11 research outputs found

    Fast, uniform, and compact scalar multiplication for elliptic curves and genus 2 Jacobians with applications to signature schemes

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    We give a general framework for uniform, constant-time one-and two-dimensional scalar multiplication algorithms for elliptic curves and Jacobians of genus 2 curves that operate by projecting to the x-line or Kummer surface, where we can exploit faster and more uniform pseudomultiplication, before recovering the proper "signed" output back on the curve or Jacobian. This extends the work of L{\'o}pez and Dahab, Okeya and Sakurai, and Brier and Joye to genus 2, and also to two-dimensional scalar multiplication. Our results show that many existing fast pseudomultiplication implementations (hitherto limited to applications in Diffie--Hellman key exchange) can be wrapped with simple and efficient pre-and post-computations to yield competitive full scalar multiplication algorithms, ready for use in more general discrete logarithm-based cryptosystems, including signature schemes. This is especially interesting for genus 2, where Kummer surfaces can outperform comparable elliptic curve systems. As an example, we construct an instance of the Schnorr signature scheme driven by Kummer surface arithmetic

    Secure Context Switching of Masked Software Implementations

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    Cryptographic software running on embedded devices requires protection against physical side-channel attacks such as power analysis. Masking is a widely deployed countermeasure against these attacksand is directly implemented on algorithmic level. Many works study the security of masked cryptographic software on CPUs, pointing out potential problems on algorithmic/microarchitecture-level, as well as corresponding solutions, and even show masked software can be implemented efficiently and with strong (formal) security guarantees. However, these works also make the implicit assumption that software is executed directly on the CPU without any abstraction layers in-between, i.e., they focus exclusively on the bare-metal case. Many practical applications, including IoT and automotive/industrial environments, require multitasking embedded OSs on which masked software runs as one out of many concurrent tasks. For such applications, the potential impact of events like context switches on the secure execution of masked software has not been studied so far at all. In this paper, we provide the first security analysis of masked cryptographic software spanning all three layers (SW, OS, CPU). First, we apply a formal verification approach to identify leaks within the execution of masked software that are caused by the embedded OS itself, rather than on algorithmic or microarchitecture level. After showing that these leaks are primarily caused by context switching, we propose several different strategies to harden a context switching routine against such leakage, ultimately allowing masked software from previous works to remain secure when being executed on embedded OSs. Finally, we present a case study focusing on FreeRTOS, a popular embedded OS for embedded devices, running on a RISC-V core, allowing us to evaluate the practicality and ease of integration of each strategy

    SoK : Remote Power Analysis

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    In recent years, numerous attacks have appeared that aim to steal secret information from their victim using the power side-channel vector, yet without direct physical access. These attacks are called Remote Power Attacks or Remote Power Analysis, utilizing resources that are natively present inside the victim environment. However, there is no unified definition about the limitations that a power attack requires to be defined as remote. This paper aims to propose a unified definition and concrete threat models to clearly differentiate remote power attacks from non-remote ones. Additionally, we collect the main remote power attacks performed so far from the literature, and the principal proposed countermeasures to avoid them. The search of such countermeasures denoted a clear gap in preventing remote power attacks at the technical level. Thus, the academic community must face an important challenge to avoid this emerging threat, given the clear room for improvement that should be addressed in terms of defense and security of devices that work with private information.acceptedVersionPeer reviewe

    Second-Order Low-Randomness d+1d+1 Hardware Sharing of the AES

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    In this paper, we introduce a second-order masking of the AES using the minimal number of shares and a total of 1268 bits of randomness including the sharing of the plaintext and key. The masking of the S-box is based on the tower field decomposition of the inversion over bytes where the changing of the guards technique is used in order to re-mask the middle branch of the decomposition. The sharing of the S-box is carefully crafted such that it achieves first-order probing security without the use of randomness and such that the sharing of its output is uniform. Multi-round security is achieved by re-masking the state where we use a theoretical analysis based on the propagation of probed information to reduce the demand for fresh randomness per round. The result is a second-order masked AES which competes with the state-of-the-art in terms of latency and area, but reduces the randomness complexity over eight times over the previous known works. In addition to the corresponding theoretical analysis and proofs for the security of our masked design, it has been implemented on FPGA and evaluated via lab analysis

    SPA-GPT: General Pulse Tailor for Simple Power Analysis Based on Reinforcement Learning

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    Power analysis of public-key algorithms is a well-known approach in the community of side-channel analysis. We usually classify operations based on the differences in power traces produced by different basic operations (such as modular exponentiation) to recover secret information like private keys. The more accurate the segmentation of power traces, the higher the efficiency of their classification. There exist two commonly used methods: one is equidistant segmentation, which requires a fixed number of basic operations and similar trace lengths for each type of operation, leading to limited application scenarios; the other is peak-based segmentation, which relies on personal experience to configure parameters, resulting in insufficient flexibility and poor universality. In this paper, we propose an automated power trace segmentation method based on reinforcement learning algorithms, which is applicable to a wide range of common implementation of public-key algorithms. Reinforcement learning is an unsupervised machine learning technique that eliminates the need for manual label collection. For the first time, this technique is introduced into the field of side-channel analysis for power trace processing. By using prioritized experience replay optimized Deep Q-Network algorithm, we reduce the number of parameters required to achieve accurate segmentation of power traces to only one, i.e. the key length. We also employ various techniques to improve the segmentation effectiveness, such as clustering algorithm, enveloped-based feature enhancement and fine-tuning method. We validate the effectiveness of the new method in nine scenarios involving hardware and software implementations of different public-key algorithms executed on diverse platforms such as microcontrollers, SAKURA-G, and smart cards. Specifically, one of these implementations is protected by time randomization countermeasures. Experimental results show that our method has good robustness on the traces with varying segment lengths and differing peak heights. After employ the clustering algorithm, our method achieves an accuracy of over 99.6% in operations recovery. Besides, power traces collected from these devices have been uploaded as databases, which are available for researchers engaged in public-key algorithms to conduct related experiments or verify our method

    Tightening Leakage Resilience of the Suffix Keyed Sponge

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    Lightweight cryptographic constructions are often optimized on multiple aspects that put the security bounds to the limit. In this respect, it is important to obtain security bounds that are tight and give an accurate and exact indication of the generic security. However, whereas for black-box security bounds it has become common practice to argue tightness of security bounds, for leakage resilience security bounds this is not the case. This is unfortunate, as for leakage resilience results, tightness is even more important as there is already a lossiness incurred in capturing the actual leakage by a theoretical model in the first place. In this work, we consider the SuKS (Suffix Keyed Sponge) PRF construction and investigate tightness of the leakage resilience bound of Dobraunig and Mennink (ToSC 2019). We observe that, although their black-box security result is tight, their leakage resilience bound is not tight in their bounded leakage term λ. We observe that this is caused by the fact that parts of the security bound contain a term covering multicollisions and a term covering leakage, but an adversary is unable to combine both. We next consider improved security of the SuKS for two types of leakage: fixed position leakage, where the adversary directly learns the value of λ bits of a secret state, and Hamming weight leakage, where the Hamming weight of a fixed part of the state is leaked. For fixed position leakage, a very generous form of bounded leakage, we improve the original bound by making wise use of the multicollision limit function of Daemen et al. (ASIACRYPT 2017). For the more realistic setting of Hamming weight leakage, we structurally revisit the multicollision limit function analysis by including Hamming weight in the computation, a problem that is difficult on its own due to the non-uniform character of this type of leakage. In both cases, we improve and tighten the leakage resilience bound of Dobraunig and Mennink. The improved bound for the SuKS has immediate consequences for the leakage resilience of the NIST lightweight cryptography competition finalist ISAP v2, an authenticated encryption scheme that uses the SuKS internally

    Prime Masking vs. Faults - Exponential Security Amplification against Selected Classes of Attacks

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    Fault injection attacks are a serious concern for cryptographic hardware. Adversaries may extract sensitive information from the faulty output that is produced by a cryptographic circuit after actively disturbing its computation. Alternatively, the information whether an output would have been faulty, even if it is withheld from being released, may be exploited. The former class of attacks, which requires the collection of faulty outputs, such as Differential Fault Analysis (DFA), then either exploits some knowledge about the position of the injected fault or about its value. The latter class of attacks, which can be applied without ever obtaining faulty outputs, such as Statistical Ineffective Fault Attacks (SIFA), then either exploits a dependency between the effectiveness of the fault injection and the value to be faulted (e.g., an LSB stuck-at-0 only affecting odd numbers), denoted as SIFA-1, or a conditional propagation of a faulted value based on a sensitive intermediate (e.g., multiplication of a faulted value by 0 prevents propagation), denoted as SIFA-2. The aptitude of additive masking schemes, which were designed to prevent side-channel analysis, to also thwart fault attacks is typically assumed to be limited. Common fault models, such as toggle/bit-flip, stuck-at-0 or stuck-at-1 survive the recombination of Boolean shares well enough for generic attacks to succeed. More precisely, injecting a fault into one or multiple Boolean shares often results in the same, or at least a predictable, error appearing in the sensitive variable after recombination. In this work, we show that additive masking in prime-order fields breaks such relationships, causing frequently exploited biases to decrease exponentially in the number of shares. As a result, prime masking offers surprisingly strong protection against generic statistical attacks, which require a dependency between the effectiveness of an injected fault and the secret variable that is manipulated, such as SIFA-1. Operation-dependent statistical attacks, such as SIFA-2 and Fault Template Attacks (FTA), may still be performed against certain prime-field structures, even if they are masked with many shares. Yet, we analyze the corresponding cases and are able to provide specific guidelines on how to avoid vulnerabilities either at the cipher design or implementation level by making informed decisions about the primes, non-linear mappings and masked gadgets used. Since prime-field masking appears to be one of the rare instances of affordable countermeasures that naturally provide sound protection against sidechannel analysis and certain fault injection attacks, we believe there is a strong incentive for developing new ciphers to leverage these advantages

    Hardware Attacks against Hash-based Cryptographic Algorithms

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    This thesis surveys the current state of the art of hash-based cryptography with a view to finding vulnerabilities related to side-channel attacks and fault attacks. For side-channel investigation, we analyzed the power consumption of an Arduino Due microcontroller running a custom ARM implementation of SPHINCS-256---the most advanced digital signature scheme based on hash functions. Simple power analysis (SPA) was applied on a single trace to obtain a first insight into the implementation, and then on multiple traces to identify an initial data dependence of the power consumption on the hash functions involved in the instance. Based on this result, differential power analysis (DPA), with difference of means, V-test, and Pearson correlation, was applied to further investigate the leakage relating to BLAKE-256, as this function is used within SPHINCS-256 several times with the same secret key but applied on different known addresses. Concerning fault attacks, using instances of one-time signature (OTS) or few-times signatures (FTS) to sign a same message has been shown to theoretically make many schemes, such as LD-OTS, W-OTS, and HORS, existentially forgeable with non-invasive attacks. These vulnerabilities are fatal for the Merkle signature schemes which implement the tree chaining method (CMSS). When the schemes provide n/2 = 128 bits of quantum security, a universal forgery can be created with around q = 20 different faulty signatures. This thesis demonstrates a practical application of fault attacks to create this universal forgery using voltage glitching on the previously mentioned ARM implementation of SPHINCS-256. An invasive attack performing key recovery against W-OTS by forcing bits of two quantities to be zero is also described. Countermeasures to thwart all the described attacks are discussed