36 research outputs found

    Development of a finite element musculoskeletal model with the ability to predict contractions of three-dimensional muscles

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    Representation of realistic muscle geometries is needed for systematic biomechanical simulation of musculoskeletal systems. Most of the previous musculoskeletal models are based on multibody dynamics simulation with muscles simplified as one-dimensional (1D) line-segments without accounting for the large muscle attachment areas, spatial fibre alignment within muscles and contact and wrapping between muscles and surrounding tissues. In previous musculoskeletal models with three-dimensional (3D) muscles, contractions of muscles were among the inputs rather than calculated, which hampers the predictive capability of these models. To address these issues, a finite element musculoskeletal model with the ability to predict contractions of 3D muscles was developed. Muscles with realistic 3D geometry, spatial muscle fibre alignment and muscle-muscle and muscle-bone interactions were accounted for. Active contractile stresses of the 3D muscles were determined through an efficient optimization approach based on the measured kinematics of the lower extremity and ground force during gait. This model also provided stresses and strains of muscles and contact mechanics of the muscle-muscle and muscle-bone interactions. The total contact force of the knee predicted by the model corresponded well to the in vivo measurement. Contact and wrapping between muscles and surrounding tissues were evident, demonstrating the need to consider 3D contact models of muscles. This modelling framework serves as the methodological basis for developing musculoskeletal modelling systems in finite element method incorporating 3D deformable contact models of muscles, joints, ligaments and bones


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    For believable character animation, skin deformation should communicate important deformation effects due to underlying muscle movement. Anatomical models that capture these effects are typically constructed from the in-side out. Internal tissue is modeled by hand and a surface skin is attached to, or generated from, the internal structure. This paper presents an outside–in approach to anatomical modeling, in which we generate musculature from a predefined structure, which we conform to an artist–sculpted skin surface. Motivated by interactive appli-cations, we attach the musculature to an existing control skeleton and apply a novel geometric deformation model to deform the skin surface to capture important muscle motion effects. Musculoskeletal structure can be stored as a template and applied to new character models. We illustrate the methodology, as integrated into a commercial character animation system, with examples driven by both keyframe animation and recorded motion data

    A three-dimensional finite-element model of gluteus medius muscle incorporating inverse-dynamics-based optimization for simulation of non-uniform muscle contraction

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    Non-uniform contraction exists in many skeletal muscles and plays an important role in the function of the musculoskeletal system. Particularly in the gluteus medius (GM) muscle, its three subdivisions appear activated differently while performing various motion tasks. However, the non-uniform contractile mechanism of GM is poorly understood. In this study, a three-dimensional finite element (FE) model of GM was developed. Non-uniform contraction patterns of the three subdivisions of GM during abduction, internal and external rotation were simulated through an inverse-dynamics-based optimization approach. A set of sensitivity studies were also undertaken to evaluate the influence of parameters including the cost function of optimization and dimension of GM subdivisions on the predicted non-uniform contraction and biomechanics of the muscle. Contraction across GM was found to be highly non-uniform during various motions. The whole GM was activated during abduction, whereas only the anterior and posterior subdivisions were primarily involved in internal and external rotation, respectively. The active contractile stress in a subdivision during abduction was increased if its proportion in GM was expanded. The cost functions of minimizing the sum of active contractile stresses squared/cubed provide similar qualitative predictions of the trend of results. This approach provides the methodological basis to enable simulation of non-uniform muscle contraction using 3D musculoskeletal models

    Anatomical Modelling of the Musculoskeletal System from MRI

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    Abstract. This paper presents a novel approach for multi-organ (mus-culoskeletal system) automatic registration and segmentation from clini-cal MRI datasets, based on discrete deformable models (simplex meshes). We reduce the computational complexity using multi-resolution forces, multi-resolution hierarchical collision handling and large simulation time steps (implicit integration scheme), allowing real-time user control and cost-efficient segmentation. Radial forces and topological constraints (at-tachments) are applied to regularize the segmentation process. Based on a medial axis constrained approximation, we efficiently characterize shapes and deformations. We validate our methods for the hip joint and the thigh (20 muscles, 4 bones) on 4 datasets: average error=1.5mm, computation time=15min.

    Design and fabrication of materials with desired deformation behavior

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    Figure 1: Two examples of real and replicated objects. Thanks to our data-driven process, we are able to measure, simulate, and obtain material combinations of non-linear base materials that match a desired deformation behavior. We can then print those objects with multi-material 3D printers using two materials (blue and black) with varying internal microstructure. This paper introduces a data-driven process for designing and fab-ricating materials with desired deformation behavior. Our process starts with measuring deformation properties of base materials. For each base material we acquire a set of example deformations, and we represent the material as a non-linear stress-strain relationship in a finite-element model. We have validated our material measure-ment process by comparing simulations of arbitrary stacks of base materials with measured deformations of fabricated material stacks. After material measurement, our process continues with designing stacked layers of base materials. We introduce an optimization pro-cess that finds the best combination of stacked layers that meets a user’s criteria specified by example deformations. Our algorithm employs a number of strategies to prune poor solutions from the combinatorial search space. We demonstrate the complete process by designing and fabricating objects with complex heterogeneous materials using modern multi-material 3D printers

    Atlas-Based Character Skinning with Automatic Mesh Decomposition

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    Skinning is the most tedious part in the character animation process. Using standard methods, joint weights must be attached to each vertex of the character's mesh, which is often time-consuming if an accurate animation is required. We propose a new modeling of the skinning process, inspired by the notion of atlas of charts. Starting from the character's animation skeleton, we first automatically decompose the mesh into anatomically meaningful overlapping regions. Regions are then blended in their overlapping parts using continuous transition functions. This leads to a simple yet efficient skinning process for which the weights are automatically defined and do not depend on the Euclidean distance but on the distance on the surface.Le skinning est l'étape la plus fastidieuse du processus d'animation d'un personnage. Dans les méthodes classiques, un poids associé à chaque articulation doit être attaché à chaque sommet du maillage du personnage, ce qui est souvent très coûteux en temps lorsqu'une animation précise est exigée. Nous proposons une nouvelle modélisation du processus de skinning, s'inspirant de la notion d'atlas de cartes. A partir du squelette d'animation du personnage, nous décomposons d'abord automatiquement le maillage en régions anatomiquement significatives et qui se chevauchent. Ces régions sont ensuite fusionnées dans leurs zones de chevauchement grˆace à l'utilisation de fonctions de transition continues. Ceci conduit à un processus de skinning simple mais néanmoins efficace, pour lequel les poids sont automatiquement définis et ne dépendent pas de la distance euclidienne entre sommets, mais de la distance sur la surface