3 research outputs found

    Criteria to measure social media value in health care settings : narrative literature review

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    Background: With the growing use of social media in health care settings, there is a need to measure outcomes resulting from its use to ensure continuous performance improvement. Despite the need for measurement, a unified approach for measuring the value of social media used in health care remains elusive. Objective: This study aimed to elucidate how the value of social media in health care settings can be ascertained and to taxonomically identify steps and techniques in social media measurement from a review of relevant literature. Methods: A total of 65 relevant articles drawn from 341 articles on the subject of measuring social media in health care settings were qualitatively analyzed and synthesized. The articles were selected from the literature from diverse disciplines including business, information systems, medical informatics, and medicine. Results: The review of the literature showed different levels and focus of analysis when measuring the value of social media in health care settings. It equally showed that there are various metrics for measurement, levels of measurement, approaches to measurement, and scales of measurement. Each may be relevant, depending on the use case of social media in health care. Conclusions: A comprehensive yardstick is required to simplify the measurement of outcomes resulting from the use of social media in health care. At the moment, there is neither a consensus on what indicators to measure nor on how to measure them. We hope that this review is used as a starting point to create a comprehensive measurement criterion for social media used in health care. © 2019 Chukwuma Ukoha, Andrew Stranieri


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran dan pengaruh dari utilitarian value dan e-service quality terhadap online repurchase intention pada Aplikasi Mister Aladin. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dan verifikatif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 35.300 dengan sampel berjumlah 200 responden yang merupakan followers instagram Mister Aladin dengan mengunakan teknik simple random sampling. Data diolah secara statistik dengan metode Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Hasil temuan pada penelitian ini menemukan bahwa utilitarian value dan e-service quality memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap online repurchase intention, hal tersebut ditunjukan dengan besaran nilai critical ratio yang lebih besar dari nilai minimal artinya terdapat pengaruh positif dan signifikan antara variabel utilitarian value dan e-service quality terhadap online repurchase intention secara simultan. Pernyataan tersebut dapat diasumsikan semakin baik perusahaan memperhatikan utilitarian value dan e-service quality akan semakin baik juga online repurchase intention yang muncul pada konsumen untuk perusahaan tersebut. Hasil kontribusi yang diberikan variabel utilitarian value paling tinggi dalam membentuk online repurchase intention adalah flexibility of use dan dimensi utilitarian value paling rendah dalam membentuk online repurchase intention adalah task related. Dimensi e-service quality yang memiliki kontribusi paling tinggi dalam membentuk online repurchase intention adalah responsiveness serta yang paling rendah membentuk online repurchase intention adalah emphaty. This study aims to obtain an overview and influence of utilitarian values and e-service quality on online repurchase intention Mister Aladin Application. This research uses descriptive and verification methods with a quantitative approach. The population in this study amounted to 35.300 with a sample of 200 respondents who were local.communion Instagram followers using a simple random sampling technique. The data were processed statistically using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The findings in this study found that utilitarian values and e-service quality have a positive and significant influence on online repurchase intention, this is indicated by the critical ratio value which is greater than the minimum value, meaning that there is a positive and significant influence between the utilitarian value and e-service quality variables. on online repurchase intention simultaneously. It can be assumed that the better the company pays attention to utilitarian values and e-service quality, the better the online repurchase intention that appears to consumers for these companies. The highest contribution given by the utilitarian value variable in forming online repurchase intention is flexibility of use and the lowest utilitarian value dimension in forming online repurchase intention is task related. The dimension of e-service quality that has the highest contribution in shaping online repurchase intention is responsiveness and the lowest in forming online repurchase intention is empathy