5 research outputs found

    Cross-intensity functions and the estimate of spike-time jitter

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    Correlation measures are important tools for the analysis of simultaneously recorded spike trains. A well-known measure with probabilistic interpretation is the cross-intensity function (CIF), which is an estimate of the conditional probability that a neuron spikes as a function of the time lag to spikes in another neuron. The non-commutative nature of the CIF is particularly useful when different neuron classes are studied that can be distinguished based on their anatomy or physiology. Here we explore the utility of the CIF for estimating spike-time jitter in synaptic interactions between neuron pairs of connected classes. When applied to spike train pairs from sleeping songbirds, we are able to distinguish fast synaptic interactions mediated primarily by AMPA receptors from slower interactions mediated by NMDA receptors. We also find that spike jitter increases with the time lag between spikes, reflecting the accumulation of noise in neural activity sequences, such as in synfire chains. In conclusion, we demonstrate some new utility of the CIF as a spike-train measur

    Spike Correlations in a Songbird Agree with a Simple Markov Population Model

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    The relationships between neural activity at the single-cell and the population levels are of central importance for understanding neural codes. In many sensory systems, collective behaviors in large cell groups can be described by pairwise spike correlations. Here, we test whether in a highly specialized premotor system of songbirds, pairwise spike correlations themselves can be seen as a simple corollary of an underlying random process. We test hypotheses on connectivity and network dynamics in the motor pathway of zebra finches using a high-level population model that is independent of detailed single-neuron properties. We assume that neural population activity evolves along a finite set of states during singing, and that during sleep population activity randomly switches back and forth between song states and a single resting state. Individual spike trains are generated by associating with each of the population states a particular firing mode, such as bursting or tonic firing. With an overall modification of one or two simple control parameters, the Markov model is able to reproduce observed firing statistics and spike correlations in different neuron types and behavioral states. Our results suggest that song- and sleep-related firing patterns are identical on short time scales and result from random sampling of a unique underlying theme. The efficiency of our population model may apply also to other neural systems in which population hypotheses can be tested on recordings from small neuron groups

    Evaluation of the Performance of Information Theory-Based Methods and Cross-Correlation to Estimate the Functional Connectivity in Cortical Networks

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    Functional connectivity of in vitro neuronal networks was estimated by applying different statistical algorithms on data collected by Micro-Electrode Arrays (MEAs). First we tested these “connectivity methods” on neuronal network models at an increasing level of complexity and evaluated the performance in terms of ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) and PPC (Positive Precision Curve), a new defined complementary method specifically developed for functional links identification. Then, the algorithms better estimated the actual connectivity of the network models, were used to extract functional connectivity from cultured cortical networks coupled to MEAs. Among the proposed approaches, Transfer Entropy and Joint-Entropy showed the best results suggesting those methods as good candidates to extract functional links in actual neuronal networks from multi-site recordings