17 research outputs found

    Three Dimensional Strongly Symmetric Circulant Tensors

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    In this paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for an even order three dimensional strongly symmetric circulant tensor to be positive semi-definite. In some cases, we show that this condition is also sufficient for this tensor to be sum-of-squares. Numerical tests indicate that this is also true in the other cases

    Regularly Decomposable Tensors and Classical Spin States

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    A spin-jj state can be represented by a symmetric tensor of order N=2jN=2j and dimension 44. Here, jj can be a positive integer, which corresponds to a boson; jj can also be a positive half-integer, which corresponds to a fermion. In this paper, we introduce regularly decomposable tensors and show that a spin-jj state is classical if and only if its representing tensor is a regularly decomposable tensor. In the even-order case, a regularly decomposable tensor is a completely decomposable tensor but not vice versa; a completely decomposable tensors is a sum-of-squares (SOS) tensor but not vice versa; an SOS tensor is a positive semi-definite (PSD) tensor but not vice versa. In the odd-order case, the first row tensor of a regularly decomposable tensor is regularly decomposable and its other row tensors are induced by the regular decomposition of its first row tensor. We also show that complete decomposability and regular decomposability are invariant under orthogonal transformations, and that the completely decomposable tensor cone and the regularly decomposable tensor cone are closed convex cones. Furthermore, in the even-order case, the completely decomposable tensor cone and the PSD tensor cone are dual to each other. The Hadamard product of two completely decomposable tensors is still a completely decomposable tensor. Since one may apply the positive semi-definite programming algorithm to detect whether a symmetric tensor is an SOS tensor or not, this gives a checkable necessary condition for classicality of a spin-jj state. Further research issues on regularly decomposable tensors are also raised.Comment: published versio

    SOS-Hankel Tensors: Theory and Application

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    Hankel tensors arise from signal processing and some other applications. SOS (sum-of-squares) tensors are positive semi-definite symmetric tensors, but not vice versa. The problem for determining an even order symmetric tensor is an SOS tensor or not is equivalent to solving a semi-infinite linear programming problem, which can be done in polynomial time. On the other hand, the problem for determining an even order symmetric tensor is positive semi-definite or not is NP-hard. In this paper, we study SOS-Hankel tensors. Currently, there are two known positive semi-definite Hankel tensor classes: even order complete Hankel tensors and even order strong Hankel tensors. We show complete Hankel tensors are strong Hankel tensors, and even order strong Hankel tensors are SOS-Hankel tensors. We give several examples of positive semi-definite Hankel tensors, which are not strong Hankel tensors. However, all of them are still SOS-Hankel tensors. Does there exist a positive semi-definite non-SOS-Hankel tensor? The answer to this question remains open. If the answer to this question is no, then the problem for determining an even order Hankel tensor is positive semi-definite or not is solvable in polynomial-time. An application of SOS-Hankel tensors to the positive semi-definite tensor completion problem is discussed. We present an ADMM algorithm for solving this problem. Some preliminary numerical results on this algorithm are reported

    Positive Semi-Definiteness of Generalized Anti-Circulant Tensors

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    Anti-circulant tensors have applications in exponential data fitting. They are special Hankel tensors. In this paper, we extend the definition of anti-circulant tensors to generalized anti-circulant tensors by introducing a circulant index rr such that the entries of the generating vector of a Hankel tensor are circulant with module rr. In the special case when r=nr =n, where nn is the dimension of the Hankel tensor, the generalized anticirculant tensor reduces to the anti-circulant tensor. Hence, generalized anti-circulant tensors are still special Hankel tensors. For the cases that GCD(m,r)=1GCD(m, r) =1, GCD(m,r)=2GCD(m, r) = 2 and some other cases, including the matrix case that m=2m=2, we give necessary and sufficient conditions for positive semi-definiteness of even order generalized anti-circulant tensors, and show that in these cases, they are SOS tensors. This shows that, in these cases, there are no PNS (positive semidefinite tensors which are not sum of squares) Hankel tensors

    Supersymmetric deformations of 3D SCFTs from tri-sasakian truncation

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    We holographically study supersymmetric deformations of N=3N=3 and N=1N=1 superconformal field theories (SCFTs) in three dimensions using four-dimensional N=4N=4 gauged supergravity coupled to three-vector multiplets with non-semisimple SO(3)(T3,T^3)SO(3)\ltimes (\mathbf{T}^3,\hat{\mathbf{T}}^3) gauge group. This gauged supergravity can be obtained from a truncation of eleven-dimensional supergravity on a tri-sasakian manifold and admits both N=1,3N=1,3 supersymmetric and stable non-supersymmetric AdS4AdS_4 critical points. We analyze the BPS equations for SO(3)SO(3) singlet scalars in details and study possible supersymmetric solutions. A number of RG flows to non-conformal field theories and half-supersymmetric domain walls are found, and many of them can be given analytically. Apart from these "flat" domain walls, we also consider AdS3AdS_3-sliced domain wall solutions describing two-dimensional conformal defects with N=(1,0)N=(1,0) supersymmetry within the dual N=1N=1 field theory while this type of solutions does not exist in the N=3N=3 case.Comment: 33 pages, 4 figures, references added, typos and parts of the analysis corrected with numerical solutions include