4 research outputs found

    Coupling particle filters with automatic speech recognition for speech feature enhancement

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    This paper addresses robust speech feature extraction in combination with statistical speech feature enhancement and couples the particle filter to the speech recognition hypotheses. To extract noise robust features the Fourier transformation is replaced by the warped and scaled minimum variance distortionless response spectral envelope. To enhance the features, particle filtering has been used. Further, we show that the robust extraction and statistical enhancement can be combined to good effect. One of the critical aspects in particle filter design is the particle weight calculation which is traditionally based on a general, time independent speech model approximated by a Gaussian mixture distribution. We replace this general, time independent speech model by time- and phoneme-specific models. The knowledge of the phonemes to be used is obtained by the hypothesis of a speech recognition system, therefore establishing a coupling between the particle filter and the speech recognition system which have been treated as independent components in the past. Index Terms: particle filters, automatic speech recognition, speech feature enhancement, phoneme-specifi

    Veröffentlichungen und VortrĂ€ge 2006 der Mitglieder der FakultĂ€t fĂŒr Informatik

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    Robust Automatic Transcription of Lectures

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    Die automatische Transkription von VortrĂ€gen, Vorlesungen und PrĂ€sentationen wird immer wichtiger und ermöglicht erst die Anwendungen der automatischen Übersetzung von Sprache, der automatischen Zusammenfassung von Sprache, der gezielten Informationssuche in Audiodaten und somit die leichtere ZugĂ€nglichkeit in digitalen Bibliotheken. Im Idealfall arbeitet ein solches System mit einem Mikrofon das den Vortragenden vom Tragen eines Mikrofons befreit was der Fokus dieser Arbeit ist