3 research outputs found

    A Public Key Encryption Scheme Based on the Polynomial Reconstruction Problem

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    International audienceThe Polynomial Reconstruction problem (PR) has been introduced in 1999 as a new hard problem. Several cryptographic primitives established on this problem have been constructed, for instance Naor and Pinkas have proposed a protocol for oblivious polynomial evaluation. Then it has been studied from the point of view of robustness, and several important properties have been discovered and proved by Kiayias and Yung. Furthermore the same authors constructed a symmetric cipher based on the PR problem. In the present paper, we use the published security results and construct a new public key encryption scheme based on the hardness of the problem of Polynomial Reconstruction. The scheme presented is the first public key encryption scheme based on this Polynomial Reconstruction problem. We also present some attacks, discuss their performances and state the size of the parameters required to reach the desired security level. In conclusion, this leads to a cryptosystem where the cost of encryption and decryption per bit is low, and where the public key is kept relatively small

    Adaptive learning and cryptography

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    Significant links exist between cryptography and computational learning theory. Cryptographic functions are the usual method of demonstrating significant intractability results in computational learning theory as they can demonstrate that certain problems are hard in a representation independent sense. On the other hand, hard learning problems have been used to create efficient cryptographic protocols such as authentication schemes, pseudo-random permutations and functions, and even public key encryption schemes.;Learning theory / coding theory also impacts cryptography in that it enables cryptographic primitives to deal with the issues of noise or bias in their inputs. Several different constructions of fuzzy primitives exist, a fuzzy primitive being a primitive which functions correctly even in the presence of noisy , or non-uniform inputs. Some examples of these primitives include error-correcting blockciphers, fuzzy identity based cryptosystems, fuzzy extractors and fuzzy sketches. Error correcting blockciphers combine both encryption and error correction in a single function which results in increased efficiency. Fuzzy identity based encryption allows the decryption of any ciphertext that was encrypted under a close enough identity. Fuzzy extractors and sketches are methods of reliably (re)-producing a uniformly random secret key given an imperfectly reproducible string from a biased source, through a public string that is called the sketch .;While hard learning problems have many qualities which make them useful in constructing cryptographic protocols, such as their inherent error tolerance and simple algebraic structure, it is often difficult to utilize them to construct very secure protocols due to assumptions they make on the learning algorithm. Due to these assumptions, the resulting protocols often do not have security against various types of adaptive adversaries. to help deal with this issue, we further examine the inter-relationships between cryptography and learning theory by introducing the concept of adaptive learning . Adaptive learning is a rather weak form of learning in which the learner is not expected to closely approximate the concept function in its entirety, rather it is only expected to answer a query of the learner\u27s choice about the target. Adaptive learning allows for a much weaker learner than in the standard model, while maintaining the the positive properties of many learning problems in the standard model, a fact which we feel makes problems that are hard to adaptively learn more useful than standard model learning problems in the design of cryptographic protocols. We argue that learning parity with noise is hard to do adaptively and use that assumption to construct a related key secure, efficient MAC as well as an efficient authentication scheme. In addition we examine the security properties of fuzzy sketches and extractors and demonstrate how these properties can be combined by using our related key secure MAC. We go on to demonstrate that our extractor can allow a form of related-key hardening for protocols in that, by affecting how the key for a primitive is stored it renders that protocol immune to related key attacks

    Cryptographic Hardness Based on the Decoding of Reed-Solomon Codes with Applications

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    We investigate the decoding problem of Reed-Solomon Codes (aka: the Polynomial Reconstruction Problem -- PR) from a cryptographic hardness perspective. First, following the standard methodology for constructing cryptographically strong primitives, we formulate a decisional intractability assumption related to the PR problem. Then, based on this assumption we show: (i) hardness of partial information extraction: an adversary who wishes to predict the value of some computable function on a new point of the solution of a given PR-instance, has no more than a negligible advantage over an adversary who wishes to do the same without seeing the PR-instance (for any probability distribution of the new point), and ii) pseudorandomness: PR-instances are pseudorandom in the sense that they are indistinguishable from totally random sets of points over the finite field