31 research outputs found

    A Star-based Independent Biclique Attack on Full Rounds SQUARE

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    SQUARE is an iterated block cipher proposed by Daemen et.al. in FSE1997. Inspired by Bogdanov et.al.’s recent works [12], we first present an improved biclique attack, i.e. stat-based independent biclique attack on full rounds SQUARE in this paper. We construct a one round stat-based independent biclique for the initial round, and utilize matching with precomputation techniques to recover the whole key from the remaining rounds. The computing complexity of our attack is about 2(126.17)2^(126.17) encryptions and required data can be reduced to a single plaintext-ciphertext pair. To be the best of our knowledge, our attack has an optimal computing complexity and data complexity of biclique attack on full rounds SQUARE

    A New Algorithm for the Unbalanced Meet-in-the-Middle Problem

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    A collision search for a pair of nn-bit unbalanced functions (one is RR times more expensive than the other) is an instance of the meet-in-the-middle problem, solved with the familiar standard algorithm that follows the tradeoff TM=NTM=N, where TT and MM are time and memory complexities and N=2nN=2^n. By combining two ideas, unbalanced interleaving and Oorschot-Wiener parallel collision search, we construct an alternative algorithm that follows T2M=R2NT^2 M = R^2 N, where M≤RM\le R. Among others, the algorithm solves the well-known open problem: how to reduce the memory of unbalanced collision search

    Bicliques with Minimal Data and Time Complexity for AES (Extended Version)

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    Biclique cryptanalysis is a recent technique that has been successfully applied to AES resulting in key recovery faster than brute force. However, a major hurdle in carrying out biclique cryptanalysis on AES is that it requires very high data complexity. This naturally warrants questions over the practical feasibility of implementing biclique attack in the real world. In Crypto\u2713, Canteaut et al. proposed biclique attack where the data complexity of the attack was reduced to a single plaintext-ciphertext pair. However, no application of the same on AES was suggested. In this paper, we re-evaluate the security-bound of full round AES against biclique attack. Under some reasonable restrictions, we exhaustively analyze the most promising class of biclique cryptanalysis as applied to AES through a computer-assisted search and find optimal attacks towards lowest computational and data complexities: - Among attacks with the minimal data complexity of the unicity distance, the ones with computational complexity 2^126.67 (for AES-128), 2^190.9 (for AES-192) and 2^255 (for AES-256) are the fastest. Each attack just requires 2 (for AES-128 and AES-192) or 3 (for AES-256) known plaintexts for success probability 1. We obtain these results using the improved biclique attack proposed in Crypto\u2713. - Among attacks with data complexity less than the full codebook, for AES-128, the ones of computational complexity 2^126.16 are fastest. Within these, the one with data complexity 2^64 requires the smallest amount of data. Thus, the original attack (with data complexity 2^88) did not have the optimal data complexity for AES-128. Similar findings are observed for AES-192 as well (data complexity 2^48 as against 2^80 in the original attack). For AES-256, we find an attack that has a lower computational complexity of 2^254.31 as compared to the original attack complexity of 2^254.42. - Among all attacks covered, the ones of computational complexity 2^125.56 (for AES-128), 2^189.51 (for AES-192) and 2^253.87 (for AES-256) are fastest, though requiring the full codebook. This can be considered as an indication of the limitations of the independent-biclique attack approach as applied to AES

    Low Noise LPN: KDM Secure Public Key Encryption and Sample Amplification

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    Cryptographic schemes based on the Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem have several very desirable aspects: Low computational overhead, simple implementation and conjectured post-quantum hardness. Choosing the LPN noise parameter sufficiently low allows for public key cryptography. In this work, we construct the first standard model public key encryption scheme with key dependent message security based solely on the low noise LPN problem. Additionally, we establish a new connection between LPN with a bounded number of samples and LPN with an unbounded number of samples. In essence, we show that if LPN with a small error and a small number of samples is hard, then LPN with a slightly larger error and an unbounded number of samples is also hard. The key technical ingredient to establish both results is a variant of the LPN problem called the extended LPN problem

    Are you The One to Share? Secret Transfer with Access Structure

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    Sharing information to others is common nowadays, but the question is with whom to share. To address this problem, we propose the notion of secret transfer with access structure (STAS). STAS is a two-party computation protocol that enables the server to transfer a secret to a client who satisfies the prescribed access structure. In this paper, we focus on the case of STAS for threshold access structure, i.e. threshold secret transfer (TST). We also discuss how to replace it with linear secret sharing to make the access structure more expressive. Our proposed TST scheme enables a number of applications including a simple construction of oblivious transfer with threshold access control, and (a variant of) threshold private set intersection (t-PSI), which are the first of their kinds in the literature to the best of our knowledge. Moreover, we show that TST is useful a number of applications such as privacy-preserving matchmaking with interesting features. The underlying primitive of STAS is a variant of oblivious transfer (OT) which we call OT for sparse array. We provide two constructions which are inspired from state-of-the-art PSI techniques including oblivious polynomial evaluation and garbled Bloom filter (GBF). We implemented the more efficient construction and provide its performance evaluation

    A Plug-n-Play Framework for Scaling Private Set Intersection to Billion-sized Sets

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    Motivated by the recent advances in practical secure computation, we design and implement a framework for scaling solutions for the problem of private set intersection (PSI) into the realm of big data. A protocol for PSI enables two parties each holding a set of elements to jointly compute the intersection of these sets without revealing the elements that are not in the intersection. Following a long line of research, recent protocols for PSI only have ≈5×\approx 5\times computation and communication overhead over an insecure set intersection. However, this performance is typically demonstrated for set sizes in the order of ten million. In this work, we aim to scale these protocols to efficiently handle set sizes of one billion elements or more. We achieve this via a careful application of a binning approach that enables parallelizing any arbitrary PSI protocol. Building on this idea, we designed and implemented a framework that takes a pair of PSI executables (i.e., for each of the two parties) that typically works for million-sized sets, and then scales it to billion-sized sets (and beyond). For example, our framework can perform a join of billion-sized sets in 83 minutes compared to 2000 minutes of Pinkas et al. (ACM TPS 2018), an improvement of 25×25\times. Furthermore, we present an end-to-end Spark application where two enterprises, each possessing private databases, can perform a restricted class of database join operations (specifically, join operations with only an on clause which is a conjunction of equality checks involving attributes from both parties, followed by a where clause which can be split into conjunctive clauses where each conjunction is a function of a single table) without revealing any data that is not part of the output

    LIZARD – A Lightweight Stream Cipher for Power-constrained Devices

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    Time-memory-data (TMD) tradeoff attacks limit the security level of many classical stream ciphers (like E0, A5/1, Trivium, Grain) to 1/2n, where n denotes the inner state length of the underlying keystream generator. In this paper, we present Lizard, a lightweight stream cipher for power-constrained devices like passive RFID tags. Its hardware efficiency results from combining a Grain-like design with the FP(1)-mode, a recently suggested construction principle for the state initialization of stream ciphers, which offers provable 2/3n-security against TMD tradeoff attacks aiming at key recovery. Lizard uses 120-bit keys, 64-bit IVs and has an inner state length of 121 bit. It is supposed to provide 80-bit security against key recovery attacks. Lizard allows to generate up to 218 keystream bits per key/IV pair, which would be sufficient for many existing communication scenarios like Bluetooth, WLAN or HTTPS