4,501 research outputs found

    Doodle to Search: Practical Zero-Shot Sketch-based Image Retrieval

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    In this paper, we investigate the problem of zero-shot sketch-based image retrieval (ZS-SBIR), where human sketches are used as queries to conduct retrieval of photos from unseen categories. We importantly advance prior arts by proposing a novel ZS-SBIR scenario that represents a firm step forward in its practical application. The new setting uniquely recognizes two important yet often neglected challenges of practical ZS-SBIR, (i) the large domain gap between amateur sketch and photo, and (ii) the necessity for moving towards large-scale retrieval. We first contribute to the community a novel ZS-SBIR dataset, QuickDraw-Extended, that consists of 330,000 sketches and 204,000 photos spanning across 110 categories. Highly abstract amateur human sketches are purposefully sourced to maximize the domain gap, instead of ones included in existing datasets that can often be semi-photorealistic. We then formulate a ZS-SBIR framework to jointly model sketches and photos into a common embedding space. A novel strategy to mine the mutual information among domains is specifically engineered to alleviate the domain gap. External semantic knowledge is further embedded to aid semantic transfer. We show that, rather surprisingly, retrieval performance significantly outperforms that of state-of-the-art on existing datasets that can already be achieved using a reduced version of our model. We further demonstrate the superior performance of our full model by comparing with a number of alternatives on the newly proposed dataset. The new dataset, plus all training and testing code of our model, will be publicly released to facilitate future researchComment: Oral paper in CVPR 201

    Deep Sketch Hashing: Fast Free-hand Sketch-Based Image Retrieval

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    Free-hand sketch-based image retrieval (SBIR) is a specific cross-view retrieval task, in which queries are abstract and ambiguous sketches while the retrieval database is formed with natural images. Work in this area mainly focuses on extracting representative and shared features for sketches and natural images. However, these can neither cope well with the geometric distortion between sketches and images nor be feasible for large-scale SBIR due to the heavy continuous-valued distance computation. In this paper, we speed up SBIR by introducing a novel binary coding method, named \textbf{Deep Sketch Hashing} (DSH), where a semi-heterogeneous deep architecture is proposed and incorporated into an end-to-end binary coding framework. Specifically, three convolutional neural networks are utilized to encode free-hand sketches, natural images and, especially, the auxiliary sketch-tokens which are adopted as bridges to mitigate the sketch-image geometric distortion. The learned DSH codes can effectively capture the cross-view similarities as well as the intrinsic semantic correlations between different categories. To the best of our knowledge, DSH is the first hashing work specifically designed for category-level SBIR with an end-to-end deep architecture. The proposed DSH is comprehensively evaluated on two large-scale datasets of TU-Berlin Extension and Sketchy, and the experiments consistently show DSH's superior SBIR accuracies over several state-of-the-art methods, while achieving significantly reduced retrieval time and memory footprint.Comment: This paper will appear as a spotlight paper in CVPR201

    Deep Shape Matching

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    We cast shape matching as metric learning with convolutional networks. We break the end-to-end process of image representation into two parts. Firstly, well established efficient methods are chosen to turn the images into edge maps. Secondly, the network is trained with edge maps of landmark images, which are automatically obtained by a structure-from-motion pipeline. The learned representation is evaluated on a range of different tasks, providing improvements on challenging cases of domain generalization, generic sketch-based image retrieval or its fine-grained counterpart. In contrast to other methods that learn a different model per task, object category, or domain, we use the same network throughout all our experiments, achieving state-of-the-art results in multiple benchmarks.Comment: ECCV 201

    Learning Cross-Modal Deep Embeddings for Multi-Object Image Retrieval using Text and Sketch

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    In this work we introduce a cross modal image retrieval system that allows both text and sketch as input modalities for the query. A cross-modal deep network architecture is formulated to jointly model the sketch and text input modalities as well as the the image output modality, learning a common embedding between text and images and between sketches and images. In addition, an attention model is used to selectively focus the attention on the different objects of the image, allowing for retrieval with multiple objects in the query. Experiments show that the proposed method performs the best in both single and multiple object image retrieval in standard datasets.Comment: Accepted at ICPR 201

    Sketch Me That Shoe

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    This project received support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement #640891, the Royal Society and Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) joint grant #IE141387 and #61511130081, and the China Scholarship Council (CSC). We gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation for the donation of the GPUs used for this research

    Many Task Learning with Task Routing

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    Typical multi-task learning (MTL) methods rely on architectural adjustments and a large trainable parameter set to jointly optimize over several tasks. However, when the number of tasks increases so do the complexity of the architectural adjustments and resource requirements. In this paper, we introduce a method which applies a conditional feature-wise transformation over the convolutional activations that enables a model to successfully perform a large number of tasks. To distinguish from regular MTL, we introduce Many Task Learning (MaTL) as a special case of MTL where more than 20 tasks are performed by a single model. Our method dubbed Task Routing (TR) is encapsulated in a layer we call the Task Routing Layer (TRL), which applied in an MaTL scenario successfully fits hundreds of classification tasks in one model. We evaluate our method on 5 datasets against strong baselines and state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: 8 Pages, 5 Figures, 2 Table
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