5 research outputs found

    Towards the paperless office: best practices and exploration of enterprise rights management solutions for Ghanaian business processes

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    Thesis submitted to the Department of Computer Science, Ashesi University College, in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Science degree in Management Information Systems, April 2010Information Technology continues to have a great impact on the way humans live and work. The business world is one of the aspects of life that has experienced this phenomenon. This advancement of technology has contributed to the growing use of paper in the office place which has had tremendous impact on the environment. However several new technologies have been developed to eliminate paper outright or at least reduce the amount of paper in the office environment. This phenomenon known as the 'paperless office' has become desirable but difficult objective to achieve. The objective of this research is to suggest general best practices and guidelines for implementing paperless office solutions and secondly to find out whether enterprise rights management systems can contribute to the paperless office solution. The research uses a case study methodology to analyze data on business practices. The results of the study showed that stakeholder buy-in, availability and actual use of IT resources and paperless office implementation project leadership have a strong bearing on the success or otherwise of the implementation of paperless office solution. The research also confirms findings in the literature that enterprise rights management does not provide a direct paperless benefit but rather can serve as a security enhancement that allows electronic documents to be protected from unauthorized access throughout the documents lifecycle.Ashesi University Colleg

    EtÀtyön merkitys tehokkuuden ja työvoinnin kokemukselle tulosohjatussa organisaatiossa

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    TÀssÀ tutkielmassa tarkastelen, miten etÀtyö on vaikuttanut kokemuksiin tehokkuudesta ja työvoinnista tulosohjatussa organisaatiossa. LisÀksi tarkastelen kokemusten pohjalta sitÀ, millaisia lÀhi- ja etÀtyön yhteensovittamiseen liittyviÀ haasteita tai mahdollisuuksia kokemuksista on tunnistettavissa. Tutkimus on toteutettu aineistolÀhtöisesti, sillÀ tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella ilman tiukan teoreettisen viitekehyksen rajoituksia kokemuksia etÀtyöstÀ. Tutkimus on toteutettu tulkitsevaa fenomenologista analyysiÀ (IPA) kÀyttÀen. Tutkimuksen aineisto on kerÀtty loppuvuonna 2022 ja alkuvuodesta 2023. Aineisto koostuu yhdeksÀstÀ haastattelusta. Haastateltavista kaksi toimii esihenkilön tehtÀvissÀ ja loput seitsemÀn ovat toimihenkilöitÀ. Tutkimusorganisaatio on valtion laitos, jossa työ on luonteeltaan tulosohjattua. Tutkimusorganisaatiota ja sen toimialaa kÀsitellÀÀn tutkimuksessa anonyymeinÀ. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat useita erilaisia etÀtyön tuomia muutoksia työn kokemuksessa. NÀihin lukeutuvat kokemus tuloksellisuuden ja tehokkuuden kasvusta, etÀtyön kokonaisvaltainen vaikutus työvointiin, omaan itseensÀ ja valintoihinsa liittyvÀn vastuunkannon korostuminen, työyhteisön roolin ja merkityksen muutos, etÀviestinnÀn haasteet ja mahdollisuudet sekÀ etÀjohtaminen saavutettavuutena ja vuorovaikutteisuutena. Tulokset osin vahvistavat aiempia etÀtyötÀ koskevia tutkimustuloksia. Tulokset myös osoittavat, ettÀ etÀtyö on mahdollista jÀrjestÀÀ myös julkisella sektorilla onnistuneesti

    Practice of strategy

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    The Impact of Organisational Aesthetics upon Innovation in the Public Sector: an exploration of employee perceptions of changes to workplace design

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    This study considers the impact of two examples of the Working without Walls (WwW) design initiative in the public sector. The Working without Walls (WwW) (2003) and updated Working beyond Walls (WbW) (2008) papers describe the government’s initiatives in workspace redesign. These aim to encourage employee participation, relationship enhancement and improve communication, as well as to reflect organisational strategy and build team identities. These aims resonate with the public sector modernisation reforms aimed to create effective, responsive and accountable services. At the same time an increasingly common approach across sectors has been the adoption of learning organisation principles as a method of creating a culture of interactive behaviour, innovation and knowledge creation. Many public sector agencies are developing strategies to empower employees and create a culture of shared learning and decision making, moving away from the traditional functional and bureaucratic management styles. Within this emergent policy context, this thesis investigates the extent to which the WwW model has facilitated learning through workplace redesign. The study investigates literature from public sector management, organisation theory, learning organisation and workplace design disciplines in order to guide the investigation. Two case studies of organisations who piloted the WwW approach were investigated. The case studies highlight individuals' experience of working in these new working environments, whilst also reflecting the enablers and barriers that research participants have faced. Analysis demonstrates that the critical success factors for facilitating learning through workplace redesign include the removal of many features of bureaucratic organisation and implementation of detailed cultural change programmes. The study has enabled the development of a change strategy which is designed to guide other public sector organisations implementing workplace redesign initiatives as a facilitator of innovation