6 research outputs found

    Patient-tailored Workflow Patterns from Clinical Practice Guidelines Recommendations

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    Abstract MobiGuide is a project devoted to the development of a patient-centric decision support system based on computerized clinical guidelines for chronic illnesses including Atrial . In this paper we describe the process o

    Standardising Clinical Caremaps: Model, Method and Graphical Notation for Caremap Specification

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    Standardising care can improve patient safety and outcomes, and reduce the cost of providing healthcare services. Caremaps were developed to standardise care, but contemporary caremaps are not standardised. Confusion persists in terms of terminology, structure, content and development process. Unlike existing methods in the literature, the approach, model and notation presented in this chapter pays special attention to incorporation of clinical decision points as first-class citizens within the modelling process. The resulting caremap with decision points is evaluated through creation of a caremap for women with gestational diabetes mellitus. The proposed method was found to be an effective way for comprehensively specifying all features of caremaps in a standardised way that can be easily understood by clinicians. This chapter contributes a new standardised method, model and notation for caremap content, structure and development

    Exploring the Integration of Agent-Based Modelling, Process Mining, and Business Process Management through a Text Analytics–Based Literature Review

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    Agent-based modelling and business process management are two interrelated yet distinct concepts. To explore the relationship between these two fields, we conducted a systematic literature review to investigate existing methods and identify research gaps in the integration of agent-based modelling, process mining, and business process management. Our search yielded 359 research papers, which were evaluated using predefined criteria and quality measures. This resulted in a final selection of forty-two papers. Our findings reveal several research gaps, including the need for enhanced validation methods, the modelling of complex agents and environments, and the integration of process mining and business process management with emerging technologies. Existing agent-based approaches within process mining and business process management have paved the way for identifying the validation methods for performance evaluation. The addressed research gaps primarily concern validation before delving deeper into specific research topics. These include improved validation methods, modelling of complex agents and environments, and a preliminary exploration of integrating process mining and business process management with emerging technologies

    Clinical Caremap Development: How can caremaps standardise care when they are not standardised?

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    SM, EK and NF acknowledge support from the EPSRC under project EP/P009964/1: PAMBAYESIAN: Patient Managed decision-support using Bayes Networks. KD acknowledges funding and sponsorship for his research sabbatical at QMUL from the School of Fundamental Sciences, Massey University


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    PhD ThesisStandardisation of healthcare has been the focus of hospital management and clinicians since the 1990’s. Electronic health records were already intended to provide clinicians with real-time access to clinical knowledge and care plans while also recording and storing vast amounts of patient data. It took more than three decades for electronic health records to start to become ubiquitous in all aspects of healthcare. Learning health systems are the next stage in health information systems whose potential benefits have been promoted for more than a decade - yet few are seen in clinical practice. Clinical care process specifications are a primary form of clinical documentation used in all aspects of healthcare, but they lack standardisation. This thesis contends that this lack of standardisation was inherited by electronic health records and that this is a significant issue holding back the development and adoption of learning health systems. Standardisation of clinical documents is used to mitigate issues in electronic health records as a basis for enabling learning health systems. One type of clinical document, the caremap, is standardised in order to achieve an effective approach to containing resources and ensuring consistency and quality. This led not only to improved clinicians’ comprehension and acceptance of the clinical document, but also to reduced time expended in developing complicated learning health systems built using the input of clinical experts

    Organizzazione sanitaria e workflow nella gestione del paziente cronico: analisi e confronto tra usual care e telemonitoraggio nel progetto europeo CIP "Renewing Health"

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    Tesi svolta in collaborazione con il Consorzio Arsenàl.IT, nell'ambito del Progetto Europeo "RENEWING HEALTH" (CIP 2007-2013), che studia il telemonitoraggio per pazienti cronici (malattie cardiovascolari, diabete, BPCO). Nella tesi si analizzano i processi, le organizzazioni e i workflow esistenti nel modello della sanità attuale (usual care) e le modalità con cui essi si modificano introducendo nel sistema un servizio di telemonitoraggio. Lo scopo finale è quello di valutare l'impatto organizzativo del telemonitoraggio sulla gestione del paziente cronico e le organizzazioni sanitarie che lo assistono. Lo standard adottato per modellare i workflow e i patient flow è il linguaggio UML (diagrammi dei casi d'uso e diagrammi di attività). Le informazioni sono state raccolte presso le Aziende Sanitarie del Veneto che partecipano al progetto Renewing Healthope