4 research outputs found

    Generative Learning of Heterogeneous Tail Dependence

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    We propose a multivariate generative model to capture the complex dependence structure often encountered in business and financial data. Our model features heterogeneous and asymmetric tail dependence between all pairs of individual dimensions while also allowing heterogeneity and asymmetry in the tails of the marginals. A significant merit of our model structure is that it is not prone to error propagation in the parameter estimation process, hence very scalable, as the dimensions of datasets grow large. However, the likelihood methods are infeasible for parameter estimation in our case due to the lack of a closed-form density function. Instead, we devise a novel moment learning algorithm to learn the parameters. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the model and its estimator, we test them on simulated as well as real-world datasets. Results show that this framework gives better finite-sample performance compared to the copula-based benchmarks as well as recent similar models

    Memory-Gated Recurrent Networks

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    The essence of multivariate sequential learning is all about how to extract dependencies in data. These data sets, such as hourly medical records in intensive care units and multi-frequency phonetic time series, often time exhibit not only strong serial dependencies in the individual components (the "marginal" memory) but also non-negligible memories in the cross-sectional dependencies (the "joint" memory). Because of the multivariate complexity in the evolution of the joint distribution that underlies the data generating process, we take a data-driven approach and construct a novel recurrent network architecture, termed Memory-Gated Recurrent Networks (mGRN), with gates explicitly regulating two distinct types of memories: the marginal memory and the joint memory. Through a combination of comprehensive simulation studies and empirical experiments on a range of public datasets, we show that our proposed mGRN architecture consistently outperforms state-of-the-art architectures targeting multivariate time series.Comment: This paper was accepted and will be published in the Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-21