuhta, negatiiviset ulkoisvaikutukset ja alan voimakas sääntely heikentävät modulaarisuudesta saatavia hyötyjä. Tutkimuksen tulokset paljastivat myös modulaarisuuden vaikutuksia sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon johtamiseen. Modulaarisuus voi edistää uusien palveluiden kehittämistä ja tukea tuotteiden ja palveluiden alihankintaa. Tulokset avaavat uusia näkökulmia verkostojohtamiseen ja edistävät erilaisten verkostojohtamis-strategioiden ymmärtämistä. Rakenteiden näkeminen modulaarisena auttaa hahmottamaan, miltä osin tuotteiden ja palveluiden standardointi edistää vaikuttavuutta ja innovaatioita. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sekä teoreettisesti että empiirisesti tarkasteltuna todeta, että modulaarisuus soveltuu sosiaali- ja terveydenhuoltoon melko hyvin. Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon erityispiirteet heikentävät osittain modulaarisuudesta saatavia hyötyjä ja hankaloittavat modulaarisuuden käyttöön-ottoa. Tutkimus edistää teoreettista ymmärrystä sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon organisoinnista ja johtamisesta kuvaamalla modulaarisuutta yhtenä vaihtoehtoisena organisointitapana ja siihen liittyviä johtamisen näkökulmia. Lisäksi tutkimus syventää modulaarisuuteen liittyvää kirjallisuutta kuvaamalla, miten modulaarisuutta voidaan hyödyntää juuri tässä kontekstissa. Tutkimus kuvaa myös modulaarisuutta sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollossa käytännön hyödyntämisen näkökulmasta ja tuo esille niitä etuja ja haittoja, joita modulaarisuuden soveltamisesta voi aiheutua.Siirretty Doriast

    A study of BIM collaboration requirements and available features in existing model collaboration systems

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    Established collaboration practices in the construction industry are document centric and are challenged by the introduction of Building Information Modelling (BIM). Document management collaboration systems (e.g. Extranets) have significantly improved the document collaboration in recent years; however their capabilities for model collaboration are limited and do not support the complex requirements of BIM collaboration. The construction industry is responding to this situation by adopting emerging model collaboration systems (MCS), such as model servers, with the ability to exploit and reuse information directly from the models to extend the current intra-disciplinary collaboration towards integrated multi-disciplinary collaboration on models. The functions of existing MCSs have evolved from the manufacturing industry and there is no concrete study on how these functions correspond to the requirements of the construction industry, especially with BIM requirements. This research has conducted focus group sessions with major industry disciplines to explore the user requirements for BIM collaboration. The research results have been used to categorise and express the features of existing MCS which are then analysed in selected MCS from a user’s perspective. The potential of MCS and the match or gap in user requirements and available model collaboration features is discussed. This study concludes that model collaborative solutions for construction industry users are available in different capacities; however a comprehensive custom built solution is yet to be realized. The research results are useful for construction industry professionals, software developers and researchers involved in exploring collaborative solutions for the construction industry

    Network Governance at the Firm and Network Level: Goals, Routines, and Social Mechanisms

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    This article contributes to the general understanding of governance in networks and the achievement of private and common goals. Integrating transaction costs and social network theory, a simple integrated framework is provided for understanding why firms collaborate and under which conditions they establish durable networks that succeed in achieving goals. Network theory is extended by explicitly distinguishing between firm and network level governance, and by identifying governance mechanisms that adapt, coordinate, and safeguard customized exchanges. This way issues as how networks evolve, how they are governed, and ultimately, how collective outcomes might be generated can be better comprehended. This is especially relevant to policy planners and those having a perspective that goes beyond the performance of individual organizations.network governance, social network theory, governance mechanisms., Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Food Security and Poverty, Industrial Organization, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    User, and Open Collaborative Innovation: Ascendent Economic Models

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    In this paper we assess the economic viability of innovation by producers relative to two increasingly important alternative models: innovations by single user individuals or firms, and open collaborative innovation projects. We analyze the design costs and architectures and communication costs associated with each model. We conclude that innovation by individual users and also open collaborative innovation increasingly compete with - and may displace -producer innovation in many parts of the economy. We argue that a transition from producer innovation to open single user and open collaborative innovation is desirable in terms of social welfare, and so worthy of support by policymakers.

    Mass Customizing IT Service Agreements: Towards Individualized On-Demand Services

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    IT-service providers shall achieve both cost reduction in IT-operations and customer individuality inservice agreements. This article suggests applying the well known principle of mass customization tobalance individuality and standardization in service agreements. Dependent on the commitmentmodularity type, its employment may not only save time and resources at the point of customerinvolvement but also allow the predefinition of repeatable processes in IT-operations. We develop atypology for positioning and classifying IT-service providers as mass customizers of serviceagreements. This categorization is based on commitment modularity types and points of customerinvolvement in the IT-service life cycle. We identify four generic archetypes of IT-service providers’customization strategies and explain their characteristics by means of selected examples of actual ITserviceagreement situations. Finally, we introduce a service model that enables IT-service providersto implement one specific archetype with a great balance in standardization and individuality. Wetherefore propose to (1) strictly separate the design of services from contracting and usage stages, (2)modularize self-contained commitments and (3) productize options and changes of a serviceagreement. This model has been prototyped and developed in close cooperation with IT-serviceproviders and is currently applied for a pilot project

    A Market for Success: How a Robust Service Provider Market Can Help Community Colleges Improve Student Completion

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    Outlines how external service providers can help community colleges enhance institutional redesign, use of data, student services and supports, and faculty development in order to remove barriers to completion, increase efficiency, and improve outcomes

    Anticipating Procedural Innovation: How and When Parties Calibrate Procedure Through Contract

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    Anticipating Procedural Innovation: How and When Parties Calibrate Procedure Through Contract

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    Despite a vast literature on contract theory, scholars are only just scratching the surface of understanding how parties design their contracts in the real world. This shortfall is particularly true of procedural customizations. Contrary to some early commentators’ estimates, in a small but significant set of circumstances, parties engage in a diverse range of procedural customization. To date, however, scholars have struggled to identify and explain the patterns of ex ante procedural contracting. This Article argues that the first step toward understanding how transactional attorneys harness the potential of procedural autonomy is to recognize that procedural customization functions most effectively to offset litigation opportunism. By systematically considering how various forms of customization limit or eliminate litigation opportunism, this Article demonstrates how contract design can be improved through procedural contracting. This Article then advances a typology of procedural innovation that considers the key attributes underlying a transaction, namely the degree of environmental and behavioral uncertainty present and the frequency with which other similar parties contract in the same domain. This typology offers tentative predictions about when and how parties are most likely to calibrate procedure through contract