607 research outputs found

    A Transformation-Based Foundation for Semantics-Directed Code Generation

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    Interpreters and compilers are two different ways of implementing programming languages. An interpreter directly executes its program input. It is a concise definition of the semantics of a programming language and is easily implemented. A compiler translates its program input into another language. It is more difficult to construct, but the code that it generates runs faster than interpreted code. In this dissertation, we propose a transformation-based foundation for deriving compilers from semantic specifications in the form of four rules. These rules give apriori advice for staging, and allow explicit compiler derivation that would be less succinct with partial evaluation. When applied, these rules turn an interpreter that directly executes its program input into a compiler that emits the code that the interpreter would have executed. We formalize the language syntax and semantics to be used for the interpreter and the compiler, and also specify a notion of equality. It is then possible to precisely state the transformation rules and to prove both local and global correctness theorems. And although the transformation rules were developed so as to apply to an interpreter written in a denotational style, we consider how to modify non-denotational interpreters so that the rules apply. Finally, we illustrate these ideas by considering a larger example: a Prolog implementation

    On the Limits of Second-Order Unification

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    Second-Order Unification is a problem that naturally arises when applying automated deduction techniques with variables denoting predicates. The problem is undecidable, but a considerable effort has been made in order to find decidable fragments, and understand the deep reasons of its complexity. Two variants of the problem, Bounded Second-Order Unification and Linear Second-Order Unification ¿where the use of bound variables in the instantiations is restricted¿, have been extensively studied in the last two decades. In this paper we summarize some decidability/undecidability/complexity results, trying to focus on those that could be more interesting for a wider audience, and involving less technical details.Peer Reviewe

    Carnap: an Open Framework for Formal Reasoning in the Browser

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    This paper presents an overview of Carnap, a free and open framework for the development of formal reasoning applications. Carnap’s design emphasizes flexibility, extensibility, and rapid prototyping. Carnap-based applications are written in Haskell, but can be compiled to JavaScript to run in standard web browsers. This combination of features makes Carnap ideally suited for educational applications, where ease-of-use is crucial for students and adaptability to different teaching strategies and classroom needs is crucial for instructors. The paper describes Carnap’s implementation, along with its current and projected pedagogical applications

    Combinator evaluation of functional programs with logical variables

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    technical reportA technique is presented that brings logical variables into the scope of the well known Turner method for evaluating normal order functioned programs by S, K, I combinator graph reduction. This extension is illustrated by SASL+LV, an extension of Turner's language SASL in which general expressions serve as formal parameters, and parameter passage is done by unification. The conceptual and practical advantages of such an extension are discussed, as well as semantic pitfalls that arise from the attendant weakening of referential transparency. Only four new combinators (LV, BV, FN and UNIFY) are introduced. The resulting object code is fully upward compatible in the sense that previously compiled SASL object code remains executable with unchanged semantics. However, "read-only" variable usage in SASL-f LV programs requires a "multi-tasking" extension of the customary stack-based evaluation method. Mechanisms are presented for managing this multi-tasking on both single and multi-processor systems. Finally, directions are examined for applying this technique to implementations involving larger granularity combinators, and fuller semantic treatment of logical variables (e.g. accommodation of failing unifications)

    CSI: New Evidence - A Progress Report

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    Practical Unification for Dependent Type Checking

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    When using popular dependently-typed languages such as Agda, Idris or Coq to write a proof or a program, some function arguments can be omitted, both to decrease code size and to improve readability.\ua0 Type checking such a program involves inferring a combination of these implicit arguments that makes the program type-correct.Finding such a combination of implicit arguments entails solving a higher-order unification problem.Because higher-order unification is undecidable, our aim is to infer the omitted arguments for as many programs as possible with a reasonable use of computational resources. The extent to whichthese goals are achieved affect how usable a dependently-typed proof assistant or programming language is in practice.Current approaches to higher-order unification are in some cases too inflexible, postponing unification of terms until their types have been unified (Coq, Idris). In other cases they are too optimistic, which sometimes leads to ill-typed terms that break internal invariants (Agda).In order to increase the flexibility of our unifier without sacrificing soundness, we use the twin types technique by Gundry and McBride. We simplify their approach so that it can be used within an existing typetheory without changes to the syntax of terms. We also extend it so that it can handle more classes of constraints. We show that the resulting solutions are correct and unique.Finally, we implement the resulting unification algorithm on an existing type checker prototype for a smaller variant of the Agda language, developed by Mazzoli and Abel. We make a suitable choice of internal term representation, and use few, if any, example-specific optimizations. We obtain a type-checker which avoids ill-typed solutions, and is also able to handle some challenging examples in time and memory comparable to the existing Agda implementation
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