5 research outputs found

    On the path partition of graphs

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    Let GG be a graph of order nn. The maximum and minimum degree of GG are denoted by Δ\Delta and δ\delta respectively. The \emph{path partition number} μ(G)\mu (G) of a graph GG is the minimum number of paths needed to partition the vertices of GG. Magnant, Wang and Yuan conjectured that μ(G)max{nδ+1,(Δδ)n(Δ+δ)}.\mu (G)\leq \max \left \{ \frac{n}{\delta +1}, \frac{\left( \Delta -\delta \right) n}{\left( \Delta +\delta \right) }\right \} . In this work, we give a positive answer to this conjecture, for Δ2δ \Delta \geq 2 \delta .\medskip \end{abstract}Comment: 13 pages,3 figure

    Stability for vertex cycle covers

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    In 1996 Kouider and Lonc proved the following natural generalization of Dirac’s Theorem: for any integer k > 2, if G is an n-vertex graph with minimum degree at least n/k, then there are k − 1 cycles in G that together cover all the vertices. This is tight in the sense that there are n-vertex graphs that have minimum degree n/k − 1 and that do not contain k − 1 cycles with this property. A concrete example is given by In,k = Kn \ K(k−1)n/k+1 (an edge-maximal graph on n vertices with an independent set of size (k − 1)n/k + 1). This graph has minimum degree n/k − 1 and cannot be covered with fewer than k cycles. More generally, given positive integers k1, . . . , kr summing to k, the disjoint union Ik1n/k,k1 +· · ·+Ikrn/k,kr is an n-vertex graph with the same properties. In this paper, we show that there are no extremal examples that differ substantially from the ones given by this construction. More precisely, we obtain the following stability result: if a graph G has n vertices and minimum degree nearly n/k, then it either contains k − 1 cycles covering all vertices, or else it must be close (in ‘edit distance’) to a subgraph of Ik1n/k,k1 + · · · + Ikrn/k,kr , for some sequence k1, . . . , kr of positive integers that sum to k. Our proof uses Szemer´edi’s Regularity Lemma and the related machinery

    Cycle partitions of regular graphs

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    Magnant and Martin conjectured that the vertex set of any dd-regular graph GG on nn vertices can be partitioned into n/(d+1)n / (d+1) paths (there exists a simple construction showing that this bound would be best possible). We prove this conjecture when d=Ω(n)d = \Omega(n), improving a result of Han, who showed that in this range almost all vertices of GG can be covered by n/(d+1)+1n / (d+1) + 1 vertex-disjoint paths. In fact, our proof gives a partition of V(G)V(G) into cycles. We also show that, if d=Ω(n)d = \Omega(n) and GG is bipartite, then V(G)V(G) can be partitioned into n/(2d)n / (2d) paths (this bound in tight for bipartite graphs).Comment: 31 pages, 1 figur

    Covering vertices by cycles

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