4 research outputs found

    A New Approach for Fingerprint Authentication in Biometric Systems Using BRISK Algorithm

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    Now a day, Authentication process in biometric system become most critical task with the expansive of individual information in the world. Where in many current applications, devices and commercial treatments required fingerprint identification process in order to verify the requested services. Most technologies also motivate to this direction. With the increasing of fingerprints uses, there is a need to provide a technique that able to handle the issues that exist in fingerprint acquisition and verification processes. Typically, fingerprint authenticated based on pick small amount of information from some points called Minutiae points. This approach suffers from many issues and provide poor results when the samples of fingerprints are degraded (scale, illumination, direction) changes. However, BRISK algorithm used to handle the previous issues and to extract the significant information from corner points in fingerprint. BRISK is invariant to scale, illumination, and direction changes and its able to pick large number of information when compared with minutiae points. In this paper, BRISK algorithm used based on image based approach, where current recognition matrices are developed and proposed new metrics without need for human interaction. UPEK dataset used to test the performance of proposed system, where the results show high accuracy rate in this dataset. Proposed system evaluated using FAR, FRR, EER and Accuracy and based on selected metrics the proposed system and methodology achieve high accuracy rate than others, and gives a novel modification in authentication task in biometric system

    Poor Quality Fingerprint Recognition Based on Wave Atom Transform

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    Fingerprint is considered the most practical biometrics due to some specific features which make them widely accepted. Reliable feature extraction from poor quality fingerprint images is still the most challenging problem in fingerprint recognition system. Extracting features from poor fingerprint images is not an easy task. Recently, Multi-resolution transforms techniques have been widely used as a feature extractor in the field of biometric recognition. In this paper we develop a complete and an efficient fingerprint recognition system that can deal with poor quality fingerprint images. Identification of poor quality fingerprint images needs reliable preprocessing stage, in which an image alignment, segmentation, and enhancement processes are performed. We improve a popular enhancement technique by replacing the segmentation algorithm with another new one. We use Waveatom transforms in extracting distinctive features from the enhanced fingerprint images. The selected features are matched throw K-Nearest neighbor classifier techniques. We test our methodology in 114 subjects selected from a very challenges database; CASIA; and we achieve a high recognition rate of about 99.5%

    Vision-based inspection of PCB soldering defects

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    Vision-based inspection of printed circuit board (PCB) soldering defects was studied for preparing feature data and classifying the overall PCB soldering defects on a PCB prototype into different classes. The image data of overall PCB soldering defects on a PCB prototype was developed using an image sensor camera. Image data augmentation was conducted to enhance the dataset volume. Image pre-processing included image resizing, image colour conversion, and image denoising. Watershed-based image segmentation was performed in the image post-processing to segmented images; then, feature extraction was conducted using curvelet transform to prepare image feature data. The feature data as the statistical data include kurtosis, contrast, energy, homogeneity, and variance. These data were analysed, and the percentage difference of mean values of statistical data between image classes was calculated. Kurtosis had the highest percentage difference among the statistical data. In the comparison of the mean values, kurtosis obtained 4.97% difference for the class of good and medium condition; 17.02% difference for the good and bad condition; and 12.08% difference for the bad and medium condition. Through this analysis, kurtosis is considered more reliable data for the machine-learning based classification in this project. The extracted data can be applied in future studies to classify overall solder joint defects on a PCB prototype by artificial neural network in machine learning classification

    Identification de personnes par fusion de différentes modalités biométriques

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    This thesis contributes to the resolution of the problems which are related to the analysis of the biometric data outcome from the iris, the fingerprint and the fusion of these two modalities, for person identification. Thus, after the evaluation of those proposed biometric systems, we have shown that the multimodal biometric system based on iris and fingerprint outperforms both monomodal biometric systems based whatsoever on the iris or on the fingerprint.Cette thèse contribue essentiellement à la résolution des problèmes liés à l'analyse des données biométriques issues de l'iris, de l'empreinte digitale et de la fusion de ces deux modalités pour l'identification de personne. Ainsi, après l'évaluation des trois systèmes biométriques proposés, nous avons prouvé que le système biométrique multimodal basé sur l'iris et l'empreinte digitale est plus performant que les deux systèmes biométriques monomodaux basés que se soit sur l'iris ou sur l'empreinte digitale