30 research outputs found

    Sequential Sensing with Model Mismatch

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    We characterize the performance of sequential information guided sensing, Info-Greedy Sensing, when there is a mismatch between the true signal model and the assumed model, which may be a sample estimate. In particular, we consider a setup where the signal is low-rank Gaussian and the measurements are taken in the directions of eigenvectors of the covariance matrix in a decreasing order of eigenvalues. We establish a set of performance bounds when a mismatched covariance matrix is used, in terms of the gap of signal posterior entropy, as well as the additional amount of power required to achieve the same signal recovery precision. Based on this, we further study how to choose an initialization for Info-Greedy Sensing using the sample covariance matrix, or using an efficient covariance sketching scheme.Comment: Submitted to IEEE for publicatio

    Channel Covariance Matrix Estimation via Dimension Reduction for Hybrid MIMO MmWave Communication Systems

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    Hybrid massive MIMO structures with lower hardware complexity and power consumption have been considered as a potential candidate for millimeter wave (mmWave) communications. Channel covariance information can be used for designing transmitter precoders, receiver combiners, channel estimators, etc. However, hybrid structures allow only a lower-dimensional signal to be observed, which adds difficulties for channel covariance matrix estimation. In this paper, we formulate the channel covariance estimation as a structured low-rank matrix sensing problem via Kronecker product expansion and use a low-complexity algorithm to solve this problem. Numerical results with uniform linear arrays (ULA) and uniform squared planar arrays (USPA) are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method

    Revisiting Co-Occurring Directions: Sharper Analysis and Efficient Algorithm for Sparse Matrices

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    We study the streaming model for approximate matrix multiplication (AMM). We are interested in the scenario that the algorithm can only take one pass over the data with limited memory. The state-of-the-art deterministic sketching algorithm for streaming AMM is the co-occurring directions (COD), which has much smaller approximation errors than randomized algorithms and outperforms other deterministic sketching methods empirically. In this paper, we provide a tighter error bound for COD whose leading term considers the potential approximate low-rank structure and the correlation of input matrices. We prove COD is space optimal with respect to our improved error bound. We also propose a variant of COD for sparse matrices with theoretical guarantees. The experiments on real-world sparse datasets show that the proposed algorithm is more efficient than baseline methods