89 research outputs found

    Hausaufgabenverhalten von SchĂŒlern aus unterschiedlichen Klassen?: Befunde einer Mehrebenenanalyse im Fach Französisch

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    On attribue Ă  la distribution de devoirs un apport significatif Ă  la performance scolaire. Pourtant, les diffĂ©rences constatĂ©es dans l’attitude moyenne des classes Ă  l’égard des devoirs restent jusqu’à prĂ©sent en grande partie inexpliquĂ©es de mĂȘme que l’influence de facteurs plus gĂ©nĂ©raux sur l’accomplissement des devoirs, tels que le type de la classe, sa taille ou l’appartenance Ă  un canton La prĂ©sente enquĂȘte a Ă©tĂ© menĂ©e auprĂšs de 1312 Ă©lĂšves de huitiĂšme annĂ©e appartenant Ă  73 classes rĂ©parties dans trois cantons, et dont l’allemand est la langue utilisĂ©e pour l’enseignement. Pour prĂ©sumer de la motivation et du comportement des Ă©lĂšves lors de l’exĂ©cution des devoirs, des analyses multiniveaux ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es. Ces analyses montrent que des facteurs dĂ©pendant de la classe et de l’établissement scolaire influencent considĂ©rablement l’apprentissage des Ă©lĂšves Ă  la maison. En mĂȘme temps, il apparaĂźt que la seule prise en considĂ©ration d’aspects structurels tels que la taille ou le type de la classe n’est pas suffisante. La recherche sur la qualitĂ© des devoirs demande Ă  ĂȘtre approfondie.Students’ achievement gains have been linked to homework assignments (teacher level) and students’ conscientious homework behavior (student level). However, there are no empirical studies that empirically investigated the differences in homework behavior among students in different classes and the impact of structural features (e.g., course level, class size, region) on students’ homework behavior. In the present study with 1,312 eight graders from 73 German speaking classes from three regions in Switzerland, multilevel modeling was used to predict students’ homework motivation and behavior. The analyses indicate that school-level and course-level factors significantly impact on students’ homework behavior. However, the data indicate that it is not sufficient to take structural predictors such as class size and course level into account. Therefore, studies focusing on homework quality are called for.Der Hausaufgabenvergabe wird ein signifikanter Beitrag zur ErklĂ€rung von Schulleistung zugesprochen. Bislang ist jedoch weitgehend ungeklĂ€rt, wie stark sich unterschiedliche Klassen ĂŒberhaupt in ihrem mittleren Hausaufgabenverhalten unterscheiden und ob sich Faktoren auf Aggregatsebene (z.B. Kursniveau, Klassengrösse, Kantonszugehörigkeit) in dem Hausaufgabenerledigungsverhalten von SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern niederschlagen. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung mit insgesamt 1312 AchtklĂ€sslern aus 73 Klassen mit deutscher Unterrichtssprache aus drei Schweizer Kantonen wurden Mehrebenenanalysen verwendet, um Hausaufgabenmotivation und Hausaufgabenverhalten von SchĂŒlerinnen und SchĂŒlern vorherzusagen. Die Analysen zeigen, dass Faktoren auf Klassen- und Schulebene in der Tat das hĂ€usliche Lernverhalten von SchĂŒlern in bedeutsamer Weise beeinflussen. Gleichzeitig wird deutlich, dass eine alleinige BerĂŒcksichtigung struktureller Aspekte wie Klassengrösse und Kursniveau nicht ausreichend ist. Die Erforschung der HausaufgabenqualitĂ€t wird angemahnt

    Learning Analytics: Translating Data into “Just-in-Time” Interventions

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    Despite the burgeoning studies on student attrition and retention, many institutions continue to deal with related issues, including D, F, and W grades rates. The emerging and rapidly developing Learning Analytics (LA) field shows great potential for improving learning outcomes by monitoring and analyzing student performance to allow instructors to recommend specific interventions based on key performance indicators. Unfortunately, higher education has been slow to implement it. We, therefore, provide the rationale and benefits of increased LA integration into courses and curriculum. We further identify and suggest ready-to-implement best practices, as well as tools available in Learning Management Systems (LMSs) and other helpful resources

    How Demographics, Devices, and Course Characteristics Impact Introductory Psychology Course Outcomes during COVID-19

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    We explored factors predicting student learning outcomes (N=1303) in online Introductory Psychology sections at an open-enrollment college in the Northeastern United States in Fall 2020. Students from historically underserved groups were more likely to struggle on course outcomes, perhaps reflecting the disproportionate impact of COVID-19. Use of desktops/laptops on assignments predicted higher pass rates and quiz grades. Scores on quizzes tended to be higher in smaller class sections. Findings suggest certain students are already at-risk at the semester’s start, students should use desktops/laptops for online coursework when possible, and smaller online class sizes correlate with better performance on low-stakes outcomes

    Factors Contributing to Student Retention in Online Learning and Recommended Strategies for Improvement: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Aim/Purpose This systematic literature review investigates the underlying factors that influence the gap between the popularity of online learning and its completion rate. The review scope within this paper includes an observation of possible causal aspects within the non-ideal completion rates in online learning environments and an identification of recommended strategies to increase retention rates. Background While online learning is increasingly popular, and the number of online students is steadily growing, student retention rates are significantly lower than those in the traditional environment. Despite the multitude of studies, many institutions are still searching for solutions for this matter. Methodology A systematic literature review was conducted on 40 studies published between 2010 and 2018. We established a set of criteria to guide the selection of eligible articles including topic relevance (aligned with the research questions), empirical studies, and publication time frame. Further steps were performed through a major database searching, abstract screening, full-text analysis, and synthesis process. Contribution This study adds to expanding literature regarding student retention and strategies in online learning environments within the higher education setting. Findings Revealed factors include institutional support, the level difficulty of the programs, promotion of a sense of belonging, facilitation of learning, course design, student behavioral characteristics, and demographic variables along with other personal variables. The recommended strategies identified for improving student retention are early interventions, at-all-times supports for students, effective communication, support for faculty teaching online classes, high-quality instructional feedback and strategies, guidance to foster positive behavioral characteristics, and collaboration among stakeholders to support online students. Recommendations for Practitioners Since factors within the open systems of online learning are interrelated, we recommend a collective effort from multiple stakeholders when addressing retention issues in online learning. Recommendation for Researchers We recommend that fellow scholars consider focusing on each influential factor and recommendation in regard to student retention in online learning environments as synthesized in this study. Findings will further enrich the literature on student retention in online learning environments. Future Research Future research may investigate various data-mining and analytics techniques pertaining to detection and prediction of at-risk students, the efficacy of student support and faculty support programs, and ways to encourage struggling students to adopt effective strategies that potentially engender positive learning behaviors

    Giving Up on a Course: An Analysis of Course Dropping Behaviors Among Community College Students

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    Excessive course dropping is costly to students and institutions. Using longitudinal transcript data, this study investigated course withdrawal patterns among 5900 students at a large, racially/ethnically diverse community college district in Texas. Two-thirds of the students dropped at least one course, and 13.5% of the total course enrollments resulted in withdrawal. Course withdrawal rates were significantly higher among students who were: male, African American, age 20–24, GED holders, academically underprepared, enrolled part-time, and had a cumulative college GPA of less than 2.0. Science, mathematics, and writing courses had high drop rates, as did Second Start and fully online courses. Dropping 20% or more of attempted courses was associated with 44% lower odds of a successful enrollment outcome. We hypothesize that community college students are rational, act in their own self-interest, and perform a cost–benefit analysis with the knowledge they possess when deciding whether to drop a particular course. However, students often overuse or misuse the course withdrawal function. Despite acting in self-interest at the moment, the decision to drop a course is often not in students’ long-term best interest, and excessive course dropping can resemble a ‘cooling out’ mechanism by which students’ reduce their aspirations toward degree completion. Recognizing community college structures and rules (e.g., withdrawal procedures, tuition refund policy) influence course dropping decisions, we describe academic policies and classroom practices that can help reduce course withdrawals. We believe that reducing course attrition is a foundational, yet often overlooked, mechanism for reducing community college attrition


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    E-Modul Metode Dasar Pengolahan Makanan berbasis GlideApps merupakan suatu alternatif dalam pembelajaran Pengolahan Makanan secara online pada masa pandemic, tidak perlu instalasi aplikasi laptop, berisi konten yang terintegrasi oleh audio, video dan gambar yang akan mempermudah peserta didik memahami materi pelajaran. Tujuan  penulis melakukan penelitian ini yakni untuk mengetahui: 1) kelayakan media pembelajaran 2) hasil uji coba implementasi media pembelajaran E-Modul berbasis GlideApps terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar (nilai) peserta didik pada kompetensi dasar metode dasar pengolahan makanan, dan 3) respon peserta didik terhadap kegiatan pembelajaran dengan implementasi E-Modul berbasis GlideApps. Penelitian ini dijalankan menggunakan Research & Development. Uji kelayakan E-Modul dilakukan melalui validasi yang melibatkan dua orang ahli materi dan dua orang ahli media. Uji coba E-Modul dan respon pada skala kecil dilakukan pada peserta didik kelas X Tata Boga 2 SMKN 3 Kediri. Validasi E-Modul berbasis GlideApps dan respon peserta didik dilakukan menggunakan angket, sedangkan pengukuran hasil uji penggunaan E-Modul diukur menggunakan test. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh peneliti menunjukkan bahwa: 1) E-Modul Metode Dasar Pengolahan Makanan berbasis GlideApps memperoleh penilaian dari ahli media dan ahli materi  85 dan 86,15 yang termasuk dalam kategori sangat layak digunakan dalam kegiatan pembelajaran, 2) Hasil uji coba E-Modul berbasis GlideApps menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan rerata hasil belajar (nilai) sebelum dan sesudah diterapkannya media pembelajaran, pada analisis data uji paired sample t-test rerata nilai posttest (74) lebih tinggi daripada pretest (64) dengan signifikansi (Sig.) sebesar 0,000. < 0,05 sehingga simpulan yang diperoleh E-Modul Metode Dasar Pengolahan Makanan berbasis GlideApps mampu meningkatkan hasil belajar (nilai) peserta didik, dan 3) E-Modul Metode Dasar Pengolahan Makanan berbasis GlideApps mendapat respon dengan presentase 93% yang termasuk kategori sangat baik. Penyajian materi E-Modul berbasis GlideApps membuat pembelajaran tidak membosankan dengan dilengkapi fitur beragam sehingga menambah antusias serta keaktifan peserta didik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran


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      ABSTRAK   Penerapan media pembelajaran di SMKN 1 Pogalan Trenggalek jurusan Tata Boga masih kurang diperhatikan sehingga kriteria ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa masih rendah.  Guna menunjang hal tersebut, maka diperlukan penerapan media LKPD elektronik (e-LKPD). Tujuan penelitian penerapan media e-LKPD berbasis Problem Based Learning pada kompetensi unggas dan hasil olahannya di SMKN 1 Pogalan Trenggalek yakni: 1) keterlaksanaan sintaks PBL; 2) ketercapaian pemahaman tingkat pengetahuan kompetensi dasar unggas dan hasil olahannya dengan menggunakan e-LKPD; 3) respon siswa pada media e-LKPD yang diterapkan di kelas. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen semu dengan desain one group pretest-posttest design. Angket, tes dan observasi digunakan dalam teknik pengumpulan data. Uji Paired Sample T-test merupakan metode yang digunakan dalam analisis data.  Subjek dalam penelitian yaitu siswa kelas X SMKN 1 Pogalan Trenggalek sejumlah 32 orang. Hasil penelitian ini adalah : 1) keterlaksanaan sintaks PBL pada kompetensi dasar Pengetahuan Unggas dan Hasil Olahannya dikategorikan sangat baik  (SB) memiliki rerata sebesar 91%. 2) Hasil rerata ketercapaian pemahaman tingkat  pengetahuan kompetensi dasar unggas dan hasil olahannya sebesar 64,5 untuk pretest dan 80 posttest. 3) Penerapan e-LKPD memiliki respon sebesar 87% dan dikategorikan sangat baik (SB)


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    Water resources are progressively under pressure from anthropogenic uses. Students need to learn about water systems as they are the future decision-makers and problem solvers who will be faced with unknown challenges in the future. The overarching goals of this dissertation were: 1) to identify ways in which geoscience instructors are incorporating systems thinking and science modeling in their teaching along with the accompanying methods for improving systems thinking and modeling implementation and 2) explore how the implementation of science modeling and systems thinking increase student evaluation of models and the understanding of hydrologic content. Data for these studies came from the Geoscience Educators Research (GER) 2016 survey data, student assignments and interviews surrounding the Water Balance Model, and student responses from a sociohydrologic systems thinking assignment. First, GER survey data was analyzed with significant variation observed in reported frequency of science modeling and systems thinking (SMST) practices with the highest levels of SMST reported in the atmospheric and environmental sciences, those who emphasize research-based, student centered pedagogical methods, those who recently made course revisions, and those who reported high levels of participation in educational professional development. Therefore, to test if this was replicable in subsequent work, we examined a course at UNL, SCIL 109: Water in Society, a novel course. Courses in SCIL (Science Literacy) are housed in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources, are interdisciplinary, and include both human and scientific dimensions. A case study emerged from this data presenting the use of a computer-based water model over three iterations of SCIL 109. Results indicate that students regardless of year in college, gender, or major can effectively reason about the Water Balance Model. Specific investigation into student performance and reasoning surrounding the Water Balance Model indicate that model evaluation and understanding of core hydrologic content increased from 2017 to 2018 in part due to a flipped classroom format. Finally, the systems thinking assignment from SCIL 109 was studied using mixed-methods to investigate student operationalization of a sociohydrologic system. Results show that students scored highest on problem identification from their written work and mechanism inclusion form their drawn models. Each of these studies contributes to the overall body of knowledge surrounding undergraduate geoscience education. Adviser: Cory T. Forbe
