18 research outputs found

    A survey on machine learning applied to symmetric cryptanalysis

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    In this work we give a short review of the recent progresses of machine learning techniques applied to cryptanalysis of symmetric ciphers, with particular focus on artificial neural networks. We start with some terminology and basics of neural networks, to then classify the recent works in two categories: "black-box cryptanalysis", techniques that not require previous information about the cipher, and "neuro-aided cryptanalysis", techniques used to improve existing methods in cryptanalysis

    Attacks in Stream Ciphers: A Survey

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    Nowadays there are different types of attacks in block and stream ciphers. In this work we will present some of the most used attacks on stream ciphers. We will present the newest techniques with an example of usage in a cipher, explain and comment. Previous we will explain the difference between the block ciphers and stream ciphers

    Where's Crypto?: Automated Identification and Classification of Proprietary Cryptographic Primitives in Binary Code

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    The continuing use of proprietary cryptography in embedded systems across many industry verticals, from physical access control systems and telecommunications to machine-to-machine authentication, presents a significant obstacle to black-box security-evaluation efforts. In-depth security analysis requires locating and classifying the algorithm in often very large binary images, thus rendering manual inspection, even when aided by heuristics, time consuming. In this paper, we present a novel approach to automate the identification and classification of (proprietary) cryptographic primitives within binary code. Our approach is based on Data Flow Graph (DFG) isomorphism, previously proposed by Lestringant et al. Unfortunately, their DFG isomorphism approach is limited to known primitives only, and relies on heuristics for selecting code fragments for analysis. By combining the said approach with symbolic execution, we overcome all limitations of their work, and are able to extend the analysis into the domain of unknown, proprietary cryptographic primitives. To demonstrate that our proposal is practical, we develop various signatures, each targeted at a distinct class of cryptographic primitives, and present experimental evaluations for each of them on a set of binaries, both publicly available (and thus providing reproducible results), and proprietary ones. Lastly, we provide a free and open-source implementation of our approach, called Where's Crypto?, in the form of a plug-in for the popular IDA disassembler.Comment: A proof-of-concept implementation can be found at https://github.com/wheres-crypto/wheres-crypt

    Ten years of cube attacks

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    In 2009, Dinur and Shamir proposed the cube attack, an algebraic cryptanalysis technique that only requires black box access to a target cipher. Since then, this attack has received both many criticisms and endorsements from crypto community; this work aims at revising and collecting the many attacks that have been proposed starting from it. We categorise all of these attacks in five classes; for each class, we provide a brief summary description along with the state-of-the-art references and the most recent cryptanalysis results. Furthermore, we extend and refine the new notation we proposed in 2021 and we use it to provide a consistent definition for each attack family. Finally, in the appendix, we provide an in-depth description of the kite attack framework, a cipher independent tool we firstly proposed in 2018 that implements the kite attack on GPUs. To prove its effectiveness, we use Mickey2.0 as a use case, showing how to embed it in the framework

    Cryptographic key management for the vehicles of tomorrow

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    The automotive industry is undergoing a major transformation process in which nearly every part of the vehicle is becoming digital and connected. Modern vehicles are often connected to the internet, feature several wireless interfaces and will soon communicate directly with surrounding vehicles and roadside infrastructure using V2X technology. However, this transformation has not yet been paralleled by the development of techniques or standards which address the cyber security challenges posed by these systems. The automotive industry has historically failed to use secure cryptography or appropriate key management techniques and there is no sign that things have improved. In this thesis, we present several new cryptographic and key management flaws in an existing automotive immobiliser system and we develop two new V2X architectures for improving the safety and privacy of tomorrow’s connected and autonomous vehicles. Specifically, we study the AUT64 automotive block cipher and its associated authentication protocol in a real-world immobiliser system. Despite having a 120~bit key, we find a number of flaws in the system which we combine to present several practical key-recovery attacks. Our first new V2X architecture, IFAL, provides a practical and secure improvement to the leading European standard for V2X. IFAL introduces a new certificate issuance mechanism that eliminates the trade-off between pseudonym duration and bandwidth. Our second architecture, VDAA, addresses the need for efficient techniques that preserve vehicle privacy despite dishonest or colluding certificate authorities

    ElimLin Algorithm Revisited

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    ElimLin is a simple algorithm for solving polynomial systems of multivariate equations over small finite fields. It was initially proposed as a single tool by Courtois to attack DES. It can reveal some hidden linear equations existing in the ideal generated by the system. We report a number of key theorems on ElimLin. Our main result is to characterize ElimLin in terms of a sequence of intersections of vector spaces. It implies that the linear space generated by ElimLin is invariant with respect to any variable ordering during elimination and substitution. This can be seen as surprising given the fact that it eliminates variables. On the contrary, monomial ordering is a crucial factor in Gröbner basis algorithms such as F4. Moreover, we prove that the result of ElimLin is invariant with respect to any affine bijective variable change. Analyzing an overdefined dense system of equations, we argue that to obtain more linear equations in the succeeding iteration in ElimLin some restrictions should be satisfied. Finally, we compare the security of LBlock and MIBS block ciphers with respect to algebraic attacks and propose several attacks on Courtois Toy Cipher version 2 (CTC2) with distinct parameters using ElimLin

    State of the Art in Lightweight Symmetric Cryptography

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    Lightweight cryptography has been one of the hot topics in symmetric cryptography in the recent years. A huge number of lightweight algorithms have been published, standardized and/or used in commercial products. In this paper, we discuss the different implementation constraints that a lightweight algorithm is usually designed to satisfy in both the software and the hardware case. We also present an extensive survey of all lightweight symmetric primitives we are aware of. It covers designs from the academic community, from government agencies and proprietary algorithms which were reverse-engineered or leaked. Relevant national (NIST...) and international (ISO/IEC...) standards are listed. We identified several trends in the design of lightweight algorithms, such as the designers\u27 preference for ARX-based and bitsliced-S-Box-based designs or simpler key schedules. We also discuss more general trade-offs facing the authors of such algorithms and suggest a clearer distinction between two subsets of lightweight cryptography. The first, ultra-lightweight cryptography, deals with primitives fulfilling a unique purpose while satisfying specific and narrow constraints. The second is ubiquitous cryptography and it encompasses more versatile algorithms both in terms of functionality and in terms of implementation trade-offs

    Optimization and Guess-then-Solve Attacks in Cryptanalysis

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    In this thesis we study two major topics in cryptanalysis and optimization: software algebraic cryptanalysis and elliptic curve optimizations in cryptanalysis. The idea of algebraic cryptanalysis is to model a cipher by a Multivariate Quadratic (MQ) equation system. Solving MQ is an NP-hard problem. However, NP-hard problems have a point of phase transition where the problems become easy to solve. This thesis explores different optimizations to make solving algebraic cryptanalysis problems easier. We first worked on guessing a well-chosen number of key bits, a specific optimization problem leading to guess-then-solve attacks on GOST cipher. In addition to attacks, we propose two new security metrics of contradiction immunity and SAT immunity applicable to any cipher. These optimizations play a pivotal role in recent highly competitive results on full GOST. This and another cipher Simon, which we cryptanalyzed were submitted to ISO to become a global encryption standard which is the reason why we study the security of these ciphers in a lot of detail. Another optimization direction is to use well-selected data in conjunction with Plaintext/Ciphertext pairs following a truncated differential property. These allow to supplement an algebraic attack with extra equations and reduce solving time. This was a key innovation in our algebraic cryptanalysis work on NSA block cipher Simon and we could break up to 10 rounds of Simon64/128. The second major direction in our work is to inspect, analyse and predict the behaviour of ElimLin attack the complexity of which is very poorly understood, at a level of detail never seen before. Our aim is to extrapolate and discover the limits of such attacks, and go beyond with several types of concrete improvement. Finally, we have studied some optimization problems in elliptic curves which also deal with polynomial arithmetic over finite fields. We have studied existing implementations of the secp256k1 elliptic curve which is used in many popular cryptocurrency systems such as Bitcoin and we introduce an optimized attack on Bitcoin brain wallets and improved the state of art attack by 2.5 times