87 research outputs found

    Three\u27s Compromised Too: Circular Insecurity for Any Cycle Length from (Ring-)LWE

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    Informally, a public-key encryption scheme is \emph{kk-circular secure} if a cycle of~kk encrypted secret keys (\pkcenc_{\pk_{1}}(\sk_{2}), \pkcenc_{\pk_{2}}(\sk_{3}), \ldots, \pkcenc_{\pk_{k}}(\sk_{1})) is indistinguishable from encryptions of zeros. Circular security has applications in a wide variety of settings, ranging from security of symbolic protocols to fully homomorphic encryption. A fundamental question is whether standard security notions like IND-CPA/CCA imply kk-circular security. For the case k=2k=2, several works over the past years have constructed counterexamples---i.e., schemes that are CPA or even CCA secure but not 22-circular secure---under a variety of well-studied assumptions (SXDH, decision linear, and LWE). However, for k>2k > 2 the only known counterexamples are based on strong general-purpose obfuscation assumptions. In this work we construct kk-circular security counterexamples for any k2k \geq 2 based on (ring-)LWE. Specifically: \begin{itemize} \item for any constant k=O(1)k=O(1), we construct a counterexample based on nn-dimensional (plain) LWE for \poly(n) approximation factors; \item for any k=\poly(\lambda), we construct one based on degree-nn ring-LWE for at most subexponential exp(nε)\exp(n^{\varepsilon}) factors. \end{itemize} Moreover, both schemes are k2˘7k\u27-circular insecure for 2k2˘7k2 \leq k\u27 \leq k. Notably, our ring-LWE construction does not immediately translate to an LWE-based one, because matrix multiplication is not commutative. To overcome this, we introduce a new ``tensored\u27\u27 variant of LWE which provides the desired commutativity, and which we prove is actually equivalent to plain LWE

    Small-Box Cryptography

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    One of the ultimate goals of symmetric-key cryptography is to find a rigorous theoretical framework for building block ciphers from small components, such as cryptographic S-boxes, and then argue why iterating such small components for sufficiently many rounds would yield a secure construction. Unfortunately, a fundamental obstacle towards reaching this goal comes from the fact that traditional security proofs cannot get security beyond 2^{-n}, where n is the size of the corresponding component. As a result, prior provably secure approaches - which we call "big-box cryptography" - always made n larger than the security parameter, which led to several problems: (a) the design was too coarse to really explain practical constructions, as (arguably) the most interesting design choices happening when instantiating such "big-boxes" were completely abstracted out; (b) the theoretically predicted number of rounds for the security of this approach was always dramatically smaller than in reality, where the "big-box" building block could not be made as ideal as required by the proof. For example, Even-Mansour (and, more generally, key-alternating) ciphers completely ignored the substitution-permutation network (SPN) paradigm which is at the heart of most real-world implementations of such ciphers. In this work, we introduce a novel paradigm for justifying the security of existing block ciphers, which we call small-box cryptography. Unlike the "big-box" paradigm, it allows one to go much deeper inside the existing block cipher constructions, by only idealizing a small (and, hence, realistic!) building block of very small size n, such as an 8-to-32-bit S-box. It then introduces a clean and rigorous mixture of proofs and hardness conjectures which allow one to lift traditional, and seemingly meaningless, "at most 2^{-n}" security proofs for reduced-round idealized variants of the existing block ciphers, into meaningful, full-round security justifications of the actual ciphers used in the real world. We then apply our framework to the analysis of SPN ciphers (e.g, generalizations of AES), getting quite reasonable and plausible concrete hardness estimates for the resulting ciphers. We also apply our framework to the design of stream ciphers. Here, however, we focus on the simplicity of the resulting construction, for which we managed to find a direct "big-box"-style security justification, under a well studied and widely believed eXact Linear Parity with Noise (XLPN) assumption. Overall, we hope that our work will initiate many follow-up results in the area of small-box cryptography

    Query Complexity Lower Bounds for Local List-Decoding and Hard-Core Predicates (Even for Small Rate and Huge Lists)

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    One-Message Zero Knowledge and Non-Malleable Commitments

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    We introduce a new notion of one-message zero-knowledge (1ZK) arguments that satisfy a weak soundness guarantee — the number of false statements that a polynomial-time non-uniform adversary can convince the verifier to accept is not much larger than the size of its non-uniform advice. The zero-knowledge guarantee is given by a simulator that runs in (mildly) super-polynomial time. We construct such 1ZK arguments based on the notion of multi-collision-resistant keyless hash functions, recently introduced by Bitansky, Kalai, and Paneth (STOC 2018). Relying on the constructed 1ZK arguments, subexponentially-secure time-lock puzzles, and other standard assumptions, we construct one-message fully-concurrent non-malleable commitments. This is the first construction that is based on assumptions that do not already incorporate non-malleability, as well as the first based on (subexponentially) falsifiable assumptions

    KDM-Secure Public-Key Encryption from Constant-Noise LPN

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    The Learning Parity with Noise (LPN) problem has found many applications in cryptography due to its conjectured post-quantum hardness and simple algebraic structure. Over the years, constructions of different public-key primitives were proposed from LPN, but most of them are based on the LPN assumption with _low noise_ rate rather than _constant noise_ rate. A recent breakthrough was made by Yu and Zhang (Crypto\u2716), who constructed the first Public-Key Encryption (PKE) from constant-noise LPN. However, the problem of designing a PKE with _Key-Dependent Message_ (KDM) security from constant-noise LPN is still open. In this paper, we present the first PKE with KDM-security assuming certain sub-exponential hardness of constant-noise LPN, where the number of users is predefined. The technical tool is two types of _multi-fold LPN on squared-log entropy_, one having _independent secrets_ and the other _independent sample subspaces_. We establish the hardness of the multi-fold LPN variants on constant-noise LPN. Two squared-logarithmic entropy sources for multi-fold LPN are carefully chosen, so that our PKE is able to achieve correctness and KDM-security simultaneously

    KDM Security for Identity-Based Encryption: Constructions and Separations

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    For encryption schemes, key dependent message (KDM) security requires that ciphertexts preserve secrecy even when the messages to be encrypted depend on the secret keys. While KDM security has been extensively studied for public-key encryption (PKE), it receives much less attention in the setting of identity-based encryption (IBE). In this work, we focus on the KDM security for IBE. Our results are threefold. We first propose a generic approach to transfer the KDM security results (both positive and negative) from PKE to IBE. At the heart of our approach is a neat structure-mirroring PKE-to-IBE transformation based on indistinguishability obfuscation and puncturable PRFs, which establishes a connection between PKE and IBE in general. However, the obtained results are restricted to selective-identity sense. We then concentrate on results in adaptive-identity sense. On the positive side, we present two constructions that achieve KDM security in the adaptive-identity sense for the first time. One is built from identity-based hash proof system (IB-HPS) with homomorphic property, which indicates that the IBE schemes of Gentry (Eurocrypt 2006), Coron (DCC 2009), Chow et al. (CCS 2010) are actually KDM-secure in the single-key setting. The other is built from indistinguishability obfuscation and a new notion named puncturable unique signature, which is bounded KDM-secure in the single-key setting. On the negative side, we separate CPA/CCA security from nn-circular security (which is a prototypical case of KDM security) for IBE by giving a counterexample based on differing-inputs obfuscation and a new notion named puncturable IBE. We further propose a general framework for generating nn-circular security counterexamples in identity-based setting, which might be of independent interest

    Tight Parallel Repetition Theorems for Public-Coin Arguments using KL-divergence

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    We present a new and conceptually simpler proof of a tight parallel-repetition theorem for public-coin arguments (Pass-Venkitasubramaniam, STOC\u2707, Hastad et al, TCC\u2710, Chung-Liu, TCC\u2710). We follow the same proof framework as the previous non-tight parallel-repetition theorem of Hastad et al---which relied on *statistical distance* to measure the distance between experiments---and show that it can be made tight (and further simplied) if instead relying on *KL-divergence* as the distance between the experiments. We then show that our proof technique directly yields tight ``Chernoff-type\u27\u27 parallel-repetition theorems (where one considers a ``threshold\u27\u27 verifier that accepts iff the prover manages to convince a certain fraction of the parallel verifiers, as opposed to all of them) for any public-coin interactive argument; previously, tight results were only known for either constant-round protocols, or when the gap between the threshold and the original error-probability is a constant

    Counterexamples to New Circular Security Assumptions Underlying iO

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    We study several strengthening of classical circular security assumptions which were recently introduced in four new lattice-based constructions of indistinguishability obfuscation: Brakerski-Döttling-Garg-Malavolta (Eurocrypt 2020), Gay-Pass (STOC 2021), Brakerski-Döttling-Garg-Malavolta (Eprint 2020) and Wee-Wichs (Eprint 2020). We provide explicit counterexamples to the {\em 22-circular shielded randomness leakage} assumption w.r.t.\ the Gentry-Sahai-Waters fully homomorphic encryption scheme proposed by Gay-Pass, and the {\em homomorphic pseudorandom LWE samples} conjecture proposed by Wee-Wichs. Our work suggests a separation between classical circular security of the kind underlying un-levelled fully-homomorphic encryption from the strengthened versions underlying recent iO constructions, showing that they are not (yet) on the same footing. Our counterexamples exploit the flexibility to choose specific implementations of circuits, which is explicitly allowed in the Gay-Pass assumption and unspecified in the Wee-Wichs assumption. Their indistinguishabilty obfuscation schemes are still unbroken. Our work shows that the assumptions, at least, need refinement. In particular, generic leakage-resilient circular security assumptions are delicate, and their security is sensitive to the specific structure of the leakages involved

    An efficient quantum parallel repetition theorem and applications

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    We prove a tight parallel repetition theorem for 33-message computationally-secure quantum interactive protocols between an efficient challenger and an efficient adversary. We also prove under plausible assumptions that the security of 44-message computationally secure protocols does not generally decrease under parallel repetition. These mirror the classical results of Bellare, Impagliazzo, and Naor [BIN97]. Finally, we prove that all quantum argument systems can be generically compiled to an equivalent 33-message argument system, mirroring the transformation for quantum proof systems [KW00, KKMV07]. As immediate applications, we show how to derive hardness amplification theorems for quantum bit commitment schemes (answering a question of Yan [Yan22]), EFI pairs (answering a question of Brakerski, Canetti, and Qian [BCQ23]), public-key quantum money schemes (answering a question of Aaronson and Christiano [AC13]), and quantum zero-knowledge argument systems. We also derive an XOR lemma [Yao82] for quantum predicates as a corollary