11 research outputs found

    Creation of 3D Multi-Body Orthodontic Models by Using Independent Imaging Sensors

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    In the field of dental health care, plaster models combined with 2D radiographs are widely used in clinical practice for orthodontic diagnoses. However, complex malocclusions can be better analyzed by exploiting 3D digital dental models, which allow virtual simulations and treatment planning processes. In this paper, dental data captured by independent imaging sensors are fused to create multi-body orthodontic models composed of teeth, oral soft tissues and alveolar bone structures. The methodology is based on integrating Cone-Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) and surface structured light scanning. The optical scanner is used to reconstruct tooth crowns and soft tissues (visible surfaces) through the digitalization of both patients’ mouth impressions and plaster casts. These data are also used to guide the segmentation of internal dental tissues by processing CBCT data sets. The 3D individual dental tissues obtained by the optical scanner and the CBCT sensor are fused within multi-body orthodontic models without human supervisions to identify target anatomical structures. The final multi-body models represent valuable virtual platforms to clinical diagnostic and treatment planning

    Nonlinear dependency of tooth movement on force system directions

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    Moment-to-force ratios (M:F) define the type of tooth movement. Typically, the relationship between M:F and tooth movement has been analyzed in a single plane. Hence, limited information is available to evaluate a load system elicited by an appliance in 3D. Here, to increment 3-D tooth movement theory, we test the hypothesis that the mathematical relationships between M:F and tooth movement are distinct depending on force system directions. A finite element model of a first maxillary premolar, scaled to average tooth dimensions, was constructed based on a CBCT scan. We conducted finite element analysis (FEA) of the M:F and tooth movement relationships, represented by the projected axis of rotation (C.Rot) in each plane, for 510 different Loads. We confirmed that an hyperbolic equation relates the Distance (C.Res-C.Rot) and M:F; however, the constant of proportionality ("k") varied with non-linearly the force direction. With a force applied parallel to the tooth long axis, "k" was 12 times higher than with a force parallel to the mesio-distal direction and 7 times higher than with a force parallel to the bucco-lingual direction. The M:F has differential influence on tooth movement depending on load directions, and it is an incomplete parameter to describe the quality of an orthodontic load system if not associated with force and moment directions. Moreover, incremental differences in M:F in each plane have different incremental effects on C.Rot position

    Geometrical modeling of complete dental shapes by using panoramic X-ray, digital mouth data and anatomical templates

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    In the field of orthodontic planning, the creation of a complete digital dental model to simulate and predict treatments is of utmost importance. Nowadays, orthodontists use panoramic radiographs (PAN) and dental crown representations obtained by optical scanning. However, these data do not contain any 3D information regarding tooth root geometries. A reliable orthodontic treatment should instead take into account entire geometrical models of dental shapes in order to better predict tooth movements. This paper presents a methodology to create complete 3D patient dental anatomies by combining digital mouth models and panoramic radiographs. The modeling process is based on using crown surfaces, reconstructed by optical scanning, and root geometries, obtained by adapting anatomical CAD templates over patient specific information extracted from radiographic data. The radiographic process is virtually replicated on crown digital geometries through the Discrete Radon Transform (DRT). The resulting virtual PAN image is used to integrate the actual radiographic data and the digital mouth model. This procedure provides the root references on the 3D digital crown models, which guide a shape adjustment of the dental CAD templates. The entire geometrical models are finally created by merging dental crowns, captured by optical scanning, and root geometries, obtained from the CAD templates

    Interactive design of dental implant placements through CAD-CAM technologies: from 3D imaging to additive manufacturing

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    In the field of oral rehabilitation, the combined use of 3D imaging technologies and computer-guided approaches allows the development of reliable tools to be used in preoperative assessment of implant placement. In particular, the accurate transfer of the virtual planning into the operative field through surgical guides represents the main challenge of modern dental implantology. Guided implant positioning allows surgical and prosthetic approaches with minimal trauma by reducing treatment time and decreasing patient’s discomfort. This paper aims at defining a CAD/CAM framework for the accurate planning of flapless dental implant surgery. The system embraces three major applications: (1) freeform modelling, including 3D tissue reconstruction and 2D/3D anatomy visualization, (2) computer-aided surgical planning and customised template modelling, (3) additive manufacturing of guided surgery template. The tissue modelling approach is based on the integration of two maxillofacial imaging techniques: tomographic scanning and surface optical scanning. A 3D virtual maxillofacial model is created by matching radiographic data, captured by a CBCT scanner, and surface anatomical data, acquired by a structured light scanner. The pre-surgical planning process is carried out and controlled within the CAD application by referring to the integrated anatomical model. A surgical guide is then created by solid modelling and manufactured by additive techniques. Two different clinical cases have been approached by inserting 11 different implants. CAD-based planned fixture placements have been transferred into the clinical field by customised surgical guides, made of a biocompatible resin and equipped with drilling sleeves

    Computer aided modelling to simulate the biomechanical behaviour of customised orthodontic removable appliances

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    In the field of orthodontics, the use of Removable Thermoplastic Appliances (RTAs) to treat moderate malocclusion problems is progressively replacing traditional fixed brackets. Generally, these orthodontic devices are designed on the basis of individual anatomies and customised requirements. However, many elements may affect the effectiveness of a RTA-based therapy: accuracies of anatomical reference models, clinical treatment strategies, shape features and mechanical properties of the appliances. In this paper, a numerical model for customised orthodontic treatments planning is proposed by means of the finite element method. The model integrates individual patient’s teeth, periodontal ligaments, bone tissue with structural and geometrical attributes of the appliances. The anatomical tissues are reconstructed by a multi-modality imaging technique, which combines 3D data obtained by an optical scanner (visible tissues) and a computerised tomography system (internal tissues). The mechanical interactions between anatomical shapes and appliance models are simulated through finite element analyses. The numerical approach allows a dental technician to predict how the RTA attributes affect tooth movements. In this work, treatments considering rotation movements for a maxillary incisor and a maxillary canine have been analysed by using multi-tooth models

    Computational design and engineering of polymeric orthodontic aligners

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    Transparent and removable aligners represent an effective solution to correct various orthodontic malocclusions through minimally invasive procedures. An aligner-based treatment requires patients to sequentially wear dentition-mating shells obtained by thermoforming polymeric disks on reference dental models. An aligner is shaped introducing a geometrical mismatch with respect to the actual tooth positions to induce a loading system, which moves the target teeth toward the correct positions. The common practice is based on selecting the aligner features (material, thickness, and auxiliary elements) by only considering clinician's subjective assessments. In this article, a computational design and engineering methodology has been developed to reconstruct anatomical tissues, to model parametric aligner shapes, to simulate orthodontic movements, and to enhance the aligner design. The proposed approach integrates computer-aided technologies, from tomographic imaging to optical scanning, from parametric modeling to finite element analyses, within a 3-dimensional digital framework. The anatomical modeling provides anatomies, including teeth (roots and crowns), jaw bones, and periodontal ligaments, which are the references for the down streaming parametric aligner shaping. The biomechanical interactions between anatomical models and aligner geometries are virtually reproduced using a finite element analysis software. The methodology allows numerical simulations of patient-specific conditions and the comparative analyses of different aligner configurations. In this article, the digital framework has been used to study the influence of various auxiliary elements on the loading system delivered to a maxillary and a mandibular central incisor during an orthodontic tipping movement. Numerical simulations have shown a high dependency of the orthodontic tooth movement on the auxiliary element configuration, which should then be accurately selected to maximize the aligner's effectiveness


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    Ultrasound technology can represent a valuable alternative to traditional manufacturing methods of foam-like materials like polyurethane, polystyrene and wax. Furthermore, other foam-like materials can be machined with the operation method proposed in this study, and this could be an alternative 3D modeling, at least for shaping and simple machining operations. In facts, depending both on the input parameters and on the material type, simple traditional operations like drilling of holes can be performed with encouraging results. This has been confirmed thanks to dimensional analyses comparison and material analyses. The first ones have been helpful for understanding the quality of the manufacturing process, while the second analyses made possible to understand the physics behind the manufacturing process. The dimensional analyses revealed that grooving operation performed on Polystyrene and Polyurethane has a good precision level, if considered together with the limitations of the physical properties of materials shaped. Of particular interest, as regards ultrasound processes, is the absence of dust and debris, which results in a considerable advantage for industries interested in shaping of these types of material

    Segmentation automatique des dents en imagerie maxillo-faciale Cone Beam CT

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    La planification de traitement et la simulation chirurgicale en médecine dentaire nécessite l’obtention de modèles 3D personnalisés du système dentaire du patient. La représentation tridimensionnelle de ces structures, et plus particulièrement des dents, fournit une compréhension poussée des relations dento-maxillo-faciales, ce qui permet au clinicien de sélectionner un plan de traitement optimisé. L’obtention de ces modèles personnalisés se faisant à l’aide de modalités d’imagerie 3D, la segmentation des organes d’intérêt est une étape essentielle à l’obtention de modèles fiables et précis. Compte tenu de la complexité morphologique des dents, mais aussi des contraintes inhérentes à l’utilisation du Cone Beam CT, une automatisation du processus de segmentation est certainement souhaitable. En ce sens, l’objectif de ce travail implique la mise en place d’une méthode entièrement automatique de segmentation individuelle des dents à partir d’images maxillo-faciales CBCT. Le processus de segmentation se divise en deux grandes étapes principales. Dans un premier temps, des sous-régions du volume 3D original sont extraites, afin de circonscrire chacune des dents au sein de volumes restreints. Cette étape se base sur l’identification automatique de repères anatomiques propres au complexe maxillo-facial. Entre autres, l’identification de la courbe décrivant la forme de l’arcade dentaire ainsi que le positionnement de plans séparant les dents sur l’arcade guident l’extraction de ces sous-volumes. Ces derniers sont ensuite utilisés de manière indépendante dans un algorithme de détection de la pulpe dentaire basé sur la reconstruction morphologique. La forme de la pulpe permet, dans un second temps, de tracer des contours significatifs de la dent via la propagation d’un front sous contraintes de gradient. Ces contours instancient un processus de segmentation par marche aléatoire afin de fournir un modèle pré-personnalisé de chaque dent. Le modèle surfacique subit ensuite une déformation par optimisation laplacienne, afin d’épouser correctement les frontières de la dent. Les modèles 3D résultants constituent une représentation fiable et précise des structures dentaires du patient. Ces modèles ont été validés à l’aide d’une base de données contenant 88 segmentations de référence, toutes produites par un expert. La performance globale de la segmentation se traduit par un indice de Dice (DICE) de 95,20±1,07 %, une différence relative de volume (RVD) de 2,57±3,21 % et une distance surfacique moyenne-symétrique (ASD) de 0,16±0,04 mm. Les résultats de ce travail démontrent que la méthode fournit automatiquement des segmentations multi-organes précises à partir d’un examen 3D de la mâchoire du patient