10 research outputs found

    Crossing the Logarithmic Barrier for Dynamic Boolean Data Structure Lower Bounds

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    This paper proves the first super-logarithmic lower bounds on the cell probe complexity of dynamic boolean (a.k.a. decision) data structure problems, a long-standing milestone in data structure lower bounds. We introduce a new method for proving dynamic cell probe lower bounds and use it to prove a Ω~(log1.5n)\tilde{\Omega}(\log^{1.5} n) lower bound on the operational time of a wide range of boolean data structure problems, most notably, on the query time of dynamic range counting over F2\mathbb{F}_2 ([Pat07]). Proving an ω(lgn)\omega(\lg n) lower bound for this problem was explicitly posed as one of five important open problems in the late Mihai P\v{a}tra\c{s}cu's obituary [Tho13]. This result also implies the first ω(lgn)\omega(\lg n) lower bound for the classical 2D range counting problem, one of the most fundamental data structure problems in computational geometry and spatial databases. We derive similar lower bounds for boolean versions of dynamic polynomial evaluation and 2D rectangle stabbing, and for the (non-boolean) problems of range selection and range median. Our technical centerpiece is a new way of "weakly" simulating dynamic data structures using efficient one-way communication protocols with small advantage over random guessing. This simulation involves a surprising excursion to low-degree (Chebychev) polynomials which may be of independent interest, and offers an entirely new algorithmic angle on the "cell sampling" method of Panigrahy et al. [PTW10]

    Upper and lower bounds for dynamic data structures on strings

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    We consider a range of simply stated dynamic data structure problems on strings. An update changes one symbol in the input and a query asks us to compute some function of the pattern of length mm and a substring of a longer text. We give both conditional and unconditional lower bounds for variants of exact matching with wildcards, inner product, and Hamming distance computation via a sequence of reductions. As an example, we show that there does not exist an O(m1/2ε)O(m^{1/2-\varepsilon}) time algorithm for a large range of these problems unless the online Boolean matrix-vector multiplication conjecture is false. We also provide nearly matching upper bounds for most of the problems we consider.Comment: Accepted at STACS'1

    Tight Cell Probe Bounds for Succinct Boolean Matrix-Vector Multiplication

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    The conjectured hardness of Boolean matrix-vector multiplication has been used with great success to prove conditional lower bounds for numerous important data structure problems, see Henzinger et al. [STOC'15]. In recent work, Larsen and Williams [SODA'17] attacked the problem from the upper bound side and gave a surprising cell probe data structure (that is, we only charge for memory accesses, while computation is free). Their cell probe data structure answers queries in O~(n7/4)\tilde{O}(n^{7/4}) time and is succinct in the sense that it stores the input matrix in read-only memory, plus an additional O~(n7/4)\tilde{O}(n^{7/4}) bits on the side. In this paper, we essentially settle the cell probe complexity of succinct Boolean matrix-vector multiplication. We present a new cell probe data structure with query time O~(n3/2)\tilde{O}(n^{3/2}) storing just O~(n3/2)\tilde{O}(n^{3/2}) bits on the side. We then complement our data structure with a lower bound showing that any data structure storing rr bits on the side, with n<r<n2n < r < n^2 must have query time tt satisfying tr=Ω~(n3)t r = \tilde{\Omega}(n^3). For rnr \leq n, any data structure must have t=Ω~(n2)t = \tilde{\Omega}(n^2). Since lower bounds in the cell probe model also apply to classic word-RAM data structures, the lower bounds naturally carry over. We also prove similar lower bounds for matrix-vector multiplication over F2\mathbb{F}_2

    Lower Bounds for Oblivious Near-Neighbor Search

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    We prove an Ω(dlgn/(lglgn)2)\Omega(d \lg n/ (\lg\lg n)^2) lower bound on the dynamic cell-probe complexity of statistically oblivious\mathit{oblivious} approximate-near-neighbor search (ANN\mathsf{ANN}) over the dd-dimensional Hamming cube. For the natural setting of d=Θ(logn)d = \Theta(\log n), our result implies an Ω~(lg2n)\tilde{\Omega}(\lg^2 n) lower bound, which is a quadratic improvement over the highest (non-oblivious) cell-probe lower bound for ANN\mathsf{ANN}. This is the first super-logarithmic unconditional\mathit{unconditional} lower bound for ANN\mathsf{ANN} against general (non black-box) data structures. We also show that any oblivious static\mathit{static} data structure for decomposable search problems (like ANN\mathsf{ANN}) can be obliviously dynamized with O(logn)O(\log n) overhead in update and query time, strengthening a classic result of Bentley and Saxe (Algorithmica, 1980).Comment: 28 page

    35th Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science: STACS 2018, February 28-March 3, 2018, Caen, France

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