6 research outputs found

    Refraction enhancement in plasmonics by the coherent control of plasmon resonances

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    A plasmonic nanoantenna probed by a plane-polarized optical field in a medium with no gain materials can show zero absorption or even amplification, while exhibiting maximal polarizability. This occurs through coupling to an adjacent nanoantenna in a specially designed metamolecule, which is pumped by an orthogonal optical field with phase shift. The introduced scheme is a classical counterpart of an effect known in quantum optics as enhancement of the index of refraction (EIR). In contrary to electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT), where the medium is rendered highly dispersive at the point of zero susceptibility and minimum absorption, in the EIR the system exhibits large susceptibility and low dispersion at the point of zero or negative absorption. The plasmonic analogue of the EIR allows for coherent control over the polarizability and absorption of plasmonic nanoantennas, offering a novel approach to all optical switching and coherent control of transmission, diffraction and polarization conversion properties of plasmonic nanostructures, as well as propagation properties of surface plasmon polaritons on metasurfaces. It may also open up the way for lossless or amplifying propagation of optical waves in zero-index to high refractive index plasmonic metamaterial

    Light scattering by coupled oriented dipoles: Decomposition of the scattering matrix

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    We study the optical response of two coupled oriented dipoles with the dimer axis perpendicular to the wave vector of light by analyzing how their scattering matrix can be decomposed. The scattering matrix can be written as a linear combination of three terms with a clear physical meaning: one for each particle and another that is responsible for the coupling and that vanishes for noninteracting or distant particles. We show that the interaction term may generate optical activity for certain scattering directions and that this effect manifests itself mostly in the near field. This simple and intuitive theory based on matrix and vector states of oriented dipoles also describes hybridization processes and Fano resonances. The decomposition method can be also formulated in terms of a hybrid basis that allows us to quantitatively determine the individual contribution of the in-phase and out-of-phase coupling modes to the overall intensity. Our method can help to understand the optical response of more complex nanostructures that can be decomposed into dipole terms. The results are illustrated in gold nanoantenna dimers which exhibit a strong dipolar resonance

    Permanent displacement based seismic design chart for cantilever retaining walls

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    We analyze and optimize the performance of coupled plasmonic nanoantennas for refractive index sensing. The investigated structure supports a sub- and a superradiant mode that originates in the weak coupling of a dipolar and a quadrupolar mode, resulting in a Fano-type spectral lineshape. In our study, we vary the near-field coupling of the two modes and particularly examine the influence of the spectral detuning between them on the sensing performance. Surprisingly, the case of matched resonance frequencies does not provide the best sensor. Instead, we find that the right amount of coupling strength and spectral detuning allows for achieving the ideal combination of narrow linewidth and sufficient excitation strength of the subradiant mode, and therefore results in an optimized sensor performance. Our findings are confirmed by experimental results and first-order perturbation theory. The latter is based on the resonant state expansion and provides direct access to resonance frequency shifts and linewidth changes as well as the excitation strength of the modes. Based on these parameters, we define a figure of merit that can be easily calculated for different sensing geometries and agrees well with the numerical and experimental results.by Prajakta Jadhav, Mohit Singh and Amit Prashan

    Highly sensitive refractive index sensors with plasmonic nanoantennas - utilization of optimal spectral detuning

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    We analyze and optimize the performance of coupled plasmonic nanoantennas for refractive index sensing. The investigated structure supports a sub- and a superradiant mode that originates in the weak coupling of a dipolar and a quadrupolar mode, resulting in a Fano-type spectral lineshape. In our study, we vary the near-field coupling of the two modes and particularly examine the influence of the spectral detuning between them on the sensing performance. Surprisingly, the case of matched resonance frequencies does not provide the best sensor. Instead, we find that the right amount of coupling strength and spectral detuning allows for achieving the ideal combination of narrow linewidth and sufficient excitation strength of the subradiant mode, and therefore results in an optimized sensor performance. Our findings are confirmed by experimental results and first-order perturbation theory. The latter is based on the resonant state expansion and provides direct access to resonance frequency shifts and linewidth changes as well as the excitation strength of the modes. Based on these parameters, we define a figure of merit that can be easily calculated for different sensing geometries and agrees well with the numerical and experimental results.by Martin Mesch, Thomas Weiss, Martin Schaferling, Mario Hentschel, Ravi S. Hegde, and Harald Giesse

    Highly Sensitive Refractive Index Sensors with Plasmonic Nanoantennas−Utilization of Optimal Spectral Detuning of Fano Resonances

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    We analyze and optimize the performance of coupled plasmonic nanoantennas for refractive index sensing. The investigated structure supports a sub- and super-radiant mode that originates from the weak coupling of a dipolar and quadrupolar mode, resulting in a Fano-type spectral line shape. In our study, we vary the near-field coupling of the two modes and particularly examine the influence of the spectral detuning between them on the sensing performance. Surprisingly, the case of matched resonance frequencies does not provide the best sensor. Instead, we find that the right amount of coupling strength and spectral detuning allows for achieving the ideal combination of narrow line width and sufficient excitation strength of the subradiant mode, and therefore results in optimized sensor performance. Our findings are confirmed by experimental results and first-order perturbation theory. The latter is based on the resonant state expansion and provides direct access to resonance frequency shifts and line width changes as well as the excitation strength of the modes. Based on these parameters, we define a figure of merit that can be easily calculated for different sensing geometries and agrees well with the numerical and experimental results