22 research outputs found

    DiffusionVMR: Diffusion Model for Video Moment Retrieval

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    Video moment retrieval is a fundamental visual-language task that aims to retrieve target moments from an untrimmed video based on a language query. Existing methods typically generate numerous proposals manually or via generative networks in advance as the support set for retrieval, which is not only inflexible but also time-consuming. Inspired by the success of diffusion models on object detection, this work aims at reformulating video moment retrieval as a denoising generation process to get rid of the inflexible and time-consuming proposal generation. To this end, we propose a novel proposal-free framework, namely DiffusionVMR, which directly samples random spans from noise as candidates and introduces denoising learning to ground target moments. During training, Gaussian noise is added to the real moments, and the model is trained to learn how to reverse this process. In inference, a set of time spans is progressively refined from the initial noise to the final output. Notably, the training and inference of DiffusionVMR are decoupled, and an arbitrary number of random spans can be used in inference without being consistent with the training phase. Extensive experiments conducted on three widely-used benchmarks (i.e., QVHighlight, Charades-STA, and TACoS) demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DiffusionVMR by comparing it with state-of-the-art methods

    Boundary Proposal Network for Two-Stage Natural Language Video Localization

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    We aim to address the problem of Natural Language Video Localization (NLVL)-localizing the video segment corresponding to a natural language description in a long and untrimmed video. State-of-the-art NLVL methods are almost in one-stage fashion, which can be typically grouped into two categories: 1) anchor-based approach: it first pre-defines a series of video segment candidates (e.g., by sliding window), and then does classification for each candidate; 2) anchor-free approach: it directly predicts the probabilities for each video frame as a boundary or intermediate frame inside the positive segment. However, both kinds of one-stage approaches have inherent drawbacks: the anchor-based approach is susceptible to the heuristic rules, further limiting the capability of handling videos with variant length. While the anchor-free approach fails to exploit the segment-level interaction thus achieving inferior results. In this paper, we propose a novel Boundary Proposal Network (BPNet), a universal two-stage framework that gets rid of the issues mentioned above. Specifically, in the first stage, BPNet utilizes an anchor-free model to generate a group of high-quality candidate video segments with their boundaries. In the second stage, a visual-language fusion layer is proposed to jointly model the multi-modal interaction between the candidate and the language query, followed by a matching score rating layer that outputs the alignment score for each candidate. We evaluate our BPNet on three challenging NLVL benchmarks (i.e., Charades-STA, TACoS and ActivityNet-Captions). Extensive experiments and ablative studies on these datasets demonstrate that the BPNet outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.Comment: AAAI 202

    MRTNet: Multi-Resolution Temporal Network for Video Sentence Grounding

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    Given an untrimmed video and natural language query, video sentence grounding aims to localize the target temporal moment in the video. Existing methods mainly tackle this task by matching and aligning semantics of the descriptive sentence and video segments on a single temporal resolution, while neglecting the temporal consistency of video content in different resolutions. In this work, we propose a novel multi-resolution temporal video sentence grounding network: MRTNet, which consists of a multi-modal feature encoder, a Multi-Resolution Temporal (MRT) module, and a predictor module. MRT module is an encoder-decoder network, and output features in the decoder part are in conjunction with Transformers to predict the final start and end timestamps. Particularly, our MRT module is hot-pluggable, which means it can be seamlessly incorporated into any anchor-free models. Besides, we utilize a hybrid loss to supervise cross-modal features in MRT module for more accurate grounding in three scales: frame-level, clip-level and sequence-level. Extensive experiments on three prevalent datasets have shown the effectiveness of MRTNet.Comment: work in progres

    Exploring Domain Incremental Video Highlights Detection with the LiveFood Benchmark

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    Video highlights detection (VHD) is an active research field in computer vision, aiming to locate the most user-appealing clips given raw video inputs. However, most VHD methods are based on the closed world assumption, i.e., a fixed number of highlight categories is defined in advance and all training data are available beforehand. Consequently, existing methods have poor scalability with respect to increasing highlight domains and training data. To address above issues, we propose a novel video highlights detection method named Global Prototype Encoding (GPE) to learn incrementally for adapting to new domains via parameterized prototypes. To facilitate this new research direction, we collect a finely annotated dataset termed LiveFood, including over 5,100 live gourmet videos that consist of four domains: ingredients, cooking, presentation, and eating. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to explore video highlights detection in the incremental learning setting, opening up new land to apply VHD for practical scenarios where both the concerned highlight domains and training data increase over time. We demonstrate the effectiveness of GPE through extensive experiments. Notably, GPE surpasses popular domain incremental learning methods on LiveFood, achieving significant mAP improvements on all domains. Concerning the classic datasets, GPE also yields comparable performance as previous arts. The code is available at: https://github.com/ForeverPs/IncrementalVHD_GPE.Comment: AAAI 202

    Cross-Modal Interaction Networks for Query-Based Moment Retrieval in Videos

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    Query-based moment retrieval aims to localize the most relevant moment in an untrimmed video according to the given natural language query. Existing works often only focus on one aspect of this emerging task, such as the query representation learning, video context modeling or multi-modal fusion, thus fail to develop a comprehensive system for further performance improvement. In this paper, we introduce a novel Cross-Modal Interaction Network (CMIN) to consider multiple crucial factors for this challenging task, including (1) the syntactic structure of natural language queries; (2) long-range semantic dependencies in video context and (3) the sufficient cross-modal interaction. Specifically, we devise a syntactic GCN to leverage the syntactic structure of queries for fine-grained representation learning, propose a multi-head self-attention to capture long-range semantic dependencies from video context, and next employ a multi-stage cross-modal interaction to explore the potential relations of video and query contents. The extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.Comment: Accepted by SIGIR 2019 as a full pape