8 research outputs found

    True Random Number Generation Based on DNA molecule Genetic Information (DNA-TRNG)

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    In digital world cryptographic algorithms protect sensitive information from intruder during communication. True random number generation is used for Cryptography algorithms as key value encryption and decryption process. To develop unbreakable algorithms key as one important parameter for Cryptography .We proposed DNA based True random number generation.DNA is deoxyribonucleic acid chemical molecule present in all living cells. DNA molecule consists of 4 nucleotides A-adenine,T-Thymine,G-Guanine and CCytosine. DNA molecules have uniqueness properties like Each person in the world distinguish based on DNA sequences and genes. The proposed algorithm pass NIST SP 800-22 test suite for DNA based true random number generation with highest Entropy,FFT,Block Frequency and Linear Complexity

    A Novel True Random Number Generator Based on Mouse Movement and a One-Dimensional Chaotic Map

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    We propose a novel true random number generator using mouse movement and a one-dimensional chaotic map. We utilize the x-coordinate of the mouse movement to be the length of an iteration segment of our TRNs and the y-coordinate to be the initial value of this iteration segment. And, when it iterates, we perturb the parameter with the real value produced by the TRNG itself. And we find that the TRNG we proposed conquers several flaws of some former mouse-based TRNGs. At last we take experiments and test the randomness of our algorithm with the NIST statistical test suite; results illustrate that our TRNG is suitable to produce true random numbers (TRNs) on universal personal computers (PCs)

    Online Entropy Estimation for Non-Binary Sources and Applications on iPhone

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    The design of a random number generator is a challenging task on systems in changing environment such as smartphones. Finding reliable and high-throughput sources of entropy is difficult. This paper proposes an online entropy estimation algorithm to test the quality of an entropy source when nothing is known \textit{a priori} on the source statistics. Our estimator can be executed at a low cost and is adapted for any type of sources. It extends the results of Bucci and Luzzi to non-binary sources and introduces a parameter that allows to trade time and memory for a better estimate. Our estimator is then applied to several sources available on an iPhone and compare to the state of the art

    Cryptographic randomness from air turbulence in disk drives

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    1 Introduction Secure PRNG design commonly rests on computational complexity [2, 5, 6, 13, 24], but none of the underlying problems has been proven to be hard. Specialized hardware can provide naturally random physical noise, but has disadvantages: dedicated devices tend to be expensive; natural noise tends to be biased and correlated; hardware failure can silently suppress randomness; and physical randomness is only an article of faith. Our random number generator, which is based on disk-speed variations,4 addresses each of these problems. Timing data are very low-cost, easily whitened, reliable, and mathematically noisy. I/O randomness is well-known in cryptography [17], and a spinning-disk RNG was used even 50 years ago [11]. Still, our approach is subtly novel, because a disk drive combines three important features most economically. First, the OS detects and reports disk faults, so that silent randomness failures are unlikely. Second, unlike most other I/O devices, the disk can be secured from outside influence and measurement. Last, nonlinear dynamics gives us an a priori mathematical argument for our generator's randomness. This has not been possible for other noise sources, which rely on a posteriori statistical measurements

    Cryptographic randomness from air turbulence in disk drives

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    Abstract. A computer disk drive's motor speed varies slightly but irregularly, principally because of air turbulence inside the disk's enclosure. The unpredictability of turbulence is well-understood mathematically; it reduces not to computational complexity, but to information losses. By timing disk accesses, a program can e ciently extract at least 100 independent, unbiased bits per minute, at no hardware cost. This paper has three parts: a mathematical argument tracing our RNG's randomness to a formal de nition of turbulence's unpredictability, anovel use of the FFT as an unbiasing algorithm, and a \sanity check " data analysis.

    Fast Internet-Wide Scanning: A New Security Perspective

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    Techniques like passive observation and random sampling let researchers understand many aspects of Internet day-to-day operation, yet these methodologies often focus on popular services or a small demographic of users, rather than providing a comprehensive view of the devices and services that constitute the Internet. As the diversity of devices and the role they play in critical infrastructure increases, so does understanding the dynamics of and securing these hosts. This dissertation shows how fast Internet-wide scanning provides a near-global perspective of edge hosts that enables researchers to uncover security weaknesses that only emerge at scale. First, I show that it is possible to efficiently scan the IPv4 address space. ZMap: a network scanner specifically architected for large-scale research studies can survey the entire IPv4 address space from a single machine in under an hour at 97% of the theoretical maximum speed of gigabit Ethernet with an estimated 98% coverage of publicly available hosts. Building on ZMap, I introduce Censys, a public service that maintains up-to-date and legacy snapshots of the hosts and services running across the public IPv4 address space. Censys enables researchers to efficiently ask a range of security questions. Next, I present four case studies that highlight how Internet-wide scanning can identify new classes of weaknesses that only emerge at scale, uncover unexpected attacks, shed light on previously opaque distributed systems on the Internet, and understand the impact of consequential vulnerabilities. Finally, I explore how in- creased contention over IPv4 addresses introduces new challenges for performing large-scale empirical studies. I conclude with suggested directions that the re- search community needs to consider to retain the degree of visibility that Internet-wide scanning currently provides.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138660/1/zakir_1.pd