7 research outputs found

    Cumulative Space in Black-White Pebbling and Resolution

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    We study space complexity and time-space trade-offs with a focus not on peak memory usage but on overall memory consumption throughout the computation. Such a cumulative space measure was introduced for the computational model of parallel black pebbling by [Alwen and Serbinenko ’15] as a tool for obtaining results in cryptography. We consider instead the non- deterministic black-white pebble game and prove optimal cumulative space lower bounds and trade-offs, where in order to minimize pebbling time the space has to remain large during a significant fraction of the pebbling. We also initiate the study of cumulative space in proof complexity, an area where other space complexity measures have been extensively studied during the last 10–15 years. Using and extending the connection between proof complexity and pebble games in [Ben-Sasson and Nordström ’08, ’11] we obtain several strong cumulative space results for (even parallel versions of) the resolution proof system, and outline some possible future directions of study of this, in our opinion, natural and interesting space measure

    Inapproximability of the Standard Pebble Game and Hard to Pebble Graphs

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    Pebble games are single-player games on DAGs involving placing and moving pebbles on nodes of the graph according to a certain set of rules. The goal is to pebble a set of target nodes using a minimum number of pebbles. In this paper, we present a possibly simpler proof of the result in [CLNV15] and strengthen the result to show that it is PSPACE-hard to determine the minimum number of pebbles to an additive n1/3ϵn^{1/3-\epsilon} term for all ϵ>0\epsilon > 0, which improves upon the currently known additive constant hardness of approximation [CLNV15] in the standard pebble game. We also introduce a family of explicit, constant indegree graphs with nn nodes where there exists a graph in the family such that using constant kk pebbles requires Ω(nk)\Omega(n^k) moves to pebble in both the standard and black-white pebble games. This independently answers an open question summarized in [Nor15] of whether a family of DAGs exists that meets the upper bound of O(nk)O(n^k) moves using constant kk pebbles with a different construction than that presented in [AdRNV17].Comment: Preliminary version in WADS 201

    Practical Graphs for Optimal Side-Channel Resistant Memory-Hard Functions

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    A memory-hard function (MHF) fnf_n with parameter nn can be computed in sequential time and space nn. Simultaneously, a high amortized parallel area-time complexity (aAT) is incurred per evaluation. In practice, MHFs are used to limit the rate at which an adversary (using a custom computational device) can evaluate a security sensitive function that still occasionally needs to be evaluated by honest users (using an off-the-shelf general purpose device). The most prevalent examples of such sensitive functions are Key Derivation Functions (KDFs) and password hashing algorithms where rate limits help mitigate off-line dictionary attacks. As the honest users\u27 inputs to these functions are often (low-entropy) passwords special attention is given to a class of side-channel resistant MHFs called iMHFs. Essentially all iMHFs can be viewed as some mode of operation (making nn calls to some round function) given by a directed acyclic graph (DAG) with very low indegree. Recently, a combinatorial property of a DAG has been identified (called ``depth-robustness\u27\u27) which results in good provable security for an iMHF based on that DAG. Depth-robust DAGs have also proven useful in other cryptographic applications. Unfortunately, up till now, all known very depth-robust DAGs are impractically complicated and little is known about their exact (i.e. non-asymptotic) depth-robustness both in theory and in practice. In this work we build and analyze (both formally and empirically) several exceedingly simple and efficient to navigate practical DAGs for use in iMHFs and other applications. For each DAG we: - Prove that their depth-robustness is asymptotically maximal. - Prove bounds of at least 33 orders of magnitude better on their exact depth-robustness compared to known bounds for other practical iMHF. - Implement and empirically evaluate their depth-robustness and aAT against a variety of state-of-the art (and several new) depth-reduction and low aAT attacks. We find that, against all attacks, the new DAGs perform significantly better in practice than Argon2i, the most widely deployed iMHF in practice. Along the way we also improve the best known empirical attacks on the aAT of Argon2i by implementing and testing several heuristic versions of a (hitherto purely theoretical) depth-reduction attack. Finally, we demonstrate practicality of our constructions by modifying the Argon2i code base to use one of the new high aAT DAGs. Experimental benchmarks on a standard off-the-shelf CPU show that the new modifications do not adversely affect the impressive throughput of Argon2i (despite seemingly enjoying significantly higher aAT)

    Proofs of Space with Maximal Hardness

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    In a proof of space, a prover performs a complex computation with a large output. A verifier periodically checks that the prover still holds the output. The security goal for a proof of space construction is to ensure that a prover who erases even a portion of the output has to redo a large portion of the computation in order to satisfy the verifier. We present the first proof space that ensures that the prover has to redo almost the entire computation (fraction arbitrarily close to 1) when trying to save even an arbitrarily small constant fraction of the space. Our construction is a generalization of an existing construction called SDR (Fisch, Eurocrypt 2019) deployed on the Filecoin blockchain. Our improvements, while general, also demonstrate that the already deployed construction has considerably better security than previously shown

    Partitioning Hypergraphs is Hard: Models, Inapproximability, and Applications

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    We study the balanced kk-way hypergraph partitioning problem, with a special focus on its practical applications to manycore scheduling. Given a hypergraph on nn nodes, our goal is to partition the node set into kk parts of size at most (1+ϵ)nk(1+\epsilon)\cdot \frac{n}{k} each, while minimizing the cost of the partitioning, defined as the number of cut hyperedges, possibly also weighted by the number of partitions they intersect. We show that this problem cannot be approximated to within a n1/polyloglognn^{1/\text{poly} \log\log n} factor of the optimal solution in polynomial time if the Exponential Time Hypothesis holds, even for hypergraphs of maximal degree 2. We also study the hardness of the partitioning problem from a parameterized complexity perspective, and in the more general case when we have multiple balance constraints. Furthermore, we consider two extensions of the partitioning problem that are motivated from practical considerations. Firstly, we introduce the concept of hyperDAGs to model precedence-constrained computations as hypergraphs, and we analyze the adaptation of the balanced partitioning problem to this case. Secondly, we study the hierarchical partitioning problem to model hierarchical NUMA (non-uniform memory access) effects in modern computer architectures, and we show that ignoring this hierarchical aspect of the communication cost can yield significantly weaker solutions.Comment: Published in the 35th ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA 2023