3 research outputs found

    Fast construction on a restricted budget

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    We introduce a model of a controlled random graph process. In this model, the edges of the complete graph KnK_n are ordered randomly and then revealed, one by one, to a player called Builder. He must decide, immediately and irrevocably, whether to purchase each observed edge. The observation time is bounded by parameter tt, and the total budget of purchased edges is bounded by parameter bb. Builder's goal is to devise a strategy that, with high probability, allows him to construct a graph of purchased edges possessing a target graph property P\mathcal{P}, all within the limitations of observation time and total budget. We show the following: (a) Builder has a strategy to achieve minimum degree kk at the hitting time for this property by purchasing at most cknc_kn edges for an explicit ck<kc_k<k; and a strategy to achieve it (slightly) after the threshold for minimum degree kk by purchasing at most (1+ε)kn/2(1+\varepsilon)kn/2 edges (which is optimal); (b) Builder has a strategy to create a Hamilton cycle if either t(1+ε)nlogn/2t\ge(1+\varepsilon)n\log{n}/2 and bCnb\ge Cn, or tCnlognt\ge Cn\log{n} and b(1+ε)nb\ge(1+\varepsilon)n, for some C=C(ε)C=C(\varepsilon); similar results hold for perfect matching; (c) Builder has a strategy to create a copy of a given kk-vertex tree if tb{(n/t)k2,1}t\ge b\gg\{(n/t)^{k-2},1\}, and this is optimal; and (d) For =2k+1\ell=2k+1 or =2k+2\ell=2k+2, Builder has a strategy to create a copy of a cycle of length \ell if bmax{nk+2/tk+1,n/t}b\gg\max\{n^{k+2}/t^{k+1},n/\sqrt{t}\}, and this is optimal.Comment: 20 pages, 2 figure

    Creating Small Subgraphs in Achlioptas Processes With Growing Parameter

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    Creating Small Subgraphs in Achlioptas Processes with Growing Parameter

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    Abstract. We study the problem of creating a copy of some fixed graph H in the Achlioptas process on n vertices with parameter r, where r = r(n) is a growing function of n. We prove general upper and lower bounds on the threshold of this problem, and derive exact threshold functions for the case where H is a tree, a cycle, or the complete graph on four vertices. 1