4 research outputs found

    An Evolutionary Perspective of Virus Propagation

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    This paper presents an evolutionary algorithm that simulates simplified scenarios of the diffusion of an infectious disease within a given population. The proposed evolutionary epidemic diffusion (EED) computational model has a limited number of variables and parameters, but is still able to simulate a variety of configurations that have a good adherence to real-world cases. The use of two space distances and the calculation of spatial 2-dimensional entropy are also examined. Several simulations demonstrate the feasibility of the EED for testing distinct social, logistic and economy risks. The performance of the system dynamics is assessed by several variables and indices. The global information is efficiently condensed and visualized by means of multidimensional scaling.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Capso: A Multi-Objective Cultural Algorithm System To Predict Locations Of Ancient Sites

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    ABSTRACT CAPSO: A MULTI-OBJECTIVE CULTURAL ALGORITHM SYSTEM TO PREDICT LOCATIONS OF ANCIENT SITES by SAMUEL DUSTIN STANLEY August 2019 Advisor: Dr. Robert Reynolds Major: Computer Science Degree: Doctor of Philosophy The recent archaeological discovery by Dr. John O’Shea at University of Michigan of prehistoric caribou remains and Paleo-Indian structures underneath the Great Lakes has opened up an opportunity for Computer Scientists to develop dynamic systems modelling these ancient caribou routes and hunter-gatherer settlement systems as well as the prehistoric environments that they existed in. The Wayne State University Cultural Algorithm team has been interested assisting Dr. O’Shea’s archaeological team by predicting new structures in the Alpena-Amberley Ridge Region. To further this end, we developed a rule-based expert prediction system to work with our team’s dynamic model of the Paleolithic environment. In order to evolve the rules and thresholds within this expert system, we developed a Pareto-based multi-objective optimizer called CAPSO, which stands for Cultural Algorithm Particle Swarm Optimizer. CAPSO is fully parallelized and is able to work with modern multicore CPU architecture, which enables CAPSO to handle “big data” problems such as this one. The crux of our methodology is to set up a biobjective problem with the objectives being locations predicted by the expert system (minimize) vs. training set occupational structures within those predicted locations (maximize). The first of these quantities plays the role of “cost” while the second plays the role of “benefit”. Four separate such biobjective problems are created, one for each of the four relevant occupational structure types (hunting blinds, drive lines, caches, and logistical camps). For each of these problems, when CAPSO tunes the system’s rules and thresholds, it changes which locations are predicted and hence also which structures are flagged. By repeatedly tuning the rules and thresholds, CAPSO creates a Pareto Front of locations predicted vs. structures predicted for each of the four occupational structure types. Statistical analysis of these Pareto Fronts reveals that as the number of structures predicted (benefit) increases linearly, the number of locations predicted (cost) increases exponentially. This pattern is referred to in the dissertation as the Accelerating Cost Hypothesis (ACH). The ACH statistically holds for all four structure types, and is the result of imperfect information

    The Use Of Cultural Algorithms To Learn The Impact Of Climate On Local Fishing Behavior In Cerro Azul, Peru

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    Recently it has been found that the earth’s oceans are warming at a pace that is 40% faster than predicted by a United Nations panel a few years ago. As a result, 2019 has become the warmest year on record for the earth’s oceans. That is because the oceans have acted as a buffer by absorbing 93% of the heat produced by the greenhouse gases [40]. The impact of the oceanic warming has already been felt in terms of the periodic warming of the Pacific Ocean as an effect of the ENSO process. The ENSO process is a cycle of warming and subsequent cooling of the Pacific Ocean that can last over a period of years. This cycle was first documented by Peruvian fishermen in the early 1600’s. So it has been part of the environmental challenges that have been presented to economic agents throughout the world since then. It has even been suggested that the cycle has increased in frequency over the years, perhaps in response to the overall issues related to global warming. Although the onset of the ENSO cycle might be viewed as disruption of the fishing economy in a given area, there is some possibility that over time agents have been able to develop strategic responses to these changes to as to reduce the economic risk associated with them. During that time the Cerro Azul, Peru was in the process of emerging from one of the largest ENSOs on record. This was perceived to be a great opportunity to see how the collective bodies of fishermen were able to alter their fishing strategies to deal with these more uncertain times. Our results suggest that indeed the collective economic response of the fishermen demonstrates an ability to respond to the unpredictabilities of climate change, but at a cost. It is clear that the fishermen have gained the collective knowledge over the years to produce a coordinated response that can be observed at a higher level. Of course, this knowledge can be used to coordinate activities only if it is communicated socially within the society. Although our data does not provide any explicit information about such communication there is some indirect evidence that the adjustments in strategy are brought about by the increased exchange of experiences among the fishermen

    Catgame: A Tool For Problem Solving In Complex Dynamic Systems Using Game Theoretic Knowledge Distribution In Cultural Algorithms, And Its Application (catneuro) To The Deep Learning Of Game Controller

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    Cultural Algorithms (CA) are knowledge-intensive, population-based stochastic optimization methods that are modeled after human cultures and are suited to solving problems in complex environments. The CA Belief Space stores knowledge harvested from prior generations and re-distributes it to future generations via a knowledge distribution (KD) mechanism. Each of the population individuals is then guided through the search space via the associated knowledge. Previously, CA implementations have used only competitive KD mechanisms that have performed well for problems embedded in static environments. Relatively recently, CA research has evolved to encompass dynamic problem environments. Given increasing environmental complexity, a natural question arises about whether KD mechanisms that also incorporate cooperation can perform better in such environments than purely competitive ones? Borrowing from game theory, game-based KD mechanisms are implemented and tested against the default competitive mechanism – Weighted Majority (WTD). Two different concepts of complexity are addressed – numerical optimization under dynamic environments and hierarchal, multi-objective optimization for evolving deep learning models. The former is addressed with the CATGame software system and the later with CATNeuro. CATGame implements three types of games that span both cooperation and competition for knowledge distribution, namely: Iterated Prisoner\u27s Dilemma (IPD), Stag-Hunt and Stackelberg. The performance of the three game mechanisms is compared with the aid of a dynamic problem generator called Cones World. Weighted Majority, aka “wisdom of the crowd”, the default CA competitive KD mechanism is used as the benchmark. It is shown that games that support both cooperation and competition do indeed perform better but not in all cases. The results shed light on what kinds of games are suited to problem solving in complex, dynamic environments. Specifically, games that balance exploration and exploitation using the local signal of ‘social’ rank – Stag-Hunt and IPD – perform better. Stag-Hunt which is also the most cooperative of the games tested, performed the best overall. Dynamic analysis of the ‘social’ aspects of the CA test runs shows that Stag-Hunt allocates compute resources more consistently than the others in response to environmental complexity changes. Stackelberg where the allocation decisions are centralized, like in a centrally planned economic system, is found to be the least adaptive. CATNeuro is for solving neural architecture search (NAS) problems. Contemporary ‘deep learning’ neural network models are proven effective. However, the network topologies may be complex and not immediately obvious for the problem at hand. This has given rise to the secondary field of neural architecture search. It is still nascent with many frameworks and approaches now becoming available. This paper describes a NAS method based on graph evolution pioneered by NEAT (Neuroevolution of Augmenting Topologies) but driven by the evolutionary mechanisms under Cultural Algorithms. Here CATNeuro is applied to find optimal network topologies to play a 2D fighting game called FightingICE (derived from “The Rumble Fish” video game). A policy-based, reinforcement learning method is used to create the training data for network optimization. CATNeuro is still evolving. To inform the development of CATNeuro, in this primary foray into NAS, we contrast the performance of CATNeuro with two different knowledge distribution mechanisms – the stalwart Weighted Majority and a new one based on the Stag-Hunt game from evolutionary game theory that performed the best in CATGame. The research shows that Stag-Hunt has a distinct edge over WTD in terms of game performance, model accuracy, and model size. It is therefore deemed to be the preferred mechanism for complex, hierarchical optimization tasks such as NAS and is planned to be used as the default KD mechanism in CATNeuro going forward