5 research outputs found

    Integration of multimetric path management into 802.11S for telemedicine quality of service provision

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    The merits of 802.11s as the wireless mesh network standard provide a low cost and high independent scalability telemedicine infrastructure. However, challenges in degradation of performance as hops increase and the absence of Quality of Service (QoS) provision need to be resolved. Reliability and timely manner are important factors for successful telemedicine service. This research investigates the use of 802.11s for telemedicine services. A new model of 802.11s based on telemedicine infrastructure has been developed for this purpose. A non deterministic polynomial path selection is proposed to provide end-to-end QoS provisioning in 802.11s. A multi-metric called QoS Price metric is proposed as measurement of link quality. The QoS Price is derived from multi layers values that reflect telemedicine traffic requirement and resource availability of the network. The proposed solution has modified the path management of 802.11s and added resource allocation in distributed scheme. This modification and resource allocation improvement of 802.11s were given the designation medQoS-802.11s. MedQoS- 802.11s could provide a link guarantee of telemedicine traffic transmission in the selected path. MedQoS-802.11s had been tested using ns3 simulation and real environment testbed. The result has shown that medQoS-802.11s could achieve the traffic guarantee for almost 95% telemedicine traffic with 58% for the resource intensive diagnostic video traffic. It has also shown that the cost of link path overhead is efficient with the transmission overhead having an increment of 6% compared to the original 802.11s. The concurrent connection results for single time transmission shows that medQoS-802.11s has a significant increase of up to 12% traffic than original 802.11s. The testbed results have verified the QoS guarantee of the intended telemedicine traffic per transmission time. In summary, the reliability and time guarantee of medQoS has highly improved 802.11s to transmit telemedicine traffic

    Evaluación del rendimiento de redes ópticas para aplicaciones de telemedicina en ambientes simulados

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    Las redes de telemedicina permiten la prestación de ciertos servicios médicos de manera remota. Cada servicio demanda ciertos requerimientos de red para su correcto funcionamiento. En la actua­lidad, la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada no cuenta con una red experimental de telemedicina donde puedan realizarse algunos procedimientos médicos con fines académicos, por esta razón, se propone el diseño de una red óptica para servi­cios de telemedicina entre la sede central de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada y la sede de Medicina, ubicada en el Hospital Militar Central. Dentro de la propuesta de red de telemedicina se evalúa el rendimiento de acuerdo a los requeri­mientos de las aplicaciones de la telecardiología y el registro clínico electrónico; finalmente, se compara el rendimiento de la red óptica, con los valores establecidos por las normas y estándares internacionales

    Cross layer design of wireless LAN for telemedicine application

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    Telemedicine system requires an acceptable network quality of service and cost. IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN technology has been developed to provide scalable and low cost network. For telemedicine applications however, the technology does not fulfil the quality of service requirement yet. In order to overcome this problem, a new cross layer design of wireless LAN is proposed. The design is based on IEEE 802.11g standard with modification in datalink and physical layer. This has been implemented in NS2 simulation environment. The simulation has been performed to deliver the video data for telemedicine application. Simulation result shows that the new cross layer design has better network quality of service for PSNR (Peak Signal Noise Ratio) and delay values than the conventional wireless LAN. Thus, the new design has a potential to be used in telemedicine system