10 research outputs found


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    In 1975 Stein conjectured that in every n × n array filled with the numbers 1, . . . , n with every number occuring exactly n times, there is a partial transversal of size n−1. In this note we show that this conjecture is false by constructing such arrays without partial transverals of size n − 1/ 42 ln n

    A counterexample to Stein's Equi-n-square conjecture

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    In 1975 Stein conjectured that in every n × n array filled with the numbers 1,...,n with every number occuring exactly n times, there is a partial transversal of size n − 1. In this note we show that this conjecture is false by constructing such arrays without partial transverals of size n−(1/42)ln(n)

    A counterexample to Stein's Equi-n-square Conjecture

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    In 1975 Stein conjectured that in every n×n array filled with the numbers 1,…,n with every number occuring exactly n times, there is a partial transversal of size n − 1. In this note we show that this conjecture is false by constructing such arrays without partial transverals of size n − (ln n)/42

    An Algorithmic Proof of the Lovasz Local Lemma via Resampling Oracles

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    The Lovasz Local Lemma is a seminal result in probabilistic combinatorics. It gives a sufficient condition on a probability space and a collection of events for the existence of an outcome that simultaneously avoids all of those events. Finding such an outcome by an efficient algorithm has been an active research topic for decades. Breakthrough work of Moser and Tardos (2009) presented an efficient algorithm for a general setting primarily characterized by a product structure on the probability space. In this work we present an efficient algorithm for a much more general setting. Our main assumption is that there exist certain functions, called resampling oracles, that can be invoked to address the undesired occurrence of the events. We show that, in all scenarios to which the original Lovasz Local Lemma applies, there exist resampling oracles, although they are not necessarily efficient. Nevertheless, for essentially all known applications of the Lovasz Local Lemma and its generalizations, we have designed efficient resampling oracles. As applications of these techniques, we present new results for packings of Latin transversals, rainbow matchings and rainbow spanning trees.Comment: 47 page


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    The Lovász Local Lemma (LLL) is a powerful tool in probabilistic combinatorics which can be used to establish the existence of objects that satisfy certain properties. The breakthrough paper of Moser and Tardos and follow-up works revealed that the LLL has intimate connections with a class of stochastic local search algorithms for finding such desirable objects. In particular, it can be seen as a sufficient condition for this type of algorithms to converge fast. Besides conditions for existence of and fast convergence to desirable objects, one may naturally ask further questions regarding properties of these algorithms. For instance, "are they parallelizable?", "how many solutions can they output?", "what is the expected "weight" of a solution?", etc. These questions and more have been answered for a class of LLL-inspired algorithms called commutative. In this paper we introduce a new, very natural and more general notion of commutativity (essentially matrix commutativity) which allows us to show a number of new refined properties of LLL-inspired local search algorithms with significantly simpler proofs

    Decompositions into isomorphic rainbow spanning trees

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    A subgraph of an edge-coloured graph is called rainbow if all its edges have distinct colours. Our main result implies that, given any optimal colouring of a sufficiently large complete graph K2nK_{2n}, there exists a decomposition of K2nK_{2n} into isomorphic rainbow spanning trees. This settles conjectures of Brualdi--Hollingsworth (from 1996) and Constantine (from 2002) for large graphs.Comment: Version accepted to appear in JCT

    Decompositions into spanning rainbow structures

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    A subgraph of an edge-coloured graph is called rainbow if all its edges have distinct colours. The study of rainbow subgraphs goes back more than two hundred years to the work of Euler on Latin squares and has been the focus of extensive research ever since. Euler posed a problem equivalent to finding properly n-edge-coloured complete bipartite graphs Kn,n which can be decomposed into rainbow perfect matchings. While there are proper edge-colourings of Kn,n without even a single rainbow perfect matching, the theme of this paper is to show that with some very weak additional constraints one can find many disjoint rainbow perfect matchings. In particular, we prove that if some fraction of the colour classes have at most (1−o(1))n edges then one can nearly-decompose the edges of Kn,n into edge-disjoint perfect rainbow matchings. As an application of this, we establish in a very strong form a conjecture of Akbari and Alipour and asymptotically prove a conjecture of Barat and Nagy. Both these conjectures concern rainbow perfect matchings in edge-colourings of Kn,n with quadratically many colours. Using our techniques, we also prove a number of results on near-decompositions of graphs into other rainbow structures like Hamiltonian cycles and spanning trees. Most notably, we prove that any properly coloured complete graph can be nearly-decomposed into spanning rainbow trees. This asymptotically proves the Brualdi-Hollingsworth and Kaneko-Kano-Suzuki conjectures which predict that a perfect decomposition should exist under the same assumptions

    Algorithms and Generalizations for the Lovasz Local Lemma

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    The Lovasz Local Lemma (LLL) is a cornerstone principle of the probabilistic method for combinatorics. This shows that one can avoid a large of set of “bad-events” (forbidden configurations of variables), provided the local conditions are satisfied. The original probabilistic formulation of this principle did not give efficient algorithms. A breakthrough result of Moser & Tardos led to an framework based on resampling variables which turns nearly all applications of the LLL into efficient algorithms. We extend and generalize the algorithm of Moser & Tardos in a variety of ways. We show tighter bounds on the complexity of the Moser-Tardos algorithm, particularly its parallel form. We also give a new, faster parallel algorithm for the LLL. We show that in some cases, the Moser-Tardos algorithm can converge even thoughthe LLL itself does not apply; we give a new criterion (comparable to the LLL) for determining when this occurs. This leads to improved bounds for k-SAT and hypergraph coloring among other applications. We describe an extension of the Moser-Tardos algorithm based on partial resampling, and use this to obtain better bounds for problems involving sums of independent random variables, such as column-sparse packing and packet-routing. We describe a variant of the partial resampling algorithm specialized to approximating column-sparse covering integer programs, a generalization of set-cover. We also give hardness reductions and integrality gaps, showing that our partial resampling based algorithm obtains nearly optimal approximation factors. We give a variant of the Moser-Tardos algorithm for random permutations, one of the few cases of the LLL not covered by the original algorithm of Moser & Tardos. We use this to develop the first constructive algorithms for Latin transversals and hypergraph packing, including parallel algorithms. We analyze the distribution of variables induced by the Moser-Tardos algorithm. We show it has a random-like structure, which can be used to accelerate the Moser-Tardos algorithm itself as well as to cover problems such as MAX k-SAT in which we only partially avoid bad-events