13 research outputs found

    On the pseudolinear crossing number

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    A drawing of a graph is {\em pseudolinear} if there is a pseudoline arrangement such that each pseudoline contains exactly one edge of the drawing. The {\em pseudolinear crossing number} of a graph GG is the minimum number of pairwise crossings of edges in a pseudolinear drawing of GG. We establish several facts on the pseudolinear crossing number, including its computational complexity and its relationship to the usual crossing number and to the rectilinear crossing number. This investigation was motivated by open questions and issues raised by Marcus Schaefer in his comprehensive survey of the many variants of the crossing number of a graph.Comment: 12 page

    On Hardness of the Joint Crossing Number

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    The Joint Crossing Number problem asks for a simultaneous embedding of two disjoint graphs into one surface such that the number of edge crossings (between the two graphs) is minimized. It was introduced by Negami in 2001 in connection with diagonal flips in triangulations of surfaces, and subsequently investigated in a general form for small-genus surfaces. We prove that all of the commonly considered variants of this problem are NP-hard already in the orientable surface of genus 6, by a reduction from a special variant of the anchored crossing number problem of Cabello and Mohar

    Complexity of Anchored Crossing Number and Crossing Number of Almost Planar Graphs

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    In this paper we deal with the problem of computing the exact crossing number of almost planar graphs and the closely related problem of computing the exact anchored crossing number of a pair of planar graphs. It was shown by [Cabello and Mohar, 2013] that both problems are NP-hard; although they required an unbounded number of high-degree vertices (in the first problem) or an unbounded number of anchors (in the second problem) to prove their result. Somehow surprisingly, only three vertices of degree greater than 3, or only three anchors, are sufficient to maintain hardness of these problems, as we prove here. The new result also improves the previous result on hardness of joint crossing number on surfaces by [Hlin\v{e}n\'y and Salazar, 2015]. Our result is best possible in the anchored case since the anchored crossing number of a pair of planar graphs with two anchors each is trivial, and close to being best possible in the almost planar case since the crossing number is efficiently computable for almost planar graphs of maximum degree 3 [Riskin 1996, Cabello and Mohar 2011]

    Crossing Numbers of Beyond-Planar Graphs

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