19 research outputs found

    Distributed control of manufacturing resources: Security related issues

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    Paradigma industrije 4.0 diktira visoko efikasnu i fleksibilnu proizvodnju uvođenjem konfigurabilnih proizvodnih sistema i resursa koji odlikuju modularnost, interoperabilnost, skalabilnost i mogućnosti komunikacije. Trenutno se širom sveta istražuju različiti pristupi u nastojanju da se dostigne sledeći nivo proizvodnih tehnologija bez ugrožavanja same proizvodnje. Razmatrani pristupi podrazumevaju implementaciju Ciber Phisical Sistem-a, Interneta stvari i generacije proizvodnih sistema Digital Tvins. Složeni industrijski upravljački sistemi, koji su tradicionalno ožičeni i smatraju se sigurnim, sada postaju distribuirani, povezani na internet, obično se zasnivaju na bežičnoj komunikaciji i širom su otvoreni za sve vrste zlonamjernih podviga s potencijalno fatalnim posledicama. U ovom radu predstavljen je pregled bezbednosnih pitanja koja su ključna za razvoj sigurnije bežične distribucije kontrole proizvodnih resursa, pogodnih za izazove u narednim vremenima.Industry 4.0 paradigm dictates highly efficient and flexible production through introduction of reconfigurable manufacturing systems and resources characterized by modularity, interoperability, scalability and communication capabilities. Various approaches are currently researched worldwide in an effort to achieve the next level of production technologies without compromising the production itself. Considered approaches imply implementation of Cyber Physical Systems, Internet of Things and generation of manufacturing systems Digital Twins. Complex industrial control systems, which were traditionally wired and considered safe, are now becoming distributed, internet-connected, usually based on wireless communication and wide open for all kinds of malicious exploits with potentially fatal consequences. This paper presents a review of security related issues that are crucial in developing safer wireless distributed control of manufacturing resources, ADEPT for challenges in coming times

    Distributed control of manufacturing resources: Security related issues

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    Paradigma industrije 4.0 diktira visoko efikasnu i fleksibilnu proizvodnju uvođenjem konfigurabilnih proizvodnih sistema i resursa koji odlikuju modularnost, interoperabilnost, skalabilnost i mogućnosti komunikacije. Trenutno se širom sveta istražuju različiti pristupi u nastojanju da se dostigne sledeći nivo proizvodnih tehnologija bez ugrožavanja same proizvodnje. Razmatrani pristupi podrazumevaju implementaciju Ciber Phisical Sistem-a, Interneta stvari i generacije proizvodnih sistema Digital Tvins. Složeni industrijski upravljački sistemi, koji su tradicionalno ožičeni i smatraju se sigurnim, sada postaju distribuirani, povezani na internet, obično se zasnivaju na bežičnoj komunikaciji i širom su otvoreni za sve vrste zlonamjernih podviga s potencijalno fatalnim posledicama. U ovom radu predstavljen je pregled bezbednosnih pitanja koja su ključna za razvoj sigurnije bežične distribucije kontrole proizvodnih resursa, pogodnih za izazove u narednim vremenima.Industry 4.0 paradigm dictates highly efficient and flexible production through introduction of reconfigurable manufacturing systems and resources characterized by modularity, interoperability, scalability and communication capabilities. Various approaches are currently researched worldwide in an effort to achieve the next level of production technologies without compromising the production itself. Considered approaches imply implementation of Cyber Physical Systems, Internet of Things and generation of manufacturing systems Digital Twins. Complex industrial control systems, which were traditionally wired and considered safe, are now becoming distributed, internet-connected, usually based on wireless communication and wide open for all kinds of malicious exploits with potentially fatal consequences. This paper presents a review of security related issues that are crucial in developing safer wireless distributed control of manufacturing resources, ADEPT for challenges in coming times

    Distributed Screening of Hijacking Attacks in DC Microgrids

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    Cybersecurity issues in motion control – an overview of challenges

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    The fourth industrial revolution known as Industry 4.0 brings digitalization of manufacturing processes to a new level through ubiquitous interconnection and real-time information flow between information technologies (IT) and operational technologies (OT) as parts of Industrial Control Systems (ICS). This information flow is not limited to but expands beyond factory walls enabling manufacturing systems to adapt quickly and efficiently to changing customer demands and diversified products. The adaptation is carried out through physical and/or functional reconfiguration of manufacturing systems where Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) based on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) represents the key technical enabler. These changes result in a transition from centralized to distributed control systems architecture where the whole control task is achieved through intensive cooperation between smart devices (e.g., sensors and actuators) with integrated communication and computation capabilities. However, introducing IIoT in ICS brings about new cybersecurity issues due to increased communication between system elements and connection to the global network, making ICS vulnerable to different cyber-attacks with potentially catastrophic consequences. Recently, the research in ICS cybersecurity has intensified leading to significant results for continuous time and discrete events-controlled systems. However, cybersecurity issues in motion control systems that are frequently employed in different manufacturing resources such as machine tools and industrial robots were not sufficiently explored. This work provides an overview of the cybersecurity related challenges in motion control tasks

    Design and development considerations of a cyber physical testbed for operational technology research and education

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    Cyber-physical systems (CPS) are vital in automating complex tasks across various sectors, yet they face significant vulnerabilities due to the rising threats of cybersecurity attacks. The recent surge in cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure (CI) and industrial control systems (ICSs), with a 150% increase in 2022 affecting over 150 industrial operations, underscores the urgent need for advanced cybersecurity strategies and education. To meet this requirement, we develop a specialised cyber-physical testbed (CPT) tailored for transportation CI, featuring a simplified yet effective automated level-crossing system. This hybrid CPT serves as a cost-effective, high-fidelity, and safe platform to facilitate cybersecurity education and research. High-fidelity networking and low-cost development are achieved by emulating the essential ICS components using single-board computers (SBC) and open-source solutions. The physical implementation of an automated level-crossing visualised the tangible consequences on real-world systems while emphasising their potential impact. The meticulous selection of sensors enhances the CPT, allowing for the demonstration of analogue transduction attacks on this physical implementation. Incorporating wireless access points into the CPT facilitates multi-user engagement and an infrared remote control streamlines the reinitialization effort and time after an attack. The SBCs overwhelm as traffic surges to 12 Mbps, demonstrating the consequences of denial-of-service attacks. Overall, the design offers a cost-effective, open-source, and modular solution that is simple to maintain, provides ample challenges for users, and supports future expansion.</p