3 research outputs found

    Characteristics of chicken slaughterhouse wastewater

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    The chicken slaughterhouse wastewater is a class of wastewater, which is heavily polluted with organic matters including proteins, blood residues, fats and lard. Therefore, the direct discharged of untreated chicken slaughterhouse wastewater into the environment is associated with the occurrence of eutrophication phenomenon. In the present study, the characteristics of chicken slaughterhouse wastewater were investigated to ascertain the role of these wastes in the adverse effect on the environment and natural water system. The parameter tested included biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total suspended solid (TSS), total nitrogen (TN), total organic carbon (TOC), orthophosphate (PO4 3-), temperature and pH. The results revealed available high concentrations of BOD (1,341 - 1,821 ± 242.7 mg L1 ), COD (3,154.19 - 7,719.3 ± 2,282.69 mg L-1), TSS (377.67 - 5,462 ± 2,696.1 mg L-1) which have exceeded the EQA1974 standard limits for disposal of wastewater into the environment. The concentrations of TN (162.6 -563.8 ± 215 mg L-1) and PO4 3- (7.047 - 17.111 ± 4.25 mg L-1) were within the range required for microalgae growth which confirm their role in the occurrence of eutrophication phenomenon. It can be concluded that the direct discharge of chicken slaughterhouse wastewater contributes negatively on the environmental biodiversity and thus they should be subjected for an effective treated before the final disposal

    Leveraging Multi-User Diversity, Channel Diversity and Spatial Reuse for Efficient Scheduling in Wireless Relay Networks

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    Relay stations can be deployed in a wireless network to extend its coverage and improve its capacity. In this paper, we study a scheduling problem in OFDMA-based wireless relay networks with consideration for multi-user diversity, channel diversity and spatial reuse. First, we present a Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation to provide optimum solutions. It has been shown by previous research that performance of a wireless scheduling algorithm is usually related to the interference degree δ, which is the maximum number of links that interfere with a common link but do not interfere with each other. Therefore, we then show that the interference degree δ is at most 4 for any 2-hop relay network and 14 for any general h-hop (h \u3e=2) relay network. Furthermore, we present a simple greedy algorithm for the scheduling problem and show it has an approximation ratio of 1/(1+δ), which leads to an approximation ratio of 1/5 for the 2-hop case and 1/15 for the general case. In addition, we present three heuristic algorithms, namely, the weighted degree greedy algorithm, the Maximum Weighted Independent Set (MWIS) algorithm and the Linear Programming (LP) rounding algorithm, to solve the scheduling problem. Extensive simulation results have showed that the LP rounding algorithm performs best and always provides close-to-optimum solutions. The performance of the simple greedy algorithm is comparable to that of the other algorithms

    Creating Templates to Achieve Low Delay in Multi-Carrier Frame-Based Wireless Data Systems

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