4,667 research outputs found

    Downloading Deep Web Data from Real Web Services

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    Data of deep web in general is stored in a database that is only accessible via web query forms or through web service interfaces. One challenge of deep web crawling is how to select meaningful queries to acquire data. There is substantial research on the selection of queries, such as the approach based on the set covering problem where greedy algorithm or its variation is used. These methods are not extensively studied in the context of real web services, which may impose new challenges for deep web crawling. This thesis studies several query selection methods on Microsoft’s Bing web service, especially the impact of the ranking of the returns in real data sources. Our results show that for unranked data sources, weighted method performed a little better then un-weighted set covering algorithm. For ranked data sources, document frequent estimation is necessary to harvest data more efficiently

    Query selection in Deep Web Crawling

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    In many web sites, users need to type in keywords in a search Form in order to access the pages. These pages, called the deep web, are often of high value but usually not crawled by conventional search engines. This calls for deep web crawlers to retrieve the data so that they can be used, indexed, and searched upon in an integrated environment. Unlike the surface web crawling where pages are collected by following the hyperlinks embedded inside the pages, there are no hyperlinks in the deep web pages. Therefore, the main challenge of a deep web crawler is the selection of promising queries to be issued. This dissertation addresses the query selection problem in three parts: 1) Query selection in an omniscient setting where the global data of the deep web are available. In this case, query selection is mapped to the set-covering problem. A weighted greedy algorithm is presented to target the log-normally distributed data. 2) Sampling-based query selection when global data are not available. This thesis empirically shows that from a small sample of the documents we can learn the queries that can cover most of the documents with low cost. 3) Query selection for ranked deep web data sources. Most data sources rank the matched documents and return only the top k documents. This thesis shows that we need to use queries whose size is commensurate with k, and experiments with several query size estimation methods

    Simple Strategies for Broadcasting Repository Resources

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    4th International Conference on Open RepositoriesThis presentation was part of the session : Conference PostersNSDL's data repository for STEM education is designed to provide organized access to digital educational materials through its online portal, NSDL.org. The resources held within the NSDL data repository along with their associated metadata can also be found through partner and external portals, often with high quality, pedagogical contextual information intact. Repositories are not, however, usually described as web broadcast devices for their holdings. Providing multiple contextual views of educational resources where users look for them underscores the idea that digital repositories can be systems for the management, preservation, discovery and reuse of rich resources within a domain that can also be pushed out from a repository into homes and classrooms through multiple channels. This presentation reviews two interrelated methods and usage data that support the concept of Ăą resource broadcastingĂą from the NSDL data repository as a method that takes advantage of the natural context of resources to encourage their additional use as stand-alone objects outside of specific discipline-oriented portals.National Science Foundatio

    An Efficient Method for Deep Web Crawler based on Accuracy

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    As deep web grows at a very fast pace, there has been increased interest in techniques that help efficiently locate deep-web interfaces. However, due to the large volume of web resources and the dynamic nature of deep web, achieving wide coverage and high efficiency is a challenging issue. We propose a three-stage framework, for efficient harvesting deep web interfaces.Project experimental results on a set of representative domains show the agility and accuracy of our proposed crawler framework, which efficiently retrieves deep-web interfaces from large-scale sites and achieves higher harvest rates than other crawlers using Naïżœve Bayes algorithm. In this paper we have made a survey on how web crawler works and what are the methodologies available in existing system from different researchers

    Smart Three Phase Crawler for Mining Deep Web Interfaces

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    As deep web develops at a quick pace, there has been expanded enthusiasm for strategies that assistance effectively find deep-web interfaces. Nonetheless, because of the extensive volume of web assets and the dynamic idea of deep web, accomplishing wide scope and high effectiveness is a testing issue. In this task propose a three-stage framework, for proficient reaping deep web interfaces. In the principal stage, web crawler performs website based scanning for focus pages with the assistance of web search tools, abstaining from going by a substantial number of pages. In this paper we have made an overview on how web crawler functions and what are the approaches accessible in existing framework from various scientists

    Ranking Bias in Deep Web Size Estimation Using Capture Recapture Method

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    Many deep web data sources are ranked data sources, i.e., they rank the matched documents and return at most the top k number of results even though there are more than k documents matching the query. While estimating the size of such ranked deep web data source, it is well known that there is a ranking bias—the traditional methods tend to underestimate the size when queries overflow (match more documents than the return limit). Numerous estimation methods have been proposed to overcome the ranking bias, such as by avoiding overflowing queries during the sampling process, or by adjusting the initial estimation using a fixed function. We observe that the overflow rate has a direct impact on the accuracy of the estimation. Under certain conditions, the actual size is close to the estimation obtained by unranked model multiplied by the overflow rate. Based on this result, this paper proposes a method that allows overflowing queries in the sampling process

    Applying digital content management to support localisation

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    The retrieval and presentation of digital content such as that on the World Wide Web (WWW) is a substantial area of research. While recent years have seen huge expansion in the size of web-based archives that can be searched efficiently by commercial search engines, the presentation of potentially relevant content is still limited to ranked document lists represented by simple text snippets or image keyframe surrogates. There is expanding interest in techniques to personalise the presentation of content to improve the richness and effectiveness of the user experience. One of the most significant challenges to achieving this is the increasingly multilingual nature of this data, and the need to provide suitably localised responses to users based on this content. The Digital Content Management (DCM) track of the Centre for Next Generation Localisation (CNGL) is seeking to develop technologies to support advanced personalised access and presentation of information by combining elements from the existing research areas of Adaptive Hypermedia and Information Retrieval. The combination of these technologies is intended to produce significant improvements in the way users access information. We review key features of these technologies and introduce early ideas for how these technologies can support localisation and localised content before concluding with some impressions of future directions in DCM
