19 research outputs found

    Embedding creativity in the university computing curriculum

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    We explore the need for embedding creativity in the UK Higher Education computing curriculum and some of the challenges associated with this. We identify some of the initiatives and movements in this area and discuss some of the work that has been carried out. We then describe some of the ways we have tried to meet these challenges and reflect on our degree of success with respect to the goal of producing graduates who are fit for the myriad of job opportunities they will come across in a rapidly changing technology landscape. Finally, we make a number of recommendations

    Embedding creativity in the university computing curriculum

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    We explore the need for embedding creativity in the UK Higher Education computing curriculum and some of the challenges associated with this. We identify some of the initiatives and movements in this area and discuss some of the work that has been carried out. We then describe some of the ways we have tried to meet these challenges and reflect on our degree of success with respect to the goal of producing graduates who are fit for the myriad of job opportunities they will come across in a rapidly changing technology landscape. Finally, we make a number of recommendations

    The Utah Statesman, October 8, 2015

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    Weekly student newspaper of Utah State University in Logan.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/newspapers/1020/thumbnail.jp

    The Utah Statesman, October 8, 2015

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    Weekly student newspaper of Utah State University in Logan.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/newspapers/1020/thumbnail.jp

    The Utah Statesman, October 8, 2015

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    Weekly student newspaper of Utah State University in Logan.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/newspapers/1020/thumbnail.jp

    The Utah Statesman, October 8, 2015

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    Weekly student newspaper of Utah State University in Logan.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/newspapers/1020/thumbnail.jp

    The Utah Statesman, October 8, 2015

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    Weekly student newspaper of Utah State University in Logan.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/newspapers/1020/thumbnail.jp

    The Rider (2018-10-29)

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    Software Innovation:Eight work-style heuristics for creative system developers

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    Kreativitätsförderung im Informatikunterricht

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    Kada govorimo o kreativnosti, tada mislimo na misaone procese kojima pojedinac na originalan način dolazi do rješenja, ideja, teorija ili proizvoda. Kreativnost se smatra vještinom koja se vježba i razvija, stoga postaje jednim od važnijih zadataka odgojno-obrazovnog rada. U ovom se radu ispituje mogućnost poticanja učeničke kreativnosti u nastavi informatike. Istraživanje je provedeno u osnovnim školama na području Istarske županije, a obuhvaća 23 učitelja informatike koji su procjenjivali vlastitu kreativnost, način poučavanja i ispitivanja učenika, učeničko poznavanje informatičke tehnologije, doprinos predmeta Informatike i računalnih alata učeničkoj kreativnosti. Rezultati ukazuju na pozitivne stavove učitelja o mogućnosti poticanja učeničke kreativnosti u nastavi informatike. Doprinos u poticanju kreativnosti ovisit će o vrsti računalnog alata ali i o kreativnosti učitelja i njihovom stilu poučavanja. Osim s navedenim, u nastavi informatike kreativnost je povezana i s drugim aspektima nastavnog procesa, kao što su motivacija, znatiželja, mogućnost stvaranja novih iskustava, kreativnije učenje te učenička sposobnost da se koriste programima koji potiču takav tip učenja. Osim što se kreativnost može poticati u nastavi informatike, procjene učitelja ukazuju na mogućnost da se korištenjem računalnih alata u izvedbi nastave drugih predmeta omogućuje učenicima lakše i brže svladavanje gradiva, proširivanje znanja te efikasnije učenje.Creativity can be defined as a process and a way of thinking that results in original problem solutions, ideas, theories or products. It is believed that it is a skill that must be developed through practice, and therefore its development is considered to be one of the most important educational tasks. The basic aim of this research was to determine whether the use of a computer in the course of computer science class could help develop creativity in children. The research was conducted in elementary schools of Istria County and included 23 computer science teachers who evaluated their own creativity, learning and testing modes, students’ computer technology knowledge, computer science and computer tools contribution to students’ creativity. The results indicate teachers’ positive attitudes regarding the possibility to encourage students’ creativity when teaching computer science. Teachers’ encouragement of student creativity depends on the type of computer tools used, as well as teachers’ own creativity and teaching style. Apart from those characteristics, student creativity also depends on other aspects of educational process of teaching computer science: motivation; curiosity; possibility to create new experiences; creative learning activities; students’ ability to use programs that stimulate their creativity. Teachers’ ratings also indicate the possibility of using computer tools while teaching other school subjects, which could additionally help students learn more easily, more quickly and more efficiently.Wenn wir über Kreativität sprechen, dann denken wir an die gedanklichen Prozesse, bei denen Einzelne auf originelle Art und Weise auf Lösungen, Ideen, Theorien oder Produkte kommen. Die Kreativität wird als eine Fertigkeit angesehen, die man übt und entwickelt und deshalb gehört sie zu einer der wichtigsten Aufgaben im Bildungswessen. In dieser Arbeit wird die Möglichkeit der Förderung von Kreativität der Schüler im Informatikunterricht untersucht. Die Studie wurde in istrischen Grundschulen durchgeführt. Sie umfasst 23 Informatiklehrer, die ihre eigene Kreativität, Unterrichtsstil und Testarten beurteilten. Hinzu kommen noch Schülerkenntnisse über Informationstechnologie, aber auch der Einfluss von Informatik und Computer-Tools auf die Kreativität der Schüler. Die Ergebnisse weisen auf positive Stellungsnahmen der Informatiklehrer über die Kreativitätsförderung im Informatikunterricht. Der Beitrag zur Kreativitätsanregung hängt von Computer-Tools, aber auch von der Lehrerkreativität und deren Unterrichtsstil ab. Neben den oben angeführten Eigenschaften ist die Kreativität im Informatikunterricht auch mit anderen Aspekten des Unterrichtsprozesses verbunden, wie zum Beispiel: Motivation, Neugier, Möglichkeit, neue Erfahrungen zu schaffen, kreatives Lernen. Hinzu kommt aber auch, dass die Schüler befähigt werden, solche Förderprogramme zu benutzen. Neben der Tatsache, dass die Kreativität im Informatikunterricht gefördert werden kann, weisen die Einschätzungen der Lehrer auf die Möglichkeit hin, den Schülern mit Hilfe von Computer-Tools auf diese Weise in anderen Fächern die Bewältigung des Lernstoffs, die Wissenserweiterung und das effektivere Lernen zu erleichtern