30 research outputs found

    Cubic vertex-transitive graphs on up to 1280 vertices

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    A graph is called cubic and tetravalent if all of its vertices have valency 3 and 4, respectively. It is called vertex-transitive and arc-transitive if its automorphism group acts transitively on its vertex-set and on its arc- set, respectively. In this paper, we combine some new theoretical results with computer calculations to construct all cubic vertex-transitive graphs of order at most 1280. In the process, we also construct all tetravalent arc-transitive graphs of order at most 640

    DiscreteZOO: a Fingerprint Database of Discrete Objects

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    In this paper, we present DiscreteZOO, a project which illustrates some of the possibilities for computer-supported management of collections of finite combinatorial (discrete) objects, in particular graphs with a high degree of symmetry. DiscreteZOO encompasses a data repository, a website and a SageMath Package

    Vertex-transitive graphs that have no Hamilton decomposition

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    It is shown that there are infinitely many connected vertex-transitive graphs that have no Hamilton decomposition, including infinitely many Cayley graphs of valency 6, and including Cayley graphs of arbitrarily large valency.Comment: This version includes observations that some more of our graphs are Cayley graphs, and some revisions with new notation. It also includes some additional concluding remarks, and some updating of reference

    Semiregular automorphisms of cubic vertex-transitive graphs

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    We characterise connected cubic graphs admitting a vertex- transitive group of automorphisms with an abelian normal subgroup that is not semiregular. We illustrate the utility of this result by using it to prove that the order of a semiregular subgroup of maximum order in a vertex-transitive group of automorphisms of a connected cubic graph grows with the order of the graph.Comment: This paper settles Problem 6.3 in P. Cameron, M. Giudici, G. Jones, W. Kantor, M. Klin, D. Maru\v{s}i\v{c}, L. A. Nowitz, Transitive permutation groups without semiregular subgroups, J. London Math. Soc. 66 (2002), 325--33

    Groups of order at most 6 000 generated by two elements, one of which is an involution, and related structures

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    A (2,*)-group is a group that can be generated by two elements, one of which is an involution. We describe the method we have used to produce a census of all (2,*)-groups of order at most 6 000. Various well-known combinatorial structures are closely related to (2,*)-groups and we also obtain censuses of these as a corollary.Comment: 3 figure

    Characterization of Perfect Matching Transitive Graphs

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    A graph G is perfect matching transitive, shortly PM-transitive, if for any two perfect matchings M and N of G, there is an automorphism f : V(G) ↦ V(G) such that fe(M) = N, where fe(uv) = f(u)f(v). In this paper, the author proposed the definition of PM-transitive, verified PM-transitivity of some symmetric graphs, constructed several families of PM-transitive graphs which are neither vertex-transitive nor edge-transitive, and discussed PM-transitivity of generalized Petersen graphs

    Cubic vertex-transitive non-Cayley graphs of order 12p

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    A graph is said to be {\em vertex-transitive non-Cayley} if its full automorphism group acts transitively on its vertices and contains no subgroups acting regularly on its vertices. In this paper, a complete classification of cubic vertex-transitive non-Cayley graphs of order 12p12p, where pp is a prime, is given. As a result, there are 1111 sporadic and one infinite family of such graphs, of which the sporadic ones occur when p=5p=5, 77 or 1717, and the infinite family exists if and only if p1 (mod4)p\equiv1\ (\mod 4), and in this family there is a unique graph for a given order.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in SCIENCE CHINA Mathematic

    Danzer's configuration revisited

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    We revisit the configuration of Danzer DCD(4), a great inspiration for our work. This configuration of type (35_4) falls into an infinite series of geometric point-line configurations DCD(n). Each DCD(n) is characterized combinatorially by having the Kronecker cover over the Odd graph OnO_n as its Levi graph. Danzer's configuration is deeply rooted in Pascal's Hexagrammum Mysticum. Although the combinatorial configuration is highly symmetric, we conjecture that there are no geometric point-line realizations with 7- or 5-fold rotational symmetry; on the other hand, we found a point-circle realization having the symmetry group D7D_7, the dihedral group of order 14

    Asymptotic enumeration of vertex-transitive graphs of fixed valency

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    Let GG be a group and let SS be an inverse-closed and identity-free generating set of GG. The \emph{Cayley graph} \Cay(G,S) has vertex-set GG and two vertices uu and vv are adjacent if and only if uv1Suv^{-1}\in S. Let CAYd(n)CAY_d(n) be the number of isomorphism classes of dd-valent Cayley graphs of order at most nn. We show that log(CAYd(n))Θ(d(logn)2)\log(CAY_d(n))\in\Theta (d(\log n)^2), as nn\to\infty. We also obtain some stronger results in the case d=3d=3.Comment: 15 page

    Classification of vertex-transitive cubic partial cubes

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    Partial cubes are graphs isometrically embeddable into hypercubes. In this paper it is proved that every cubic, vertex-transitive partial cube is isomorphic to one of the following graphs: K2C2nK_2 \, \square \, C_{2n}, for some n2n\geq 2, the generalized Petersen graph G(10,3)G(10,3), the cubic permutahedron, the truncated cuboctahedron, or the truncated icosidodecahedron. This classification is a generalization of results of Bre\v{s}ar et al.~from 2004 on cubic mirror graphs, it includes all cubic, distance-regular partial cubes (Weichsel, 1992), and presents a contribution to the classification of all cubic partial cubes