1 research outputs found

    Asymptotic Bound for RSA Variant with Three Decryption Exponents

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    This paper presents a cryptanalysis attack on the RSA variant with modulus N=prqN=p^rq for r≥2r\geq 2 with three public and private exponents (e1,d1),(e_1,d_1), (e2,d2),(e_2,d_2), (e3,d3)(e_3,d_3) sharing the same modulus NN where pp and qq are consider to prime having the same bit size. Our attack shows that we get the private exponent \sigma_1\sigma_2\sigma_3<\left(\frac{r-1}{r+1}\right)^4, which makes the modulus vulnerable to Coppersmith's attacks and can lead to the factorization of NN efficiently where d_1 The asymptotic bound of our attack is greater than the bounds for May \cite{May}, Zheng and Hu \cite{Z}, and Lu et al. \cite{Y} for 2\leq r \leq 10 and greater than Sarkar's \cite{Sarkar1} and \cite{Sarkar} bounds for 5 \leq r \leq10$