3 research outputs found

    Optimization Model that Minimizes the Penalty Caused by Delayed Delivery of Construction Projects

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    Purpose: This work aims to minimize the penalty generated by delays in delivering construction projects operated by a single machine.   Theoretical framework: The fundamental issues to develop this work are optimization and its application to delays in construction projects operated in their initial stage by a single machine.   Design/Methodology/Approach: We presented a construction case study, developed an optimization model, implemented a computational optimization tool and obtained the optimal sequence to perform the tasks.     Findings: The numerical results demonstrated the model’s usefulness in minimizing the penalty generated by delays in the delivery of projects.   Research, practical & social implications: The benefit of this study is to help managers or decision-makers schedule their construction projects with limited resources and deadlines per activity to minimize penalty costs of delay.   Originality/Value: Considering that the construction sector generates the largest labor force in Peru, the study has an important social value by providing a tool to improve operations and incentivize construction companies to continue operating. In addition, it provides a substantial basis for future work by applying optimization in a specific area of civil engineering. To our knowledge, no researcher or company in Peru has yet addressed this study

    Approximation algorithms for coupled task scheduling minimizing the sum of completion times

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    In this paper we consider the coupled task scheduling problem with exact delay times on a single machine with the objective of minimizing the total completion time of the jobs. We provide constant-factor approximation algorithms for several variants of this problem that are known to be \mathcal{N}\mathcal{P} N P -hard, while also proving \mathcal{N}\mathcal{P} N P -hardness for two variants whose complexity was unknown before. Using these results, together with constant-factor approximations for the makespan objective from the literature, we also introduce the first results on bi-objective approximation in the coupled task setting

    Coupled-task scheduling on a single machine subject to a fixed-job-sequence

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    This paper investigates single-machine coupled-task scheduling where each job has two tasks separated by an exact delay. The objective of this study is to schedule the tasks to minimize the makespan subject to a given job sequence. We introduce several intriguing properties of the fixed-job-sequence problem under study. While the complexity status of the studied problem remains open, an O(n2) algorithm is proposed to construct a feasible schedule attaining the minimum makespan for a given permutation of 2n tasks abiding by the fixed-job-sequence constraint. We investigate several polynomially solvable cases of the fixed-job-sequence problem and present a complexity graph of the problem. © 2010 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved