1 research outputs found

    Cross-Calibration of AQUA-MODIS and NPP-VIIRS Reflective Solar Bands for a Seamless Record of CERES Cloud and Flux Properties

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    The CERES measured shortwave and longwave fluxes rely on the cloud properties derived using the coincident observations from the accompanying high-resolution MODIS and VIIRS imagers. The calibration consistency is required between MODIS and VIIRS radiances to ensure that the CERES provided cloud property retrievals are temporally consistent. This paper presents multiple approaches of cross-calibrating the spectrally comparable reflective solar bands (RSB) of Aqua-MODIS and NPP- VIIRS, and estimates the radiometric biases for individual band pair. The inter-comparison is performed between the Aqua-MODIS collection 6.1 level 1B and NPP-VIIRS Land PEATE V1 datasets. Radiometric biases up to 3% were estimated bet een the MODIS and VIIRS radiances for visible bands